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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. NASA Releases 8400 High Def Pictures

    America went from the Apollo program to this: All in under four decades
  2. Airman Spencer Stone, who was decorated with multiple medals including the Purple Heart after he and two of his friends disarmed terrorist Ayooub El-Khazaani on a French train this summer, was repeatedly stabbed in the chest early this morning in Sacramento, California. The attack came at approximately 12:45 a.m. on a street corner near a bar district in downtown Sacramento. Apparently the attack happened after or was a continuation of a fight involving Stone. The assailant (or assailants) are currently not known. Stone survived the attack and is in stable condition at this time, according to the U.S. Air Force. http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/hero-airman-who-took-down-terrorist-on-french-train-sta-1735429997 http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/10/10/witness-says-french-train-hero-was-protecting-woman-during-stabbing/
  3. A-5A/A3J

    One of the most extensive videos I have found on the Vigilante. The A-5 and A-3 always seemed to be those big "mysterious" background aircraft you would see in naval aviation photos from the 60s-80s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwYdz-U75fk
  4. You won't regret it. A lot of the annoying AI bugs still exist, but game play is a whole lot smoother.
  5. Fallen Angel

    Thanks for the likes everyone, making this video was truly a pain in the ass. DCS 1.5 and the latest NVIDIA updates brought some new issues that I was not prepared for. I also had to fly the FAC profile in the A-10. Good god I was totally unprepared for that, I have no time in this game with the Hawg and all my HOTAS and rudder profiles are setup for the F-15. That maneuvering at the end is me freaking the hell out because I'm fighting the untrimmed aircraft, making sure the makers get deployed over the survivor, and that I don't get shot down.
  6. Probably one of the best videos I have come across in a very long time. Military aviation might be high speed and technologically advanced, but it still requires a lot of hard and sweaty manual labor in order to work. Some of the most important work is trusted to young kids fresh out of high-school or college.
  7. There are only three active duty USAF F-15C squadrons left, one in England and two in Japan. The rest are Air National Guard units that are primarily tasked with homeland defense, interception, and training (in the case of the one of Oregon's wings). Does this mean the USAF is going to task and stretch the ANG even further than it already is? I love the F-15A/C to death. Been my favorite aircraft since I was child, but it's time as "the" air superiority has passed. The F-22 is far superior and the FLANKER has exceeded it in maneuverability and I'm willing to bet the Russians and Chinese have developed some sensor or E/W capability that can do an end-run or match US 4th generation tech. F-15 pilots are probably the best trained and most experienced fighter pilots in the world (including the IAF) but how long is that going to last with deep budget cuts? As far as budget woes, both political parties and both the executive and legislative branches are to blame for these fiascoes. They failed to plan and prioritize and became more concerned with being re-elected or snagging "consulting jobs" then governing. Makes no sense the government has been operating on a unbalanced budget and "CR" for almost a decade. Knee jerk reactions to media frenzies is not a way to govern a country. Not thinking beyond the next election cycle is a failure of political leadership. Governing by emotion (which both parties actively do) gets nothing done. In addition, the American public also has a share in the blame. People knowingly and willingly believe the lie that you can have "something" for "nothing". That they are entitled to "everything". And that all they have to do is vote in POTUS elections make the the government effective. The public has shrugged its responsibilities or being educated, informed, and most importantly be active voters.
  8. Sometimes I feel like I have some sort of ADD. I planed on finishing up my DCS video series Eleven once the 1.5 alpha/beta was released but I also needed to test a few things out before I started. I set up a fake little ANG training exercise with the AI, a cross between William Tell and a FLAG-type scenario. The results were mixed, seems like AI goes a bit overboard in trying to avoid aircraft and the ground, but on the plus side graphics have gotten a whole let better and less CPU and memory seems to be used. They went in a positive direction as far as getting DCS to use system resources more efficiently. More here: http://ironroad.deviantart.com/
  9. I played around with it some the other night. Runs a whole lot smoother and I have no problem cranking up the settings my GTX 770. Less stutters, although I have kept trees and bushes down to avoid sucking up resources. One of the first major bugs I noticed was AI has gone into extreme mode with aircraft collision avoidance. Also aircraft no longer take-off from runways into the direction of the prevailing winds, instead the taxi to one side start rolling from there. On some airfields this is a problem because AI will taxi to the middle or end of the runway. I did a short "tester" video here. I wanted to see how things worked out before I resumed production of my main video series.
  10. News of environmental importence to CA Members...

    Are we talking just regular eels or the long, slimy, and brown variety?
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaporware
  12. As much of a naysayer that I am, I feel compelled to buy this one and give it a try. Thanks for sharing!
  13. B-52 Tail Gun Question.

    hot damn!
  14. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/three-americans-hailed-heroes-stopping-train-attack-n414206 Two US military men (one Army National Guard and one Air Force) and two civilians (one British).
  15. Raise a glass

  16. I'm looking for some old school tunes ... suggestions?

    David Ruffin: Blood Donors Needed One of his hits a few years after he was booted out of the Temptations. His career started declining after that. Around that same time Eddie Kendricks (also at the time a former Temptation) had a few hits as well. The Dramatics: Get up and Get Down Curtis Mayfield: Superfly *Great album and probably the best movie soundtrack I have had the pleasure of hearing. However, the Mack was a far superior pimp movie IMHO. Iron Maiden: 666 *Have not heard a better riff before or since. One of Elton John's Breakout Hits: Benny and the Jets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vLlpJc9mW0 (one of the few songs that sound just as good live as it does recorded) Boz Scaggs: Lowdown Heatwave: Grooveline *Get your roller skates! Since you mentioned techno...why not electro? DuPont: Burn Kano: I'm Ready And because I have always been a huge Big Daddy Kane Fan... Ain't No Half Steppin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fTrY8T1e6w
  17. Straight Out of Gotham

  18. Thanks for sharing Kjakker and Gunrunner Personally I feel the F-35 is... And btw (and this not directed at you or anyone in particular) BUT CAN WE PLEASE HAVE A RETIREMENT CEREMONY FOR THE CLICHE AND MADE-UP TERM (THAT IS ALSO INCORRECTLY USED AS A VERB AND PHARSE) STRAW-MAN I see that, word, phrase, or term??? get thrown around waay to much in english-American diction. It is usually done by pseudo-intellectuals that have read one to many "get rich quick" books, faux armchair pundits, or those that want to tap into some fake MBA lexicon. In every context it is used in some emotional political, policy, or social argument by one emotional person to try and sound "smart" while negating the response of the opposing emotional person without actually saying anything of meaning. That, word, phrase, or term??, is on my S-list along with "tiger-team", "the cloud", and the all famous "politician thumb" (which is more of a gesture instead of a phrase). Sorry people, rant is now off...
  19. Nothing is sacred anymore... I don't condone street justice or vigilantism, but I do understand it. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/08/93-year-old-tuskegee-airman-is-robbed-and-then-carjacked-while-lost-in-north-st-louis/
  20. Straight outta Compton

    Run Dmc and the Beastie Boys made hip-hop main stream and NWA made hardcore rap "cross-over" into the white and suburban community. Before NWA hip-hop was an purely a NYC thing. Breaking, rapping, and deejaying were popular with the local inner city kids in LA, but it was still new to the West Coast and all the famous rappers or deejays during that time were either from the Bronx or Queens, NY. While Eazy-E was not the most talented or natural rapper. MC Ren, Dr. Dre, and Ice Cube *(before he left) wrote all of his rhymes. Eazy-E's hustling and natural business sense is what got Dr. Dre and Ice Cube into the entertainment business.
  21. Dick Rutan: Misty

    Bury Us Upside Down is a pretty decent book, very emotional at parts and raises some really perplexing overall questions on the military strategy in Vietnam.
  22. Well from a practicability standpoint, and the unpredictability of carrier ops (particularly back then when certain classes of ship were extremely limited in the type and weight of aircraft they could launch and recover), I could see why the Navy/USMC would want to limit the amount of "pods" hanging off an aircraft and internalize as many components as the airframe allowed.
  23. A lot of factors go into the historical record, particularity when during wartime. In many cases "fudged" numbers can be a combination of sheer incompetence; and properly maintaining records after conflict, malice; intentionally skewing numbers for some sort of personal gain (or to avoid culpability); blind patriotism; "they can't be that good!" or "we can't be that bad!", or just a freak act (simple mistake); "bandit was trailing smoke on fire unresponsive", gun camera footage shows aircraft serial number 69 on fire, intelligence indicates aircraft 69 crash landed was repaired and put back into action. 1+ for your post BTW

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