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Status Updates posted by Gocad

  1. "What feels like blue here"?

  2. 24 hours per day are simply not enough....

  3. Backing up... :/

  4. doesn't like the morning shift...it usually ruins what is then left of the day :(

  5. Good news everyone! My computer just died apparently. Good thing I wasn't completely stupid and backed up recently. Wheee! :/

  6. Has Danger Zone on continuous playback....j/k :p

  7. Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot...

  8. I like the new look!

  9. March 5th, 1936 - First flight of one the greatest fighter aircraft of all times, the Supermarine Spitfire.

  10. Melting away...

    1. Stary


      same here :/

  11. Posting from my iPad...d'uh. :p

    1. Dave


      Nice, going to get my Iphone4 today, I hope.

  12. reacquainting myself with Photoshop... :-)

  13. Real life...sigh. It's shame when everything you're working on (or atleast ought to be working on) gets two week'd © :-(

  14. Should really have kept track of my pw...not to mention RL interference :-/

  15. Working...not on skins, "real" work :)


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