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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. Version


    CREDITS Aircraft: 3D : BPAo Textures : Column5 FM : Column5 Sounds : Aaron Swindle Effects : Deuces, JSF_Aggie Pilot Texture : Pappychecksix Weapons 3D : Crab_02 Textures : BPAo Bidons 3D : Crab_02 Textures : BPao Testing: Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Nico, Column5
  2. sfp1_A-4F_p32



    This is a FREE downloadable add-on for Strike Fighters: Project 1 (requires Service Pack 3 or later). This add-on contains all the components necessary to play the "F" model Skyhawk used by the US Navy and US Marine Corps. It includes new external 3d model, 3d virtual cockpit model, hangar screen, a new loading screen, and two single mission files.
  3. Lightning Fmk6



    English Electric Lightning Fmk6 by RussoUK
  4. Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star



    The two-place T-33 jet was designed for training pilots already qualified to fly propeller-driven aircraft. It was developed from the single-seat F-80 fighter by lengthening the fuselage slightly more than three feet to accommodate a second cockpit. Originally designed the TF-80C, the T-33 made its first flight in March 1948. Production continued until August 1959 with 5,691 T-33s built. In addition to its use as a trainer, the T-33 has been used for such tasks as drone director and target towing, and in some countries even as a combat aircraft. The RT-33A version, reconnaissance aircraft produced primarily for use by foreign countries, had a camera installed in the nose and additional equipment in the rear cockpit.
  5. Saab J-29F Tunnan



    The J29 flew for the first time in 1948. It was the first european aircraft with swept wings. 661 J29s were built between 1951 and 1958 and they served in the Swedish airforce until 1967. Due to the swedish neutrality and the fact that the airforce needed all the planes SAAB could produce, J29 was never exported with the exception of 30 used planes that were modified and sold to Austria with start in 1961. J29 broke many speed records during its service. Combat records were limited to UN operations in Africa 1961-62 where it performed very well. J29's performance was comparable with the best fighters the superpowers could mobilize (F-86 & Mig-15), and could be considered the peak of the swedish airforce during a period when it was second (numerically) only to USA, USSR and Great Britain. J29F was the last version and this plane was equiped with an after burner and the new wing introduced with the E-model.
  6. Version


    Streakeagle's tutorial on using Kreelin's editor for Strike Fighters etc.
  7. Version


    Strike Fighters Medals Pack v1.3 . Here is the SF Medals Pack Version 1.3. The standard Strike Fighters (“SF”) had medals available only for the US services (USAF, USN and USMC). Version 1.0 of the Medals Pack added medals for Britain, China, Denmark, France, Israel, Japan, North Vietnam, Norway, South Vietnam, Soviet Union, Sweden, Taiwan and West Germany. Version 1.1 added Pakistani, Indian, Belgian, Netherlands, Czechoslovakian and Polish medals as well. Version 1.2 added three new WWII nations, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and the Soviet Union. The latest Version 1.3 adds Argentine, Brazilian, Greek, Italian and Spanish medals. The zip file comes with a ReadMe file explaining installation.
  8. Version


    compatible with WOI and FE+Expansion Pack 1
  9. WOV V08.30.06



    ============================ Wings Over Vietnam Readme File ============================ This Patch contains all the fixes from previous patch, and it can be applied to any version of Wings Over Vietnam with Service Pack (v05.15.06) applied. If you have installed any mods to the game, please be sure to manually back them up prior to applying this patch. Patch will delete any files that have been changed. Any mods that replaces stock data files (such as F-105D add-on) will have to be reinstalled after the patch. List of changes in this Patch include: v08.30.06 --------- * Support for TrackIR 6-DOF Vector Expansion has been added. * New Graphics Option, Water Detail, has been added. On video card with Pixel Shader 2.0 or higher, water will be animated when this option is set to HIGH. * On video card with Pixel Shader 2.0 or higher, terrain texture has more detailed bump map applied when Terrain Details setting is set to HIGH. * Cockpit mirror textures have been darkened so they're not bright white when Mirror Option is turned OFF. v07.10.06 --------- * Campaign game have been made more stable. * Acquire Radar Target key now allows you to visually lock on to target without line-of-sight checks. * Texture Skin sample on Loadout Screen correctly updates when selecting new texture set now. * Object .ini files are correcly updated based on TextureSet.ini file located in individual texture folder as before. * RWR sound getting cut off on some aircraft has been fixed. * ZU-23 AAA that was left out of the last patch has been added back in.
  10. File Name: Mirage Factory F-14A Tomcat File Submitter: BUFF File Submitted: 25 Dec 2004 File Updated: 30 Mar 2008 File Category: F-14 CREDITS Aircraft: 3D : BPAo Textures : Column5 FM : Column5 Sounds : Aaron Swindle Effects : Deuces, JSF_Aggie Pilot Texture : Pappychecksix Weapons 3D : Crab_02 Textures : BPAo Bidons 3D : Crab_02 Textures : BPao Testing: Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Nico, Column5 Click here to download this file
  11. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...code=sst&id=736 File Name: Lightning Fmk6 File Submitter: BUFF File Submitted: 25 Nov 2004 File Updated: 10 Sep 2007 File Category: British Aircraft and Variants English Electric Lightning Fmk6 by RussoUK Click here to download this file
  12. Israel V1.4



    srael terrain version 1.4 readme: After unsuccessfull attempts to make Israel terrain in an 1:1 scale i decided to improve the smaller version a little bit. I included now 110 target areas (29 more than in v1.3) For instance: I added 3 new egyptian airbases: Kairo West Wadi al Jandali and following a multiple wish of one single user: Beni Suef 2 new jordanian airfields: H-5 Prinz Hassan Al Jafr 1 new syrian airfield: Al Suweidaja The direction of airfield i changed in Ovda, Ben Gurion, Ramat David and El Arish, to meet the conditions of the terrain texture or terrain structure better. E.G. No starting against the mountains more in Ovda, instead starting in direction of the valley. El Arish got an different airfield. Al Mansura is moved some 100 meters to avoid trees on the runway. I included a bunker line along the suez canal (Bar Lev line) and a israeli Radar warning line in the middle of Sinai. Near Inshas, Tanta and Port Said barracks complexes i installed. Fuel or Oil Storage facilities are now in Suez and Port Said. 3 bridges over the river Nil are new. Some with the bridges corresponting Cities are now on the map. The SAM fence along the Suez canal is now growing up in 1970 instead 1967 and will get his maximum efficency in 1973. The Bar Lev bunkiers will come in 1968 and the israeli airfileds in Sinai (El Arish, Bir Gifgafa, Bir Tamahada and Sharm es Sheik) are active from 1968. The egyptian ponton bridges come in 1973. etc
  13. File Name: Weapon Data Editor v02.20.08 File Submitter: BUFF File Submitted: 22 Feb 2008 File Category: Utilities/Editors File Version: No Information Website: No Information compatible with WOI and FE+Expansion Pack 1 Click here to download this file If you are running Wings over Israel, First Eagles with expansion pack 1, or if you install the October 2008 update to Strike Fighters: Project 1, Strike Fighter Gold, Wings over Vietnam, or Wings over Europe, YOU MUST USE THIS VERSION of the weapons editor. Failure to do so may result in your system catching fire, your significant other running off with your best friend's dog, or (worst of all) Dave will visit you, drink all your liquor, and then decide to stay for a few weeks......
  14. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=1263 File Name: Heinkel He 219A-7/R1 Uhu File Submitter: BUFF File Submitted: 18 May 2005 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Axis Bombers File Version: No Information Website: No Information Heinkel He 219A-7/R1 Uhu the best night fighter of WW2 for Strike Fighters Project 1 & Wings over Vietnam ver 1.0 2005-05-18 by Kesselbut-cockpit, Starfighter-FM Gramps Skins, Howling1 Radar and Pasko-the rest ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Installation: Extract everything to ..\Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft folder (New folder He 219A-7 will be created,plane files and LWPilot and LWNavigator files extracted). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer, Contact & Copyright: I can not take any responsibility whatsoever regarding using of this add-on. This is freeware addon package, free to distribute non-commercially. It is not supported by me or anyone, but your feedback with suggestions and improvements is appreciated: pasko_patak@yahoo.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Have fun :)! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Known Issues & Additional information: Schraege Music is controlled by Fire Secondary Gun Button, (not mapped on keyboard by default) Gunsight for Schraege Music (two guns firing 45 degrees upwards) is missing. Click here to download this file
  15. ID this plane!

  16. now seeing a no. of topics - Cockpit Fixes for SF2 etc. :)
  17. typo fixed but still "No topics were found. This is either because there are no topics in this forum, or the topics are older than the current age cut-off."
  18. I've still got a fully functioning 1 as well.
  19. can't see it but possibly typo"Figthers"?
  20. saitek SST is f***ed

    is this the new SST that they just uploaded on the 12th of June or previous?
  21. we even have a hardware forum here at CA. it's not the busiest but it is there :yes:
  22. Thanks to Combat Ace

    a pint of "Nukey broon" will do nicely! btw can you still get Newcastle Amber?
  23. Thanks to Combat Ace

    welcome to the asylum. :yes: I take it that you have been informed that all new residents have to buy a round for the old hands?
  24. File Name: BAE Hawk T.1 by RussoUK2002 File Submitter: BUFF File Submitted: 27 Jan 2008 File Category: Light Attack and Trainers Bae HawkT mk1A of RAF Brawdy Wales UK.Number 1 Squadron,TWU,(Tactical Weapons Unit,(Training)) By Me.Russouk2002@aol.com Contains....Hawk T/mk1A Hangar screen Loadout And is armed with... Aden Gunpod,Aim9`s,and Rockets,(which will be replaced by Matra rockets when made.For next release) Bombs are optional.edit the weapondata for your own choices.The Gunpod is an option in the loadout as in reality its not a fixed weapon on the hawk. Just drop the Hawk_T1A folder in sf\objects\Aircraft folder and Decal folder too,copy and paste contents of Objects folder in SF\Objects folder This is a very Beta Release as its not fully completed.It is quite flyable though. I am currently remapping the Hawk as the bmps are too small.And theres a degree of Bitmap stretching etc,tho not evident in game.But I know its there,lol...When 2nd realease is done ,it will be just a case of a new Lod and Bitmap Textures,and new weapons.The latter will be for the new patch\Weapons editor as its pointless doing them now when the patch is due. The FM is ok for now (currently being worked on). This release is solely for feedback soas to improve the airtcraft in anyways.Dont forget this is only my 1st aircraft released,so dont expect perfection yet...lol Drone was my 1st actual model and the schoolhouse for Major lee,which turned out well.was the 2nd.. I hope you enjoy flying the hawk as much as I enjoyed making it.Just remember Im no expert at data ini`s..lol Click here to download this file
  25. The best SEAD for today

    The RAF have a handful of converted Tornado F.3s which supposedly outperform the ECR. EF-18 Growler would have to be up there.

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