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Everything posted by Dels

  1. I agree. The sim is very realistic in showing the actual diversity (or lack) of missions that actually take place in real combat. From a trash hauling perspective, we flew almost identical missions into the same airfields day in, day out. The only thing that changed was the weather (and maybe if someone decided to take a pot shot at you). Every now and again we'd do something 'unusual' ie. go to a different airfield or something like that, but that was rare. The bottom line is that real combat it extremely repetative and not heart pounding excitement every time the wheels are in the wells. As for the game, the main issue people might have is that generally we play games to excape our own reality, so repetative missions might seem dull. But if we consider some of the great flight sims of all time (Strike Commander, Janes USNF/ATF etc.) they are all full of very similar missions. What the SF/WO* series lacks is the apparent human interface that those sims had. But I guess, in the end, it's what you make of it. Disclaimer: This is my own opinion and I understand if others don't aggree. Dels
  2. File Name: F-23A Black Widow II File Submitter: mdelmast File Submitted: 31 Oct 2006 File Updated: 10 Sep 2007 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's This is the F-23A Black Widow II as if it had won the ATF competition. This is Version 2.0 which now has a fully working 3d virtual cockpit and two extra internal hard points giving a total of 6 AMRAAMs internally. Read the F-23A readme.txt Click here to download this file
  3. I don't know if it's the best, but I just use planar mapping.
  4. From my limited knowledge, looking at the picture you provided, nothing seems to be wrong. What you can try is: -Deselecting the Self-illumination box -Converting the plane to a mesh and UVWMapping it Dels
  5. LOL! Quote Brian Fantana: "50% of the time, it works every time."
  6. Hi guys, Still working on the X-29 at the moment and I have a small problem. This one's got me. I have never encountered it with any of the aircraft I have built. As soon as the mission had finished loading and you're into the cockpit view, the aircraft is about 6 feet in the air and about 5-10 degrees nose up. From there it immediately falls back onto the runway, bounces around a bit and then all is fine. I'm not sure why it starts in the air or with a nose up attitude. I have tried changing the ShockStroke entries for the landing gear which reduces the distance the aircraft drops from, but that doesn't fix the nose high attitude and creates other issues (wheels half in the runway and a shock stroke of 1 metre is far to big). I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem before, or knows how to fix it. Thanks Dels
  7. Thanks for the reply. I had thought about that, but the pitch angle for the X-29 should be 0. I might give it a try anyway using OnGroundPitchAngle=0.0.
  8. In real life, that Viper would only be able to taxi from it's parking position to the holding point and back before it called BINGO fuel.
  9. I have found that you generally have to animate flight control surfaces and gear extension in 3dmax, but you can also .ini edit to get the canopy, gear shock absorbers and airbrakes to animate.
  10. Yeah, change the Right Gear max deploy speed to 125. It's 12 at the moment.
  11. Sorry this is OT, but I have a hard drive with a mechanical failure of the motor. I would love to get that info off there, but the only places I could find that do it cost $2000+. Do you know of anywhere cheaper?
  12. While we're all deciding on a name, I thought I might put up some pics. Still to do: 3d model - Cockpit, some animation, texture mapping Flight model - Almost done, but still some little tweaks Skins 3d cockpit - I'll be adapting my F-23 cockpit for this so it won't take that long Dels
  13. Yep, it has Wingtip rails, three underwing pylons on each wing and a centerline pylon. Pretty much the same as the F-16.
  14. Yeah, I was going to "age" some of the things in the F-23 pit and make it less modern. Re: PSD's, I will upload them to the skins section when the aircraft is released. I'd be happy to help with the X-31 and 32.
  15. It's decision time. You can vote for more than one name. Name with the most votes wins.
  16. Yeah, I was hoping that some input from the forum might make the decision easier but I think the opposite was true. The release is still a way off, so we have some time still. :yes:
  17. Good point. Might be something to consider.
  18. FYI, the General Dynamics FSW proposal based on the F-16 was nicknamed the "Saberbat". During testing, the X-29 picked up the unofficial nickname of "Polecat." Not sure about that one.
  19. Ok, it seems that one thing is for sure...we can't agree on anything. Thanks to everyone for their continued input an support of this thread. Please continue to make suggestions as we might come up with a name that really fits. Just for stamps, here's a little info regarding the X-29 and it's relationship to other aircraft: The nose section is off an F-5E. The main landing gear and control surface actuators come off an F-16 and the engine is the F404-GE-400 out of the F-18A/B. The rest of the aircraft was purpose built. For my F-29A I've decided on the F404-GE-402 out of the F-18C/D because it's the same size but more powerful.
  20. Ok, well at this stage I'm leaning toward Warhawk II, but what do people think of Rapier?
  21. I agree about Razor. If I included Hellcat II in the poll would people prefer that to Warhawk II? Or am I
  22. Geez, I really stirred up a sh*t storm here didn't I? Do we need a new poll, or should I just decide on a name myself?
  23. Just a preliminary pic of the X-29 model so far.

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