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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Ironroad my experience was different, I finally was able to hit everything I shot at with either the AMRAAM or the Sidewinder. Send that mission over, I want to test that using your parameters.
  2. Damn, as if it wasnt deadly enough...not its just plain mean.
  3. http://combatace.com/topic/81332-membership-drive-2014/ Not going to BS you guys, last year we did really bad money wise. Memberships were down significantly to where Erik was making up the difference himself. So if you can get a membership, please do. If you have any questions about it, or special payment circumstances, (like no paypal etc) let Erik know. He can make amny things happen. Thank you all for your attention.
  4. It is his actual ride. It was still on active duty long after he quit flying it and upgraded through the years with slimers etc.
  5. Update of my treatment

    Stay strong man. We are cheering you on.
  6. Here is a pic of his plane I took at the USAF Meseum
  7. What ifs go in this thread... http://combatace.com/topic/63073-what-if-screenshot-thread/ Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
  8. Bring it in. Take a knee. Meach, you are The Little Man in the Woods – go. Expect a cold and wet weekend. I still don’t like you, and if I see you at any of my favorite haunts this weekend, I will tie your elbows to your balls and low-crawl you back to the barracks to police up cigarette butts. You’ll probably get cold and wet on the way. The roads will likely be perilous, crowded and icy. Expect trouble. Expect to be surrounded by idiots who should have stayed home. Expect to be NASCAR’d into the median at 0200. Plan to survive that ordeal. If you die of exposure, I’ll tell your family that the tutu and fairy wings you wore to that tranny club just wasn’t appropriate for the weather. Meach, don’t cheat your body. It’s cold out here. Let’s wrap this up. The Five Ds: 1. Don’t do dudes. 2. Don’t do dudes’ wives. 3. Don’t do drugs. 4. Don’t drink and drive. 5. Don’t beat your wife. Meach, recover. Drink water. Now, get the hell out of my AO! -Bullwinkle
  9. Why do birds...........

  10. News of my test results.

    Stand fast mate!
  11. Pacific Fleet is looking for Android testers

    Me but what ^ he said....
  12. Running Joke at Work

    The guy in this video with the sax look like one of the E-4's that work for me. So we bomb him and each other. The best so far was, I was bombed via SATCOM from a troop in Afcrapistan. So far we havent been able to top that......but I am working it.....with some help from my friends in AWACS... The BF version http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=eAENuteg-0I Here is the 10 hour version
  13. Running Joke at Work

    Just not the same.... LOL
  14. YO CA!

    Glad to see you back!!!!!!
  15. Damn its Cold!

    It's colder than a witches tit in a brass bra.
  16. Very cool news

    Good luck Falcon!
  17. The Smurf menace makes the Eel menace look like a case of a bad rash of poison ivy....
  18. I hear you Snailman, I was using the DLC plane as an example. Bah, he won't listen to us anyway.
  19. A2A refueling isn't worth it at all. There is no need for it. As Wrench said, the maps are no even full scale. Truth be told A2A refueling would be fun about the first dozen times you did it, the you wouldnt do it any more. New planes or game mechanics or avionic upgrades would be more desirable.
  20. Fuck the Smurfs, I say nuke em all.....

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