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Posts posted by tn_prvteye

  1. Haven't flown in awhile, so I loaded up SF2:NA with the North Cape Terrain.  Strapped into my F-18A+ and rocketed off the Carrier Deck.  Our task?  Armed Recon...disrupt enemy supply lines and stop their dastardly invasion of Norway.


    Approaching our target area, I saw we were in trouble.  For there nestled safely inside the Soviet Airbase, was a horror I will never forget:




    The Ford Econoline Van!!!!!!


    I immediately dumped all ordinance and made a tactical retreat.  Better to live and fight another day, my friends...


    • Like 5

  2. Whatever the default is for the mission.   I've tested a Guns-only mission, too, and it still happens.  I've seen them crash both with and without their External Tanks.  


    For instance, I created a mission of 4 Super Hornets vs 4 Flankers.  If I set the altitude for both flights at 1000 ft, a good 50% end up crashing into the ground....this was with both flights set for no ordinance.  This is also over the "Open Sea" map.

  3. Ok, I've been trying to tweak my AIRCRAFTAIDATA file to get a good challenge.  But my wingies keep plowing into the ground!  I've changed: MaxPitchForAltitude, MinPitchForAltitude, PitchForAltitude, and a few others to keep them from becoming a smoking hole.  I've raised the SafeAltitude line a bit.  I've double-checked to make sure there aren't any settings overriding the file in the planes' individual DATA file.


    Could someone who's happy with their AI post what they've got?

    For reference, I'm flying mainly modern stuff:  F-16, F-18E, F-35, F-22, etc.
    I can replicate the behavior by choosing a close formation, then asking my Wingman to cover me.  He rolls right really hard till almost inverted then pulls into the ground.
    Kinda funny to watch...almost as if he did it on purpose.

  4. Does anyone know which Data lines control the AI behavior for AGMs?  Does it fall under [strafeAI] of [RocketAttackAI]?  I've got Super Hornets that return to the CAS area too soon and can't line up a shot.  They end up going around and around...eventually pulling into a dive they can't get out of and crashing.  I had the magic numbers at one point, but now I can't see to hit the sweet spot.

  5. I've been on a Falklands/Malvinas kick recently (reading Hostile Skies by David Morgan), and I've been using the 2 RAF voice packs available.  Both are WWII-centric, and have some foibles.  But the thing I'm really looking for is a male with a Brit accent screaming about incoming SAMs and Missiles!   :)   Being a Yank, I can't do this myself, and was hoping someone out here might already have something usable.  Not asking for voice actors (unless you REALLY want to), but I was just seeing if there's another sim or game out there that may have these assets.  Did some digging in my DCS directory and found a few, but not exactly what I need.  I also tried some Text-to-Voice programs...with limited success.  They all sound like they are ordering soup instead of being targeted by Rolands.


    Anyway, just thought I'd put it out there to see if anyone had a better idea.

  6. I'm still on my KAW kick...and was wanting to beat up some supply convoys with my Invader.  I noticed that the flare pods look great, but seem to fall too fast.  Any way to slow the descent down?  Being tinkering with the effect, but as I've stated earlier...I suck at effects.


    YEARS ago I modified the Flare effect (the countermeasure) to do this, but that was at least...damn like 8 or 9 years ago now...and can't remember what I did.


    And on another note, this sim's been out for 13 years now!  WOW.  I feel really, really old.  And yes I was a purchaser of the "Wal-Mart fiasco" version.  Hmmm, maybe I still have the disk. 


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