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Everything posted by tn_prvteye

  1. No kill like a guns kill...(the Su pilot has GREAT reflexes to eject so fast... Back to the boat...
  2. f14v27 2

    From the album SF2 stuff

  3. SF2 stuff

    things and stuff
  4. f14v27 1

    From the album SF2 stuff

  5. Ok, this thread got me thinking. I whipped something up to "simulate" a simulated simulation of Top Gun. Basically, I removed any damaged caused by missiles or guns. Then I removed effects for these missiles...including missile trails and explosions. I also removed tracers and smoke effects for guns. I then changed the explosion sound and the "object hit" sound to a "beep". So far it works okay. You don't actually "destroy" any aircraft, and they will continue to engage you, but the "beep" gives you an indicator if you hit them or not. I've actually got it set up that the Red and Blue sides have different tones, so you can tell who got hit. Also, I changed the AI to never fight without Ammo. So, in thoery, after the AI expends all their "simulated" ammo...they go home. I've only tested a few missions so far. Just thought I'd share in case anyone has simliar (and probably better) ideas. The only problem is the volume of the "beep"...I'd like to configure it so the beep is heard at full volume all the time. As it is, it treats the beep like an explosion sound, and can't really be heard from far away.
  6. I've done a search, but can't find anything recent. In any misson I fly, CAS missions run by the AI turn into a slaughter...IF they are loaded with Mavericks. It seems they'll fire one just fine, but they never fire another. They just conitune to circle back around the target area. I've tried messing with the AI settings, but nothing seems to make a difference. It seems that either they aren't extending far enough, or not turning tight enough to get inside the Maverick's envelope to fire. I've seen this happen to AV-8Bs and Hornets. I can control this when I'm Flight Leader by having them rejoin, and engage at a further distance, but AI only squads get chewed up. Anyone have an INI tweek for this? I've tried copying the settings from the stock A-10s, but it didn't matter. Which parameter controls guided missiles? Rocket or Strafe AI settings? I know I could just change the loadout to dumb bombs, since they seem to do this just fine. Cannons and rockets seem to work, too. Just guided AGMs are giving me grief. Stupid mud-movers.
  7. Thanks, JonathanRL, I assigned the Mainstay to the Kiev Group and it showed up.
  8. I'm having an odd issue with eburger's excellent SF2NA expanded campaign. I keep getting random crashes...sometimes in the loadout screen...sometimes during gameplay. There's no ryhme or reason behind it. I'm trying to fly the 1986 campgain with VF-31. It seems to be happening with the F-14 Squads only. I managed to fly a mission with the Hornet and no crashes. I followed the directions to the letter, no other addons...and I'm patched up to the latest. However, I've got SweetFX installed, but all the other SF2 series have no problem with it. Anyone else seen this, or am I just unlucky?
  9. You can add that in your Citation_data.ini file. You can also add some counter-measures, too.
  10. http://thirdwire.com/patch/sf2_may2013_readme.txt
  11. Well, I guess I didn't consider it interesting, since I thought most everyone already had all the titles. But it IS good news for those who don't.
  12. Well, I think I hear the Fat Lady warming up backstage, folks. As much as I hate to say it, TK's post doesn't bode well for the PC version. I can't honestly see him making enough bank on the mobile game to get out of debt AND release anything for PC. Too many other sim developers have quit over less trouble. Sad, but that's the way things are going. Not a bad run for a small, very specific genre company. I'll place my wager now: Thirdwire will no longer be in the sim business by the end of the year. He will either go full-mobile, or he'll move on to something else. Can't blame him, but that's my bet.
  13. F-4N...can't find any pics yet (besides the small thumbnail on the purchase page).
  14. Don't suppose there's one around? Searched, but couldn't find one.
  15. Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic Is Released!

  16. Flight Sim Rant...

    I think that the few flight-sim developers left must be smoking something. Now, before I get someone's panties in a wad, let me explain. I still support and will continue to support the developers I am about to berate...but something is just...odd. 1) Il-2 Cliffs of Dover. Okay, low-hanging fruit here, but after all the bugs, mistakes, and downright goofs that have plagued this release, the developers decide to introduce: PLAYABLE FLAK GUNS!!!! Huh? Really guys? 2) Rise of Flight. I love ROF. Love the graphics, the gameplay, almost everything about it. Except the plane list...it's still limited in the early-war years. Still missing some VERY important aircraft (Strutter, just to name one). So I was looking forward to the upcoming year and the new aircraft it would bring. What do we get? SEAPLANES?!?!?! And a DH-4? And U-boats. Uh...okay? 3) DCS:P-51. This one I'm willing to let slide...almost. Just doesn't make much sense to have a Late WWII-era Allied Fighter flying around the Black Sea....by itself. Now, I'm not saying that any of these new features are bad...just an odd choice. Especially since the first 2 are missing some important things. And yes, I know that not all members of a development team work on the same areas, but give me a break. I guess it must be a weird year for flight-sims... -Steve
  17. Oh man, that last Tomcat shot makes me feel all tingly...
  18. Flight Sim Rant...

    They just seem to be odd choices, that's all. I hardly think adding Felixstowe F.2a and the Hansa-Brandenburg W.12 is going to bring in a bunch of new blood for ROF. And it's definitely not for the casual crowd, either. Just weird choices. And flak guns? Well, I've never wanted a AAA simulator...maybe someone out there does. Again, it might seem nit-picky, but I'd like a flight simulator when I buy a flight simulator. It seems like they're not listening to a majority of players. It's like if TK suddenly decides that he wants to add a flyable S-3 Viking for the next expansion. Instead of releasing the Tomcat, he decides to focus his time on that. Granted, that sounds cool at first, but really how many people would want an S-3 over an F-14?
  19. Flight Sim Rant...

    And Oleg flew the coop last year...no longer involved IIRC.
  20. New Viper Scheme Under Testing

    Looks like they're getting ready for the F-35. Is that really overall Gunship Gray? I can't tell if the Vertical Fin is lighter, or if it's just shadow. Looks like I've got a scheme for my 1/72 F-16C now! :)
  21. Its got a name...

    I get around this by changing the elevation in the Avionics file. Make it REALLY big like 45 degrees.
  22. I've actually seen this, too. I was flying Mirage 2000s in my own campaign. Managed to down the F-16s that were my target, and Alt-N'ed to base. The debrief said my Wingie bought it. He was fine when I left the combat area, so I don't know what happened.
  23. Agreed. Sorta like a "Hall of Fame" for aircraft.
  24. Looks like it affects everyone. I can see pinned aircraft before any others.

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