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Everything posted by tn_prvteye

  1. Does this do anything that you can't do by changing the INI files? Like having a "mixed" squadron for a campaign?
  2. Thanks, I did go through the SF2 downloads looking for F-100 skins, but I must have missed them. Excellent...now I can match the model...or vice-versa.
  3. OOOHHHH...those are the same markings as the 1/72 F-100D model I've been looking at. Those available somewhere or is it a WIP?
  4. It's in the MissionData001.cat file Put the edited file in the "flight" folder...
  5. I'm trying my hand at the '62 NATO campaign, and I'm flying the F-84F. I've found that on CAS missions, I can't hit squat with my HVARs. Hell, I don't even see them fire they drop so fast. Might as well use bombs at this point. The sight is useless since the impact point is usually below my nose. Any techniques for firing these things?
  6. I think he needs to get over this idea that he can't do certain things. If he released an F-14 sim with up to date terrains, and more advanced avionics, he could compete with the "big boys" (DCS:A-10, and uh...well that's about it). People would buy that like gang-busters. I know he's a very small developer, but it is possible. Just my humble opinion of course, I'll support whatever he does next... Unless it's a My Little Pony game. Although that WOULD mean we'd finally get a pony.
  7. OffensiveMaxImbalance In one of the campaign_data.ini files from SF2:I. Anyone have a clue what it does? Keeps the ground war from getting uneven maybe?
  8. This is going to sound strange, but try candle-wax. The paraffin coats the stick and reduces squeaking and "sticking". I usually end up doing this every other month or so.
  9. I used an X52 for about 3 years, and I used an X45 for about 4 years before that. I'm using an X52 pro now. So I obviously like them. :) Software install is easy, and for configuring, I just use the SF2 keybinding screen. The only thing I do with the Saitek software is disable the mouse throttle button (so I can assign it in SF2). I also assigned the pinkie-switch to my "Center TrackIR" command. I've been happy with them. They do have issues...mainly with the rotary dials in my case. Can't beat the price, though.
  10. Man, you are a Viper skinning MONSTER! Great stuff!
  11. Damn, guess it's time to add this puppy to the Merc campaign. I'm flying an FGA.9 in the '62 campaign right now, and having a blast. Can't wait to try a 4-winder version!
  12. The announcement that the fading distance isn't going to change disturbs me. It really is VERY annoying...ad VERY noticeable. I'd rather have to old pop-up back. The openness of this sim is what makes it great. Let's face it, if we had to play stock and stock only, this sim would have died in 2002. I have the utmost respect for TK, but if he continues locking features, he will lose the majority of his fan-base.
  13. Just noticed a possible bug. When I'm running a CAS or Armed Recon mission with 4 or more planes in my flight, they jettison their A2G ordinance when I order them to "engage ground targets". I watched as my flight of F-16s merrily dumped their AGM-65s and proceeded to strafe the tanks instead. Maybe showing off? Anyone else notice this? Oh, and you can change the time the drop-tanks last after you drop them. It's in the Aircraftobject.ini file. I think it's the "debris" time.
  14. Same here, can't open it. Maybe that's where he keeps the free ponies. Also, anyone figure out how to increase the fading tree distance, yet? Can't find an entry that looks appropriate. Even on Very Far horizon settings they fade to close.
  15. Yeah, I'm not too happy with that, either. I like the new Flight and Squad command, but forcing to player to make the kill seems a bit much.
  16. If you're talking about 3D modelling, these videos by Mustang are a good place to start (a little bit down the page): link
  17. Are you doing what I think you're doing? Oh boy...
  18. Hmmm...not sure which entry it was then. I extracted the new INI from the CAT and made the changes (flight altitude) and it still worked. Must be something I missed. Oh well, doesn't matter....it works.
  19. For those that are curious, the offending file is MISSIONCONTROL.INI. I had a modded version and was still getting the "air start" bug. I deleted my version and all is well. I think the entry that matters is: TakeOffTime=25 That's the only difference I noted.
  20. Just announced: it will be out March 25th.
  21. That's just the new name for "Storm of War".
  22. I've returned to OFF after a long absence. Just got HITR and I'm all patched up. I'm having an issue with the AI. I seem to remember that the slider settings can effect the AI. I've tried both the new and the old AI settings in the Workshop, but the AI seems to be rather...uh...lacking. For instance, I was flying a new Campaign with RFC 48 in the Brisfit in May '17. My flight sneaks up on a few German two-seaters and proceeds to lay into them. The Germans sit there and don't evade, while my wingies sit right on their six and pump rounds into them. I seem to remember that the AI would at least weave and dodge a bit. In another mission I was up against a few Alb3s and they kept doing that "pull up and stall" maneuver every time...letting me totally hammer them. This was on the "aggressive" AI setting. I'm running a quad core @ 2.66. Would lowering the sliders help make the AI better? Or would raising them? I'm running 5-5-4-4-3-2 right now. Frames are good, though. I hate to nitpick, but I'm hoping that it's something that I'm missing.

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