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Everything posted by tn_prvteye

  1. AI / Slider settings correlation?

    Well, I've tried the settings mentioned, yet I still don't see any change with the AI. In fact, I think my FPS dropped a bit...not sure how that happened, gotta go back and double-check. Thanks for the help, gents...I'll keep plugging away. Ah, the eternal hunt for higher frame-rates...I don't think it will ever cease.
  2. Hey, very cool....thanks for posting this. I was wondering just the other day (after looking in the CAT files) why more people didn't mess with the FX files. I don't have the know-how, but I'm glad someone else is up to it!
  3. AI / Slider settings correlation?

    Thanks, I'll kill the shadows and re-adjust my sliders. So I assume that the fewer cycles the CPU spends on graphics, it can spend on the AI? So in my case (with a slower CPU): less pretty = smarter bad guys?
  4. Updated Default SF2 Terrain by Piecemeal: http://combatace.com/files/file/10681-updated-default-sf2-terrain-by-piecemeal-v-12/
  5. Surprisingly good gaming...

    Don't forget Deus Ex...should run fine on that machine.
  6. Someone mentioned that if you set your flight number to just one, it'll start you on the ramp. Every time I try, I'm sitting in the middle of the Runway slightly askew. Can anyone confirm Ramp Starts as a solo flight work?
  7. Glad you got it sorted...gotta love the INI dance...
  8. Are you using any modded menu inis? Is this happening across the board (i.e. in SF2, SF2V, etc)?
  9. NATIONS.INI maybe? Which country were you flying for?
  10. Here's Korea and Iceland...tested OK. Iceland02_Water.7z Korea_Water.7z
  11. Can you post the BMP you used, I'd like to test on my DBS, too. Maybe my colors are off?
  12. I did, still no go. Here's the BMP I'm using (converted to JPG for web viewing) 8-bit 512 X 512. I just used the terrain editor to export to BMP then re-colored it to match the stock BMPs.
  13. Just adding the WATER.BMP doesn't work for me. I created one for Iceland, and the ships still don't show up in the Selection. I made sure the "cursor" was over water, but it only gave me ground vehicles as an option. I think there's some more magic somewhere. I was going to ask TK at the offical forums, but I figured he's got his hands full with bug reports...besides, the man could use a break!
  14. That's what I thought, until I made a water.bmp file for the Iceland terrain...still no go. I can place Carriers and such on the default terrains, but any 3rd party stuff needs some magic. :) Still a great add-on...sure TK will get it all straightened out. He always does.
  15. And for those that are curious... The new A2A rockets have this added in their INI file: AirToAir=TRUE
  16. I checked the A2A load-outs on the early Lightnings, and they all were setup for missiles. Can anyone point me to an INI file that might have new entries regarding the AI and A2A rocket use? I can't seem to find any. Might be hard-coded I guess.
  17. Does the AI use rockets as an a2a weapon now? Before rockets were only selectable as an a2g weapon.
  18. Um...anybody else missing the trees? Or is it just me?
  19. Does the AI still only use bombs for terrain ground targets (i.e. Hangars)? I can't seem to get them to engage with missiles of any type.
  20. Ah...I was trying to set up an enemy AI flight to launch cruise missiles...that explains why they weren't doing anything. Thanks, now I can stop pulling my hair out.
  21. And yes, I'm cross-posting this at the TW site, but I'm desperate man. I've been running the SF2 series since they came out. I'm running Win 7 enterprise 64-bit. The past few days, I've been getting crashes after just a minute or so of play. It usually just dumps to a black screen, but after a while I can hit 'esc' and return to the debriefing screen. Occasionally, I have been getting a BSOD (yes, on Win 7) and then reboot. I haven't changed anything that should have caused any problems. A few things I've figured out: 1) It's related to DirectX 10. I forced DX9 and the crashes went away 2) No other programs I've tried that use DX10 are crashing (I tried Stalker and FSX) I'm running an Nvidia 8800GTX with the latest Betas (260), but these crashes were occurring with the previous non-beta releases (197) as well. For sound, I've got Realtec HD audio. I've checked my RAM and found no errors. The vid cards aren't overheating (staying around 55c). I also un-installed, deleted any trace of ThirdWire programs, then did a clean, vanilla install...still crashed with DX10. And yes, DirectX is up to date (June 2010). I've run SFC, and found no problems. I've Defragged. I've cleaned my registry. I've sacrificed chickens. I've now started to drink heavily. What other info can I provide that might help? I am at my wits end.
  22. SF2 Crash

    None so far...slight boost in performance for me. I'm running the latest Betas and everything seems to running just fine. Tested a few other sims (LOMAC, Rise of Flight, Il-2) and have had no problems. Nice card.
  23. SF2 Crash

    Thanks JediMaster, I went with the 460. I'm up and running again!
  24. SF2 Crash

    Well, now everything crashes when the GPU is used. Thanks for the help, gents...looks like I'm in the market for a new vid-card. Any suggestions for a reliable card under $200?
  25. SF2 Crash

    I also noticed that both the VRAM (all of the 756megs used) and the GPU (100% usage) are maxed out when I run SF2. I haven't tested other sims yet, but I'm wondering if this is normal.

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