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Everything posted by tn_prvteye

  1. SF2 Crash

    Yep, that works, but why would it start giving me trouble now? I've been running SF2 at Unlimited since it came out with no problems. It does make me think the vid-card is about to die.
  2. SF2 Crash

    Well, I'm running a 1000w PSU, but I'm thinking it might be the vid-card. I WAS running an SLI until one of the 8800s died over a year ago. I'll see if I can pinch another PSU from work and test. If it's the vid-card, I'm screwed, though.
  3. SF2 Crash

    Unfortunately, I have to agree. Although it puzzles me why no other programs are showing any signs of problems. Even the other DX10 games run fine.
  4. I've been browsing some of the older posts regarding the Macross/Robotech mod that was being worked on. It got me thinking. Would it be possible to really do a Macross sim? Foxmonter's Valkyrie could transform into the Gerwalk and back, but not to the full Battloid mode. What about assigning the animation to the flaps? Or maybe the VC nozzles? I'm just thinking out loud here...might work on that VF-0 3dmax file to experiment. And for enemy units? The Zentradi pods would be difficult since we can't do walking animations...maybe keep them in flying mode? Even then, the AI couldn't go from a fighter jet to a robot and back during combat. Maybe there's a way to trick the AI into running the transformation animation at low speed. Thought about changing the gravity parameter in the terrain file to simulate zero-G...again the AI is the stumbling block here. Just bored at work and really wanting a Macross sim. Maybe I'll try and whip up a Zentradi Fighter Pod in Blender...
  5. Yeah, the Battle-cruisers would have to be grounded. After trying to create a "flying carrier" zeppelin for my aborted Crimson Skies mod, I determined it can't be done...at least I never figured out how. And the only way we could simulate walking would be if ground objects had an animation option. They do for turrets and such, but I don't think we can assign an animation ID # to just movement...even then it'd have to be a loop-able animation. Which I don't think we can do. But then again, people are always surprising me with how far they've taken this engine.
  6. Hmmm. Maybe set the players Valk/Gerwalk to thrust vectoring (makes more sense)...and create an AI Valk with the animation linked to airbrakes or flaps. Well, that won't work for the player's wingies, though. At least not in campaign mode.
  7. And we can set up the Destroids to be AAA or SAMs. Is there a way to animate walking at all? I've seen some static objects that move (flags). The SF engine is flexible, but it's an interesting academic exercise getting around the limitations. You're right about the Pods...we'd need a tank and fighter versions. If I can find some drawings of the suit Mirya used, I might try making that one next. Also gotta talk to FastCargo...he's apparently made some lasers.
  8. ...here it is...not much to look at. At least when Foxmonter gets his VF-1 finished, it'll have something to shoot down. I know it's not very detailed, and it definitely isn't up to the usual Combat Ace standards, but I'm still working on the whole 3D modeling thing.
  9. Well, against my better judgment, I updated to the March 2010 patch. I've got a massive amount of mods and tweaked settings for SF2, and I didn't want to screw anything up. But I did. I don't have a screenie, but the pit in the Super Hornet is showing the exterior model too close (I can see the exterior canopy frames). I remember this has something to do with the clip distance, but I can't find what setting has changed with the patch. I checked the cockpit INI file to make sure that "open cockpit" wasn't enabled. Anyone else see this yet? Is it a cockpit position error? I wasn't having any problems with cockpit placement like some people were having with the last patch, so I didn't adjust any values there. I shoulda left well enough alone.
  10. Got it sorted. For all my 3rd party aircraft I had to move the cockpit forward by 0.5 meters (or whatever the unit is). The CG position was all zeros, however. No idea why...but it works.
  11. Ah, didn't look at the CGposition...just the cockpit position. I'll give it a go when I get home. Thanks!
  12. Well, I could do that, but I like a challenge. When I get home from work, I'll sit down and figure it out...I hope.
  13. I can't seem to get to the site from home. Do y'all not like me anymore? :) Can't get it to bring up in IE or Firefox (I've cleared the cache on both). I'm assuming it's my ISP. Something to do with the name server maybe?
  14. Did I do something wrong?

    Cool, I thought maybe it was a problem on my end since I can get to the site from work. Thanks for the updates.
  15. An Interview with Capt Robert Ward

    Thank you for your service, and for your willingness to tell your stories to this community. We are all honored to have you with us. And great pics!
  16. That's freakin' AWESOME Torno! You are FAST!!!
  17. Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - first flight!

    Ooohhhh...me like. Anyone wanna place bets as to how long it will take before our intrepid modelers add it to the SF series? Personally I'm waiting for the first 1/72 model. I love it when new combat aircraft are revealed. It's like Christmas.
  18. I'm reading Gepard's tutorial on Terrain Creation, and everything's going fine...except the "Open Texture List" Part. I'm using SF:E2 so that might be the trouble. When I load the Texturelist file that comes with the editor, not all the textures are showing up. Only around 30 or so. So when I autotexture, I've got less textures for it to place. The textures are listed in the INI, but the Editor doesn't see them. I've gone over the instructions, but can't seem to find an answer. Any ideas?
  19. That's what was wrong with mine. I think the tiles all have to be the same resolution as the stock tiles to show up, too (256 X 256 with 24-bit depth).
  20. Is there an INI tweak I need to enable to see the new bloom effects? Or is it Vista only (I'm running XP)? I haven't seen anything like those pretty pictures others are posting. I disabled the enbseries mod, but I haven't seen any new effects. I have "useshaders" set to 1.
  21. That's it...I didn't convert the TGA's to BMP. Firing up PhotoShop as we speak...Maybe I can find a batch converter somewhere...
  22. I did these two Crimson Skies planes in Blender so I could print them out at www.shapeways.com. These are my first attempts at 3D modeling, so they're not very detailed. They're designed to be built as scale models, not for use in a game. They have no moving parts, no textures...just the basic mesh. However...if some enterprising soul wanted to take them, clean 'em up, skin 'em, and give them an FM to use in Strike Fighters, I can upload them if you want. I'm not that talented as a 3D modeler, otherwise I'd do it myself. I CAN say that this experience has given me a new respect for you modders. I don't see how you can do it!
  23. Well, the material is a bit more difficult to work with, so I had to order my model again. THIS time, I broke it down into seperate parts like a real model airplane. I've also cleaned up the mesh some, and re-worked certain parts. Here's the Devastator the way I had it printed out: And here's what it'll look like completed: Now, all I gotta do is get these into Strike Fighters and I'll be a happy camper! And yes, I know these are High-poly, but again, these particular models are not intended for a flight-sim...yet.

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