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Everything posted by tn_prvteye

  1. I've got the FASA manuals...I can upload them if you want. Oh, and here's an on-line plane builder that gives you more color options: http://crimsonskieselites.free.fr/builder-main.htm Note: It doesn't work in Firefox...only IE.
  2. Check this thread...there's a fix for certain cards. It worked on my 8800. I'm running at 1600 X 1200 with no corruption in-game (menus are small but readable). http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=47481&st=80 Link to file that they are talking about (bottom of page on left...called csfix): http://timeslip.chorrol.com/
  3. Oh yeah...I've already started tweaking it... I'm trying to figure out a way to make it an aircraft carrier. Is it possible to have a carrier 1000 ft in the air? Wouldn't have to replicate the whole hook and crane approach...just add some wires and catapult to an area underneath the zep.
  4. Well, I wouldn't call it a "mod" just yet. The meshes are quite messy...if Julhelm can help, he'll have his work cut out for him. :D Someone else was working on a CS mod a few years ago but it never materialized. I would LOVE to see the CS universe in the SF series. Zeppelins and all!
  5. Okay, I got them down under 10K...the "decimate" tool in Blender is Awesome! What file format would you like them in? 3DS?
  6. Cool, I see what I can do. Like I said, I designed them for scale models, not any game, so I wanted a smooth surface...here's a pic of the Devastator I got: So, keep them under 10,000 polys? I'll try it out. Thanks!
  7. http://www.govexec.com/story_page_pf.cfm?a...rfriendlyvers=1 Discuss...
  8. Oh, how I wish that was possible.
  9. Now, this is flight simulation!

    Dawn Patrol, that's it! Man I'd love to convince the wife to get one of those Nieuports. Somehow I doubt I could pull it off. I can dream, cant I?
  10. Now, this is flight simulation!

    Well, not to bring the conversation down, but my Dad was actually killed flying an U/L, so I take the advice very seriously. He did have a BRS, which he fired, but it failed to deploy correctly. He was flight-testing an aircraft he worked on and helped design when the wing de-laminated due to stress. However, as anyone who's in the flying biz can tell you, if you're around airplanes long enough it's gonna happen (someone getting killed). But that didn't stop me from continuing to fly afterward. He definitely had a great time flying these aircraft. And there's actually a legal ultralight version of the Nieuport 11 out there (I think it's a legal U/L, I'll have to double-check). THAT is as real as you're gonna get!
  11. Now, this is flight simulation!

    Good idea. I might have to do that. I've also being considering getting into the Ultra-light scene...my dad flew and tested them for years. Sorry, didn't mean to drag this into OT territory.
  12. This is in SF2E, with the ENBSERIES enabled, but it happens with or without it so it's not the bloom stuff. Any ideas? If I change shadows to LOW it goes away, but so does the pretty shadows... Searched, but didn't see anything relevant.
  13. Now, this is flight simulation!

    I wish that was true around here. It's hard to find tail-draggers nowadays. One of the guys at a local FBO told me that no one does it anymore for insurance reasons. Hell, it's getting harder to find a freakin' Cessna 152 for that same reason! I'd LOVE to pay $40 for an hour of instruction!
  14. I'm now dreaming about them. I dreamed that TK released screenshots of SF:Project 3. It was a completely new engine with incredibly detailed scenery and terrain. New avionics, planes, FM, etc. And I couldn't run it on my machine. So I guess that would technically be a nightmare. I think I might need to take a break from simming...
  15. ...I wanna fly the "Sexplane" F-101C in a campaign, damn it! The idea of flying a one-way suicide mission to take out a Soviet Airbase makes a very boring campaign. So I'm cheating. I'm pretending that when war breaks out in Europe in 1962, the NATO decides that Nukes would be too catastrophic to use. The war turns into a conventional conflict. The Voodoo needs a job after that so... I'm loading up this puppy with twin-IR missiles on the center-line and performing deep penetration Fighter Sweeps! And to all you naysayers, it CAN hold it's own in a dogfight of flown properly. I've managed to get a fair number of kills (including MiG-21s and -17s). Gotta watch for that pitch-up departure, though. That can kill you quicker than the MiGs. So, shun me if you must...but I'll be happy flying my Voodoo in a non-realistic role!
  16. I've got NF, but I'm running SP2:E right now and was going to move over NF...however, I see that you diligent modders are already on the case. Looking forward to it! Hmmm...maybe I could get away with using the Genie... what do you guys think? Would A2A nukes be more acceptable? Or do you think the use of the Genie would force the Soviets into using their own nukes? Discuss...
  17. Check the INI file in both the root directory AND the Flight directory. For some reason it puts two INI files there (in SFP2 anyway): C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\enbseries.ini C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\Flight\enbseries.ini
  18. <drool> OTC <drool> Can't wait...
  19. If you've got TW Productions as a "friend" on Facebook, there are some new shots of the upcoming SF2:Europe. Good stuff, man.
  20. Voodoo question

    Just wondering about the F-101A/C in Europe... Was it's only job just to drop one nuke? Was it ever intended for any A2A engagements after SAC no longer wanted it? I'm wondering, because I've been enjoying flying this hotrod in WOE...but a realistic campaign we be a bit...uh...short.
  21. Voodoo question

    Well, at least this way I can finally claim to have finished a campaign!
  22. I've been messing around a bit with this. Fubar, where are your modded files? I assume everyone's using the April 13th version?
  23. Thanks, I've got that mod, too...I guess you have superior screen-shot skills! :D

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