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Everything posted by tn_prvteye

  1. Are you using that Bloom mod? If so, what are your settings?
  2. Holy Crap...my State's even in this one (far far left side)...Tennessee!! I can finally intercept bombers heading for my house! :)
  3. Okay, I've been messing around with the speechsystem to see if I could get a direction call with the SAM launch message. No joy. Anyone been successful with this? There are a few mods that give you who the SAM is targeting, and another that attempts to give direction, but doesn't work very well. It gives a random callsign...not YOUR call sign when a SAM is launched. There's GOT to be a way to do this...I'm pulling my hair out (and I can't afford to lose much more)
  4. I posted this over at the TW forums, but I thought I'd ask here, too. I've added a Red Smoke Rocket to the weapons and it shows up fine...I can fire the rockets, but get no smoke effect when they hit. I've added the "effects" folder in the correct place (the new mod folder). The effect also requires me to modify the Missileobject.ini file...so I used the new extractor to find the new version. I added the new effect lines at the bottom and placed this INI file in the objects folder of the mod directory. Hell, I placed this modified INI in almost EVERY directory since I wasn't sure where it went. I've added other new effects and they do show up, but not the Red Smoke. The effects are exactly the same as WOV. I just copied everything over and added the new weapon with the weapon editor. Any ideas? I got the effects from someone's weapons pack (I can't remember which one).
  5. Just tried it. No joy. I don't know what it could be. I just tested it out in WOE and it works fine. I guess the FAC's gonna have to just point at my target... :D
  6. That's exactly what I have. Hmmmm.....I've got the Redwilliepetegroundexplosion.ini in my effects folder. The Rocket has WPredrocketeffects listed as the effect, and the relevant TGAs are in the effects folder. I really didn't change anything...just copied everything over from my WOV install to the SF2:V mod directory. I tried giving the red rockets an effect that I KNOW works, and it still didn't show up. That's why I'm thinking my missileobject.ini is screwed up. And yep, I did a complete clean re-install, too. Very curious. Thanks for the help, guys.
  7. Actually, it's in there. And it points to the line in the Missileobject.ini. I forgot to mention that this is in SF2:V. I've got a feeling that the missilobject.ini file is not in the right place (although I've put it in damn near every folder in the Thirdwire directory). And I got this pod from Dueces old Weapons Pack from July 06.
  8. Well, in the two photos I posted, the inside green structure is Photoshopped on the Chinese picture. They took the image of the F-16 and stuck it on an image of a J-10. The inlets are different (looks poorly cropped to me). Granted, this might just have been a proof-of-concept picture...as the other pics are different.
  9. Well, I'm pretty sure the two photos I posted are from the same photo. Check out the internal structure...exact match. Yup, just tested in Photoshop. They ganked the Internal Structure image from the F-16 photo. Did a little cropping, but it fits pixel for pixel.
  10. Well at least this one looks 'shopped... http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_3wZSwFvZzqM/Sb8k...s1600-h/DSI.jpg Compare with the F-16 used as a test bed for the F-35's intakes: http://www.codeonemagazine.com/archives/20.../F16_DSI_08.jpg
  11. V1.28a will be up tonight...

    One word: Perfect.
  12. DM: just right after 1.28?

    I voted much too easy...but I feel sorry for Pol/Winder/et.al...I mean, damn...we're a picky bunch! "It's TOO hard....waaaaaah!!!" "Now it's TOO easy...waaaaaaahhh!" I must admit that I've gone back to 1.25. I like the DM the best in that version...my personal opinion only. Might not be the most realistic, but I have the most fun with it. Ohhh...just read Winder's post...YIPPEEE!!! That rocks...I can now truly say I'm "hardcore".... :)
  13. But combat seems to have gotten much easier since 1.26...too much easier. I can usually down an EA with one pass...granted that did happen in Real Life occasionally. The AI seems to have gone back to it's pulling up, stalling, then recovering tactic (reminiscent of Phase 2). This is what makes it easier for me to get rounds into the cockpit since every time I engage, they pull up and present me with a nice juicy target. Did I miss something in the install? I've got everything on the most "real" level I can make it in the workshops. I've tested mainly in QC against aces (in one flight I downed 3 ace AlbIIIs with a Strutter...front gun only), but I have flown a few campaign and seen the same thing. I tried a fresh install, then patched to 1.28. I've read various posts about CPU speed effecting the AI, but I'm getting smooth frames. I've got the sliders on 5-3-3-4-1. Specs: Core2Extreme o/c @2.99 4 gig RAM 8800GTX 768mb running latest drivers. XP SP2 Any ideas? I hate to complain since I still love this sim, but everyone else's posts about these great dogfights has gotten me jealous and wondering if I screwed something up.
  14. "5. Can I play ROF in offline mode? No, you can't. 6. If an internet connection fails while playing ROF, what will happen? Can I start the next mission? Same with career mode, what will happened with my statistics? "Connection error" message will appear and you will not be able to continue without proper internet connection, thus all statistics will be lost. But if connection to the internet will be reestablished before the end of the mission this problem might not appear. Please note that multiplayer mode will crash due to lack of internet connection." Damn it damn it damn it.
  15. Well, after a few more experiments, I am seeing some different things. I tried just 1.25 for awhile, and noticed that since it takes longer to down an EA, the fights are obviously longer. It also seemed...seemed...that the AI was a little more aggressive. This could be due to the fact that they open fire at greater ranges, right? So, loaded up 1.28 and tried the same QC mission (Se5as against DVas...random skill for both, 10K). Maybe I'm just imagining it, but it seems the AI kept doing the pull-up and stall trick more...especially low to the ground...again like in Phase 2. NOW, I tried a few Campaign missions, and definitely noticed an improvement. Needless to say I didn't last long! I even managed to rip a wing-tip off colliding with a DIII (I was in a Biff)...and I actually made it home alive. That's the first time I didn't automatically explode when I collided with another aircraft. So, I think everything's sorted. But I have one more stupid question...or two. How does the Front gun/Rear Gun setting change gun damage? I know at the Hard level, there's more "spray", but do they do more or less damage at this level? Also, at the "realistic" range setting, does the AI fire closer or further out? I hate to ask, but "realistic" could be either. Whew...sorry for the long post. And thanks again for the continued support of the great product.
  16. Well, did a re-install of 1.28 and even upped my sliders a bit. Still seems to easy bring an EA down to me (again, I hate to complain). Maybe since I've been flying more, my aim is just getting better! ;) I tried 5 Biffs against 5 Alb DVas. Albs on "Ace" F2bs on "Rookie". We creamed them...I got three myself...with no damage taken. Tried 5 Pups against Alb DIIIs. Creamed them again. I got three again. They always do the same thing...spiral dive, then steep climb to stall...that's where I put the rounds on target, and that's all she wrote...wings come off and they spiral down. Gonna ponder this for awhile. I think I'll try and go back to 1.25 and experiment. Thanks again for listening.
  17. I cleared Phase 2 before I installed Phase 3. Haven't had time to do a re-install yet, but I'll let you know of my results. I haven't gone to SP3 yet, just updated all the critical updates separately. Maybe I'll mess with the sliders just to see. Funny thing is, 1.25 had better AI for me, so I don't know. I'll figure it out... Thanks for the tips, guys!
  18. Well, I've got everything on "realistic" in the Workshop settings. AI Range at realistic, guns both front and rear on "hard", my guns strength on normal (not strong or strongest). The only thing I don't have is Dead is Dead. That's on die-roll. For the QC tests, I've set the enemy AI to "ace". I usually have 1 wingie with me which I set to Rookie. I've seen them break off, but the usually just dive away. I can usually get on one's tail and kill him before the others have time to re-group. Again, I'm testing mainly in QC as I can't control the experiment in campaign mode. I'm going to un-install...patch to 1.25...do some QCs and see if I can tell a difference in AI behavior. I know that 1.26 introduced a new damage model, but I didn't think it changed any AI dogfight stuff.
  19. There's something called sleep, Winder...you might want to look into it. As much as we ALL appreciate the amazing support for BHaH, you probably could use some...
  20. Holy CRAP! That's an awesome shot. What terrain is that?
  21. Nieuport 28?

    Gotta put my vote in for a DH.5 as well. An obscure aircraft that saw alot of action...even if that action was usually being shot down.
  22. Thanks to Combat Ace

    This is cool...I no longer have to check both sites for news and stuff. Awesome! Thanks CombatAce!
  23. I assume it's for WOE and you recommend a fresh install? Gonna go do that now while we're all waiting...
  24. How Southern are yew?

    73% Dixie. Your neck must be a just little rosy! Oh well, guess that makes sense. I'm from Tennessee, y'all!

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