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Everything posted by LloydNB

  1. I thought you might find this useful.
  2. Nice looking Fairey Fox III. I'm loving these early war birds. Ooops. Its a VI.
  3. Belgian Hurricane Mk1



    Hurricane Mk1 - Belgium 1940 This skin is for Ravens' Hurricane Mk1. Not much has been changed from the original template so most of the credit for this skin must go tho him. ******************************** In an attempt to modernise their fighter force the Belgians ordered 20 Hurricanes and obtained a licence to build a further 80 of which only one (H42) was delivered to the air force. It seems only 11 Hurricanes were serviceable at the outbreak of hostilities. These were all based at Schaffen as part of 2/I/2 Ae (No. 2 Squadron of No. 1 Group of No. 2 Air Regiment). 8 Hurricanes were lost at Schaffen to the Luftwaffe attack on 10 May 1940. LloydNB
  4. File Name: Belgian Hurricane Mk1 File Submitter: LloydNB File Submitted: 19 November 2013 File Category: Other Origin Hurricane Mk1 - Belgium 1940 This skin is for Ravens' Hurricane Mk1. Not much has been changed from the original template so most of the credit for this skin must go tho him. ******************************** In an attempt to modernise their fighter force the Belgians ordered 20 Hurricanes and obtained a licence to build a further 80 of which only one (H42) was delivered to the air force. It seems only 11 Hurricanes were serviceable at the outbreak of hostilities. These were all based at Schaffen as part of 2/I/2 Ae (No. 2 Squadron of No. 1 Group of No. 2 Air Regiment). 8 Hurricanes were lost at Schaffen to the Luftwaffe attack on 10 May 1940. LloydNB Click here to download this file
  5. Nice looking Fokker T.V. As its not that common and it lasted a matter of days in combat, it took a while to work out what it was.
  6. Raven's Mk1 skin reworked into a Belgian Hurricane.
  7. Great aircraft. I've just been making a few adjustments so the bombs hang vertically. [bombBay] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=INTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-90.0,0.0 LoadLimit=940 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=FRANCE NumWeapons=8 AttachmentPosition001=0.30,2.85,0.30 AttachmentPosition002=0.30,2.45,0.30 AttachmentPosition003=0.30,2.05,0.30 AttachmentPosition004=0.30,1.65,0.30 AttachmentPosition005=0.10,2.65,0.30 AttachmentPosition006=0.10,2.25,0.30 AttachmentPosition007=0.10,1.85,0.30 AttachmentPosition008=0.10,1.45,0.30 DiameterLimit=0.4 LengthLimit=1.75 BombBayAnimationID=8 BombBayOpenTime=2.0 BombBayCloseTime=2.0 Other tweaks would be 500 rounds for the nose gun and 1500 for the others. Also the standard bomb loads are 4x200kg, 6x100kg and 8x50kg. If you really want to, try setting it up to carry 64x10kg but I'm not sure it was ever used. If the bulkhead behind the pilot was moved forward, then the bombs wouldn't show up in the cabin when the bomb doors are open. With the bomb bay so shallow, the 50kg bombs don't show when the bomb bay doors are open because the mounting point is so much higher than the floor.
  8. The bomb bay was to one side so that a crew walkway could go down the other side. The bomb bay used Alkan bomb racks (vertical). Here's shot of the cockpit.
  9. Another great model with a fantastic skin. Although I did spot something odd. The airscoop is off the centre-line. Just a bit to the left
  10. The new Slartibartfast! Slartibartfast: Oh, yes. Did you ever go to a place - I think it was called Norway? Arthur Dent: No. No, I didn't. Slartibartfast: Pity. That was one of mine. Won an award, you know. Lovely crinkly edges.
  11. More early war French aircraft. Bloch 152 Bloch 131 Bloch 175 Bloch 210 Farman F.222
  12. I'm loving these early French aircraft. Just a few observations. The bomb-bay is too long and too shallow. The 633 was a makeshift conversion to a bomber and the only way it could accomodate internal storage was to fill the area between the pilot and gunner with a box that was higher than the bottom sill of the glazing. In this way it was possible to hang 8x50 kg bombs vertically. The forward facing gun was in the nose on the port-side (not on the belly as in the 631).
  13. Hey guys I hate to be the fly in the ointment, but didn't the Potez 631 have the intakes below the engines - the same as the 63.11?
  14. For years I've been resisting getting SF2. But now Veltro2k is releasing his French aircraft for SF2 so I'd better catch up. But which version is best for WWII? Is it Israel with the Expansion kit? Advice please.
  15. Thanks Wrench I was struggling with what to do with my backpay. Looks like a fair proportion of it is committed.
  16. On the Potez 63.11, I'd just note the glazing on either side of the nose is not the same. The port side has an extra window for the observer that has two sightly overlapping glass panels that slide. I love the new gun pods. Any chance of adding hardpoints to the 630/631?
  17. File Name: Potez 63.11 Squadrons File Submitter: LloydNB File Submitted: 25 September 2013 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets The enclosed layered file contains squadron markings for all the French squadrons that flew the Potez 63.11, both recon and light bomber. Hope you find them of use when Veltro2k releases his latest masterpiece. LloydNB Click here to download this file
  18. Markings for all 70 squadrons that flew the Potez 63.11 should be available shortly. LloydNB
  19. Version


    The enclosed layered file contains squadron markings for all the French squadrons that flew the Potez 63.11, both recon and light bomber. Hope you find them of use when Veltro2k releases his latest masterpiece. LloydNB
  20. Veltro What configuration are you going for? Early versions of the Potez 63.11 had a bombay like the 633 - only big enough for 8 10kg bombs hung vertically. I would go for no bombay (more fuel) and hard points inside of the nascelles for 4 50kg bombs. Could you think about doing a Potez 637 variant? These appeared in mixed squadrons with the 63.11 during the Battle of France. Could we cheat by adding the gondola beneath the 633 as a pod? Cheers
  21. A new Potez!!!!! I love you man All those skinning possibilities. - Battle of France (including Polish markings) - Vichy (Madagascar, Morocco, Tunisia) - Romanian - Luftwaffe - Hungarian - Italian - Free French (North Africa, Palestine) i have squadron markings for 43 French squadrons.
  22. I'm still intending to release these when I can bet back to doing the aircraft codes.
  23. Very nice. Perfect for East Africa.
  24. Potez 633 B2 Grec



    Potez 633 B2 Grec The supply agreement for 24, twin-engine Potez 633 B2 Grec bombers, was signed in January 1938 with the delivery deadline expiring in 1 year. Finally 13 airplanes were delivered but one of them was destroyed with French crew at Tanagra Air Base on the delivery flight. The remaining 11 airplanes were confiscated by the French upon the break of the war. The Greek Potez 633 had bombing configuration, except one that was delivered with photographic equipment. Hydraulic variable-paced propellers, F.R. radio, periscopic Bronzavia type bombing sight, OPL 36 fixed gunner sight, GPU rails for 4 or 2 bombs were among their equipment. They took part in the operations in 1940 - 1941, with the 31st Bombing Squadron, until their final immobilization due to the lack of spare parts. LloydNB

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