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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Idiot of the year award...goes to...

  2. Something I can agree with Iran on...

    You know how much of a hit that would be on the economy?... we would be blasted by the UN for doing such a thing.
  3. If You're a Crew Chief or US Military You Will Love This

    Heh... I guess March isn't the only base that suffers from this.
  4. What about space combat sims?

    Wing Commander! My first space combat sim. If they revive that series with modern day graphics, AI, and a quality job with functionality, moddability, and overal story depth, that game would freaken rock! I would love to manually land a Rapier onboard the TCS Tiger's Claw, with com traffic advisements on my approach, or initiate the catapult launch sequence off the flight deck. However, the main space combat sim that I've been playing with since 2002 (when it first came out) is Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Plenty of mods for it that totally upgrade that game to current standards. Best thing about it, it has a community that is very devoted to it, just like the one here for the SF series. Just go to www.bcfiles.com or www.bc-central.com for news and info for what's happening with this game. There's a lot that the modding community that has put out that makes this game so awesome. The only problem with it is that there's a memory leak... so if you overload the game with too much action... the game will lock-up.
  5. B-1 retirement?

    They're not going to retire this bird any time soon. It's just something they threw up in the air to think about... probably to see who it would stir. I'm willing to bet this aircraft will remain in service for the next 15 - 20 years... or untill something much more faster, stealthier, and can carry the same amount of payload is brought into service.
  6. The Person Below Me

    False, I was born with gas elswhere... The person below me will not buy an IPhone.
  7. The Official "Not the IPhone" Thread

    I currently use the G1 from T-Mobile. It was nice right out of the box, but it breaks down rather quickly. I think I'm on my 3rd one issued from warranty/insurance. I might think about getting the HTC Mytouch. Since a lot of the apps for the IPhone are now becoming available for Droids and other spin-off products, there is no reason to really go out and buy a $400 - $500.00 phone when you can get something very similar, if not somewhat better (in it's own way) for a hundred less, if not half off. I like the idea of having a touch screen keyboard, but it's also refreshing to know that I can slide the screen out and use a regular keyboard. You can't do that with an IPhone.
  8. Why me?

    Through out time, I'm occasionally faced with a dilema and really don't know what to do about it. I usually come here to post the issue to get advice from all ya fine folks here because that's the kind of connection I have with this community. This happens to be one of those times, and it's a very interesting situation that I happen to be in. So saying that... the other day, this really hot chick, who is a TR on orders working with us, pretty much offered me a proposition to "be" with her (and boy, did she proposition me). I happen to already be friends with this person and was comfortable and satisfide with the relationship being at that level. You would think that I would jump at the chance to such a invite, and I probably would. However... she's married... to a prior service Marine! Part of me is saying "DANGER WILL ROBINSON! DANGER!" but the rest of me is saying, "Saddle up!" Oh, and just how hot is she?... her side job... taking pictures as a pin-up model. I hate my life.
  9. Why me?

    Everybody in my unit agrees with you eraser. This guy does have problems. And this incident here pails in comparison to some very serious ones that have happened in the past. The thing that sucks though is that there are folks in our unit that if they get a hint that you have something on him, they will tell him immediately about it and then he will wait for you to make a mistake and bury you, or those folks will just throw you under the bus for something that is really BS... and in this job, it is very easy to make a mistake or walk into something that is really BS and not knowing untill it's too late... especially when training sucks. And somehow, I still like my job and keep a high morale.
  10. Why me?

    The real problem started from the flight chief who had instigated the situation and pretty much challenged her to do this to me. The flight chief is a MSgt who is known for this kind of behavior and worse... much, much worse (why he is still a flight chief is beyond me). The girl is only a SrA. She's only 22. This flight chief has a way of being able to manipulate people to do things for his amusement... and he mainly targets the younger troops. I actually feel bad for the girl than anything else 'cause she has no idea what she had gotten herself into and what she has actually done. I'm more pissed at the flight chief because he knows very well what he was able to get this troop to do and is laughing about it. The girl is realy upset and ashamed because she thinks that she has hurt me and has lost a good friend. Today we were both in medical for our annual physical and she couldn't look me in the eye. It's just sad that this asshole is able to have the postion that he is in and abuses it for his own personal enjoyment. Like I said, heads are expected to roll on this one, and I very much hope his is the only one.
  11. Why me?

    Not to worry folks, I've found out from somebody... who happens to be a good friend of mine, and who had the good fortune of walking in on a conversation the other day between her and the flight chief (the guy who kind of started all of this) that this whole thing was a prank on me. Believe me, I'm pissed, not because I thought I was going to have a chance with some girl, but because I was placed in an awkward and uncomfortable scenario. My supervisor (who I've been keeping up to date with this) is pissed like hell and is probably going to notify the command staff, (probably mainly the commander) of this BS. If he gets notified of this, I know for a fact that heads will role. Unfortunately, those heads might also include this girl... who I still consider as a friend.
  12. Call of Duty "No Russian"

    LOL... VB stands for vehicle born or vehicle based so with IED, it means vehicle born/based improvised explosive device. VBIED is pronounced as "v-beds".
  13. Call of Duty "No Russian"

    Me and my supervisor play this game religously. We both liked how well the "No Russian" mission exposed the brutality of terrorism. I personally think the No Russian mission was able to blend in the reality of terrorism quite well. It is something that a lot of Americans are not exposed to and have no idea on how horrible it really is. In order for them to get a little glimpse of it, it has to go beyond a movie. A video game is the perfect way of delivering this horror for them to understand it a bit. They should be horrified and disgusted by it. The mission wasn't meant for entertainment but to expose a serious situation that constantly occurs on the other side of the world. It was done in respect for those who have had to go over there and witness it first hand. One of the guys on the animation team for this game is a friend of mine - Zack Volker. He and I talked quite a bit after my return from Iraq - this was during or post development of MW1 (can't remember which). I remember telling him that it is just sad how Americans really don't know how bad it is over there with the terrorism and criminal extortion using VBIEDs to get their way, and if they did know, they might, just might understand why it is so important for us to be there. Almost on a daily basis, I hear something go BOOM! outside of the base, and during our guardmount we get a sit-rep on what it was... usually innocent children were the victims. I sometimes wonder if the No Russian mission was inspired because of those conversations. For those who complain that it's too violent for kids... well, there is an ESRB rating on the game which would indicate that kids should not be playing this game anyways and shame on the parent for allowing it. This game is definitely not for those under the age of 13. Those that are between the ages of 13 and 16 should be supervised while playing this game. That's all it takes to really curb this "video games are causing kids to be violent" crisis... parental involvement with their kids... which has been piss poor in the US. Parents hardly spend as much time as they should with their kids and that's where the real problem lies. If you let a video game to raise your children, well, you're going to reap what you sow; and the whole "I'm should not be held responsible for that" mentality is really getting old. It seems that more parents need to grow up more than their kids do these days. For those "Christian crusaders" that rally against these games... why not rally against irresponsible parents fist. Geez, it's not that hard to see where the problem is. Rant off...
  14. The Annoying Orange

    Has anybody seen these videos... they're hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+annoying+orange&aq=0
  15. Man tries MRE

    Ugh!!!!! the omelet is the worst of them all. Even looking at it makes you want to hurl. I do not know why it hasn't been banned from the rest of the MRE meals. The only thing it is good for is luring in larger animals to kill, fish bait, or to keep the enemy away.
  16. Why me?

    Well, I've been doing more research into this to find out what the hell is going on with this girl. Just spoke to a friend of mine at our unit and he isn't too surprised, but at the same time finds this kind of shocking. Apparently she's having marital issues. Don't know what it is exactly, but I guess she is not as happily married as I had thought. However, I would not want to see a marriage to end just because somebody wants to be with me or I want to be with them. So I think the best thing for me to do is just be a friend... which will be kind of hard now since I know that she kind of likes me and now that she has revealed that, she isn't holding back anymore on expressing it... can someone please tell me this is just some wacked out dream that I'm having.
  17. Iphone 4

    I just heard through the rumor mill that the first recall will come in about a month.
  18. Eels?

  19. Eels?

    and so will the zombies
  20. Why me?

  21. Why me?

    You want pics? I can give you pics...
  22. Why me?

    Roger that folks. Just something that I wanted to share 'cause it has been on my mind for the whole day. I though it was just me saying hell no to it because everybody else at my unit is looking at me weird for not jumping on it. It's funny that these things keep happening to me. I just seem to be a magnet for trouble. Hey FC, got your PM, but I'm not currently on a computer with ICQ.... using my phone to type this. Anyways, if she keeps pushing the issue, I'll tell her to get a divorce first if she really is interested. Then we'll see how sincere she really is.
  23. Why me?

    Ya know, I should have challenged that at the time by calling him up on the phone.... would've found out right then and there if it was a joke or not.
  24. Why me?

    I know, that's why this whole situation irritates me. I'm just shocked how it got presented to me, as if there would be no problem at all with the chain of command, and I'm further shocked by her because I had thought that she was a faithfull spouse and happily married. Maybe something else is going on. Of course, it was presented that the husband wouldn't mind... yeah right! I think I'm just more irritated by the fact that a hot girl, who is unfortunately married, propositioned me.
  25. Why me?

    Oh, I know that, and the thing is, the subject mattter was actually introduced to me by my FC, asking if I would go out with a married woman. My initial response, because I thought I was being placed on the spot, was, "Heck no!" Little did I know, she was talking to him about me and she was in the room when he asked me that. Once I realized what was going on, I asked her if she was the person inquiring and she admitted it, and then she got really indepth in the converstation about it. At first I thought it was just a joke, but it's lasting a bit longer than a joke should, and now my concience is in the middle of a civil war. I mean, I do like this girl, but at the time I was very ok with just being friends... now she presents me with this little deal here and I feel trapped in bullet time.

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