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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Why me?

    He was an aircraft mechanic for F/A-18s
  2. Most expensive oil & lube job ever...

    So, it cost me $116.34 for my first oil and lube job service on my car thanks to the fact that instead of an oil pan, I have an oil sump. They wanted to charge an extra $330.xx to clean out my throttle body, replace the wipers, and do a slight alignment correction on the front right wheel. I told 'em no. They seemed disappointed when I told them that. Throttle body cleaning... that's a first for me.
  3. My New Jeep

    I like silver... all the Tsgts at my base that have that jeep have it in silver.
  4. The greatest past combat FS ever

    Fleet Defender for me. I'm a big tomcat lover, and i enjoyed working with the avionics and the radar modes.
  5. If you had to choose one of these three films..

    Um... don't ask, don't tell
  6. If you had to choose one of these three films..

    Pon-Far anyone?
  7. My First Combat Flght Simulator

    Does After Burner and Thunder Blade count?
  8. Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - first flight!

    Too many and large exterior moving parts, exhaust nozzles are cylindrcal, too many extruding surfaces, exposed rivets that are not washed down, and it has right angled edges (especially noticeable on the zoom up on the canopy hatch viewing the pilot inside - this defeats stealth). If you take notice on the F-22, there are no right angled edges at all. The T-50 might be somewhat stealthy, but nowhere near to the F-22. It might have a lot of thrust, but again, nowhere near the F-22. I have yet to see a video of it doing manuevers that the F-22 can do. All it is is just a redesigned Flanker. It might be something for the JSF folks to worry about in regards to foreign countries deciding which aircraft to purchase over, but they're probably not sweating over it. I'm not. However, this aircraft is somewhat of a motivation to push Russia forward in aviation research and development.
  9. Went to see it

    The A-Team movie kicks some serious butt! Never saw a more entertaining movie than this. It is definitely A-Team worthy. Oh, and Jessica Biel is freaken hot too!
  10. Went to see it

    Speaking of popcorn, it always makes me fart... really really bad too. Infact, if I go see a movie with my family, I'm banned from having any popcorn at all because I have to ride back with them after the movie. They don't like driving with the windows rolled down . Anyways, yes, they do shoot and kill, but the killing is kind of rare.
  11. Most expensive oil & lube job ever...

    I feel lucky
  12. Is the a/c broke in here?

    I've noticed that it has been getting a bit hot here lately, and I'm not talking about the temperature. I think a few of us here need a nice cold one and relax a bit from the forums. I know this is the Pub, where we like to talk about things that affect us or the world on a daily basis, but I think some of us have a strong personal take on it, or want to run for office, or something... Anyways, all I'm saying is can't we just relax for one bit. You're not going to make a difference on the forums by go charging off on a posting crusade here against people. All you'll end up doing is pissing a lot of folks off and making more enemys than friends. I mean seriously, this is just an internet forum folks. I don't think making an impressive and significant post here will change the way things are. Besides, I think 99.9999991% of us here are very much convicted in what we stand for and believe in, so we ain't going to convince anybody to see things differently with a profound and wordy speech that has a lot of facts that can contain relevant, irrelevant, and sometimes mis-information. So that being said, just get along, be merry, be happy, be gay... well maybe not gay... not that there's anything wrong with it... 'cause things can be a hell of a lot worse than what it is, and believe me, it will be. So enjoy what we got right now, 'cause this crap doesn't last forever.
  13. Irony.......Is this it?

    He touched it and it blew up?... Um... that sounds odd, and especially if only his close associates are reporting it. I would be cautious in believing these reports. Sounds like this guy might be trying to fake his death to get out of the lime light.
  14. Well, I qualified on both the M-9 and M-4 today. Did ok with the M-9, but after 4 attempts with the M-4, I still could not qualify. I do not know what's wrong, or why I can't seem to get my aim on. I was able to qualify last time. For some reason this time is just a freaken joke. Infact, on my 4th try, I only got four hits on target (plus the wind was blowing the targets around pretty well by this point in the day). I'm really really mad at myself right now. Perhaps turning 30 is doing me over, like when I turned 13 and my eyesight went from 20/15 to 20/210 in one week.
  15. Can't hit the broadside of a barn to save my life...

    Well, I found a CMMG M-4 LE at coldwarshooters.com for $799.00, and I get a 5% discount because of my military status. However, because I'm in the People's Republic of Kalyforniya, I have to get a department letter head from my unit, stating that it's purchase is for duty purpouse only and not for resale.
  16. Say goodbye to Chevy

    Where do you live? There's a Chevy's near where my folks live.
  17. Ouch...

    Or just multiples in jumbo sizes. Yeah, I could never figure why they never thought of installing those things on jet liners. Perhaps it's because the aircraft is going so fast, that either the cable for the shoot won't hold, or whatever is mounting the device that connects the cable to the aircraft would rip the airframe apart
  18. Can't hit the broadside of a barn to save my life...

    Well, I qualified yesterday. So I'm good to go. However, I'm still not happy with how I shot. So I'm in the market of purchasing a M-4, preferably with a rail system so I can attach a front grip. Of course, I could always use the magazine well instead, but front grips are more comfortable
  19. Say goodbye to Chevy

    Wow, I think managment at GM was bored that day.
  20. Ouch...

    Could be worse...
  21. Can't hit the broadside of a barn to save my life...

    I just found out that my rear sights were not setup right. They were placed too far forward, right next to the M-68 sights. The armorer had them placed back by the charging handles and told me that is probably the main reason why I couldn't hit anything. He went over some of my fundamentals and made some minor corrections to what I was doing. However, the new postion of the rear sight is what I noticed being the big difference out of everything else. So I think I'm good to go for shooting tomorrow.
  22. X-51A Scrammissile tested

    Here's a youtube video of the launch...
  23. Can't hit the broadside of a barn to save my life...

    Yeah, I should. This is the first time that I've ever had this much problem with shooting. Really irritated over it.
  24. Question for the car people

    Least aggressive way of doing it is spray some of that compressed air cleaner that is used to clean keyboards over the area of the dent. The air is super cold and will force the dent to contract a bit. Then immediately blow a hair dryer on it. The hot air will cause an immediate reversal of what the compressed air cleaner did, causing a rapid expansion of the dent to form back to how it's supposed to be. Right down the VIN number on the car... usually the last 5 to 6 digits, and bring it to the local Pontiac/GM dealership. They should be able to have touch up paint available. If not, then you can order some.
  25. What are you listening to?

    Hey there! Been a while since you visited these parts of the internet. Welcome back!

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