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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Top Gun 2

    Okay it would be interesting if they did a prequal to the movie. Maybe we could see some Wild Weasal action? Ok, now that sounds like a really awesome idea for a new Top Gun movie. A prequel about Mav's dad shooting it out in the skies over the "wrong line on some map". When they first mentioned that in the original movie, I got really interested to know what really happened. Thought it would make an awesome scene in a movie.
  2. Top Gun 2

    Mean while, the remake of Red Dawn will be appearing this year and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley will be replacing Megan Fox in Transformers 3. Also, Michael Bay will be directing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.
  3. chemtrails

    I hate math.... But if they're spraying rogain up there, I don't mind. Baldness runs in my family a bit. So I appreciate any assistance that can be offered to combat that trait.
  4. Keep this guy in your thoughts and prayers.

    A buddy of mine that I work with, SrA Alan Bumanglag, has been on medical leave for the past two weeks due to a tumor that he has in his left leg. He just got diagnosed today of having Sarcoma Cancer, which is supposedly extremely rare to get... only 3% of the cases that have the tumor end up being cancerous... and it's genetic, but nobody in his family has a history of having it... untill now. They will have to take out a chunk of muscle from his leg and give him radiation treatment. He will be out till September, but I think he will be getting a medical discharge because of this. He's only 30. So as the title of the thread says... keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks folks.
  5. Gary Coleman dead at 42

    "Whacha talk'n about "Willis?" Really sad news. Loved watching him on Different Strokes. That quote ended up being one of my favorite throughout my early childhood years.
  6. Hold on folks... this might be his first post, but he registered with us back in 2009 on April 17th... over a year ago! Listen bro, if you've visited this site in the past, you should know for a fact that using terms such as "suck, worthless, crap, garbage, etc..." are unacceptable ways of describing someone's work here. There are multiude of ways for you to have addressed this appropriately... such as... "I'm having a problem with this HUD and can't seem to find a solution", or... "is this normal for the HUD to look like this? <insert image and explain what you're showing>", or... "is there a way to add this feature into the HUD?" By asking it in this manner, you might recieve a much more positive response from the community. I for one would have jumped at the chance to help you out since I've done some HUD work in the past. You should use this as an opportunity to edit your post and correct it in a more appropriate manner. I believe I have given you enough examples to go by on how to edit it. By the way, since you have registered with us over a year ago, and this is your first post, where have you been all this time? I find it odd that now you decide to participate with the community and make this your first impression with us. So as I said, use this as an opportunity to edit your post... oh, and here's a tip... might want to appologize to the Mirage Factory.
  7. Oh for the love a...

    I thought it was going to be gay beach volleyball?
  8. Bullies Tattoo Vile Image, Words on Learning Disabled Teen

    I'm confused why they are being classified as bullies. If they were 12 (the age that they are acting btw) I would understand. But they're all (with exception to the one 15 year old that will be charged) at or over the age of 18. These are legal adults who have violated a minor. Shouldn't they be classified as sex offenders instead? Any crime involving areas of sexual reference should be classified as a sex crime. These jerk***s are getting off way too easy.
  9. Oh for the love a...

    More than likely a variatoin of Ace Combat and Hawx. It will not be a sim like SF, Falcon, or Lock On. Remember, it is geared for the PS3 and it's target audience is both non hardcore PS3 gamers and hardcore PS3 gamers... not flight simmers.
  10. Oh for the love a...

    It could be worse... they could've made an Iron Eagle sim...
  11. For the first real-world use of it...

    ...I've cracked open my Airman's Manual. Burned my left hand on an oven rack baking up some pizza at home. Kind of freaked out a bit cause I never had this kind of an injury before. But I saw my Airman's Manual on my kitchen table and quickly went through the SABC part of it. Sure enough, it had a section about my injury and how to correctly treat it. With some improvisation on my part added to it, I'm feeling the least amount of discomfort as possible. Might consider adding my improvisations for the next new addition of AFPAM 10-100.
  12. For the first real-world use of it...

    Well right now I'm alternating with the ice pack on and off to see how bad the burning sensation is. Its becoming a bit more manageable. Probably another good hour and I wont need the pack... hopefully cause I got some more grocery shopping to do...
  13. For the first real-world use of it...

    Damn straight I am! Why do you think I joined the Air Force and not the Marines I ain't going to lie, that b**** f'n hurt! This happened 2 hours ago and it still feels like its on fire when I take the ice pack off. Holy F bro, this is worse than when I had scolding water poured on my arm in basic during KP.
  14. For the first real-world use of it...

    Wish it was that simple... and its 2nd degree burns. The only thing I was hearing was how loud I was cussing. I think I might have inadvertantly declared war with Vulcan with my colorfull metaphors.
  15. Looking for a good desk for flight simming

    Ok, so I'm trying to search for a desk that would meet what I'm looking for. Pretty much I'm looking for something where I can rest a joystick to my right and a throttle quadrant to my left at pretty much at a level close to where my legs would be. Also, perhaps a raised foot deck so I can place my rudder pedals up higher so that it's not like I'm actually sitting in a chair in front of a desk but more like in car/aircraft seat... or should I just go and build my own desk?

    This is true, but with an army of lazer cats and an armada of eels, I'm not sure if there is much to worry about.

    I think the Latvian Mafia could use a few ninjas too by the way.

    Now you see 'em, now you don't! I am ninja! I keall you! Wit ninja star! Waaahh!!!!
  19. Caption Competition :)

    I just saw that picture you posted... you're gay.
  20. a warning for anyone on the flight deck

    F***! Aw geezes... I hope it was quick for the sake of the mechanic. That has to be the most horrifying way to go. I couldn't magnify the pictures to see that. Just too horrible. Must've happened when they were running the engine up to full power. I have to spoil this to any other viewers here because of how horribly graphic this is. First of all, DO NOT HAVE YOUR KIDS SEE THIS. The guy pretty much got shreded to a billion pieces to death in probably less than a second and human material is splattered all over the interior of the engine and blown out the back. This is just too sad. I feel so bad for the family that's left behind. Jet engines are one of the biggest things I do not like being around while out on the flightline... mainly because of this, or the fact that I can get blown almost halfway to hell from the exhaust.
  21. Don't fence me in

    Not if you regularly set the floor of the trench on fire.
  22. Don't fence me in

    Hm... I say build a mile deep trench that's 1/4 mile wide.
  23. The Defendant has a Small Penis

    Agree 100%! There are occassions where some folks need a good knock in the block when they haven't even presented any kind of physical threat, but just by being a jack***. The folks getting prayed up by these morons are supposed to exhibit a level of "tolerance" that I find to be a f'n joke! And when they finally had enough and do what they feel is necessary to get rid of the ***hole, they're treated as the worse criminals ever. They're just people, trying to put up with the BS as much as possible, but at some point, that BS is going to get too heavy to carry. The real problem is that nobody is looking out for this guy who is getting bullied. Somebody should have stepped in at the begining and told Orono to stop if the victim wasn't going to. But nobody does that these days. They're all concerend about themselve. What a bunch of f'n losers.
  24. NATO Award for 'Courageous Restraint'

    Easy folks... everybody has a right to view things from a certain perspective. No need to go out on a crusade here.
  25. The Defendant has a Small Penis

    Maybe a nice punch to the gut or face would have sufficed... but to beat the guy with a batton... that's a little extreme. However, Orono should also be charged for sexual harassment and terminated from TSA.

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