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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Heritage Flight

    Sorry for the crappy pic. Took it with my cell phone as they were flying over.
  2. Fubar512, your malware is cheap...

    Hm... characters calling themselve gatemaster and keylogger, threats of malware and system ownage... this must be the Matrix or a trailer for Swordfish II.
  3. I am not sure but have any of you heard.....

    After Stewie is done with that revolver, I would like to have it.
  4. Douche Bag of the Week?....

    As you may know, I had recently posted that I had driven over a bolt that severly damaged the left rear tire and wheel. Because of the cost, I decided to see if my insurance, USAA, can cover it. An adjuster came out, evaluated the damge, and said that I can get covered for the damage. Today, in the mail, I get a letter from USAA stating that I'm 100% at fault for the "collision". The details regarding their decision... 1.)This accident occurred when the driver of your vehicle (me) struck a stationary object. WTF!? explain to me how a 4" bolt rolling around in the street is classified as a stationary object? 2.) We determined that the driver of your vehicle was principally at fault because under California law , a driver is responsible for steering clear of any obstacles. Ok, yeah, under what reasonability is it expected for the driver to be able to avoid an obstacle that is f***ing 4 inches in length and 3/4" in diameter, at night? This last part gets me laughing... If you do not agree with our decision, please call us. You may also request reconsideration of our decision in writing within 30 days from receipt of this correspondence (date marked on the letter says April 16, 2010). Damn right I'll be giving a call, and they better reconsider or I'll be contacting my lawyer, and all of my friends who use USAA and to notify their friends and to drop USAA as an insurance provider. Sure am glad I got that app on my phone that records all phone call conversations. Wonder what kind of a response I would get when they answer the phone and I say, "This call is being recorded. Any statements made can be used as evidence in civil prosecution."
  5. Douche Bag of the Week?....

    I will be contacting the National Insurance Commission as soon as I hear back from USAA when they still say that I'm 100% at fault. A friend of mine had to deal with the same thing with another company and sued them for $50,000!... of course there was probably a settlement that was much lower. But I'm expecting USAA will go dumb on this one. All that insurance companies are is legalized organized crime. Look at the Mafia. What do they do?... they provide "protection" to their "clients" but screw them over big time when they get the chance. It should be unconstitutional to have insurance by law. Unfortunately, living in the People's Republic of California, that's not the case.
  6. This weeks HO-LEE-CRAP video

    That looked like fun
  7. May the Forth Be with you...

    I want to learn about the 4th and become a Jedi like my father.
  8. Douche Bag of the Week?....

    Ah, so I found out that I do have this comprehensive coverage that should have protected me from this. So I gave a nice call to USAA and asked them what the F' is going on and why the F' am I paying for this coverage if it's not protecting me. They're now wanting to re-review their findings and hopefully resolve this matter. The smack down on USAA begins!
  9. CLUB-K

    I don't think there's anything within LOAC that would declare this illegal. What you can't do is mark religous or medical symbols on the containers. It looks like something Hollywood would do for an action movie... Sum of All Fears II.
  10. CA Douche Bag Of The Week

    I wouldn't say Sprint is the ones that are douchebags, but more of the system in it's self that has caused companys to react this way. By firing the employees, Sprint is now protecting themselves from any possible law-suite that may occure from this. You say that no court on the planet would of convicted those two, however, there was a case a while back where some guy, breaking into somebody's house, injured himself by one of their knives that was laying out on the kitchen table, and was able to sue the homeowners and won! There are many more f***ed up court rulings throughout this country that gives Sprint a good reason to react this way. There are even many more regarding situations exactly like the one here with Sprint where the bad guy sues the employees and the company and wins. These are not the days where the hero triumphs. Hell, look at the UK with the messed up rulings going on over there against their own troops! We've already seen threads of that here at CA. Believe me Dave, the system right now is very messed up and it's keeping us from helping each other out. That's the douchebag of the week... the system.
  11. CA Douche Bag Of The Week

    Actually, having done private security for a mall, they put themselve in some serious liability going after the guy and laying their hands on him. Good samaritan laws don't protect you in stopping possible suspects of a crime. I'm sure it was quite obvious that the guy commited a crime, but unless you had witnessed the act, you don't have the authority to step in and take action like that. What if they went after the wrong guy and it was only by coincidence that this guy was running at the moment when that guard yelled for help. What if the guard cowards up and says that he wasn't talking about that guy? These two men would be totally screwed. ONLY law-enforcement officials have the authority and duty to apprehend subjects/suspects who have and may have POSSIBLY commited a crime. If I did that as a security guard, I would be fired. The guy that they caught can easily turn around and not only sue them, but Sprint as well since it was Sprint employees that were involved. I think getting fired is a little over-board, a write up would have sufficed. I understand that their intentions were to be pro-active in crime prevention, but their role in this case is limited to only being a witness and nothing more. So I wouldn't say Sprint is the douche bag of the week. They're doing what any other company would do. From my job experience, I understand their actions.
  12. No Way.............

    It's more than just politics. I believe that the current administration is manipulating military leadership to do things that would be disgraceful, but not immediately harmful to the security of the nation. I highly doubt that the SECNAV was the key individual to name this ship after that b******. Infact, I bet that he probably hated doing this. But he also has to follow orders, and if his orders are to name a ship after an a**hole, I don't think he's going to jeapordize his career over it by saying no. This says Obama all over it.
  13. The Bolt

    This is what has deadlined my car for the past week. Hopefully will be driveable by Monday or Tuesday.
  14. Starting my glider license

    Is it more thrilling without the clothes on?
  15. F-8 Crusader vs MiG-17 in Vietnam

    Can someone summarize that for me... I'm too drunk to read all of that right now.
  16. Next d-bag of the week?

    My suspicions on the whole Tito deal is that it is well known that his wife is addicted to oxy-cotton (however you spell it) and that he's trying to get her off of it. He probably caught her in the bathroom trying to get high and made an attempt to stop her. She probably put up a fight with him and Tito probably pushed her away... probably pretty hard for her size, and she fell on the floor, injuring herself. I'm not saying that's what happened, but it's a mixture of both of their statements on what they said had happened.
  17. Next d-bag of the week?

    I agree with you on this. I'm just stating that one minute, they want to be treated equal, and then the next they want to be treated better than equal. Equality is something that just can't be defined nor accomplished. It is almost an impossible task. Now I'm not saying that men should freely go out beat up a woman if she trys to start up a fight. I believe in minimum force necessary to accomplish the task... which in a DV case would be to stop the attack. Stopping the attack doesn't mean you have to knock the person out, but just keep them from continuing what they're doing to you (which sometimes has to lead to knocking the person out lol). But anyways, I'm not pro violence, and yes, it is in our nature to be violent... since day 1... no wait, I think it was day 10950... how many years was it since the dawn of Adam when Cane killed Able?
  18. Next d-bag of the week?

    Ya know, it's not right to strike anybody, regardless of gender unless during moments of self-defense. No one should be restrained to defend themselve because of the attacker's gender. That's just dumb. If you're getting your ass handed to you, then you should have just cause to take whatever actions necessary to delay, hault, and/or neutralize any hostile acts that you are suffering from. Gender is not, and should never be a shield for an attacker to be free to carry on their assault without immediate ramifications from the victim. And if the attacker happens to be 1/10th the size and weight of the victim, oh well. This whole idea that gender makes a difference is bulls***! Forgive me if I may be incorrect, but isn't the other gender demanding equality since the turning of the 20th century? If they want equality, then they have to accept the consequences for any reckless and unacceptable behavior. No one is deserving of a pedestal. We're all the same mud. Nobody is cleaner than the other. serverandenforcer
  19. World's largest snake found dead

    Solved my constepation.
  20. Bacon.....

    I thought this was going to be a thread poking fun at cops... Hm... I prefer chilli on hotdogs, or a lot of sliced onions, relish, jalapenos/pepper chinies, sliced tomatos, and of course ketchup and mustard. Will have to try the bacon wrap though... perhaps bacon wrap AND chilli.
  21. The Bolt

    Ain't that the truth! I usually almost always replace stock parts that have worn out or broke with aftermarket stuff that last longer and provides better performance at a cheaper cost than stock. If I felt financially comfortable with it, I would have bought 4 aftermarket wheels that would look damn nice on that car. But I don't think I can aford to spend $3,600.00 on something that isn't really necessary to have at the moment.
  22. To SoCal residents...

    March ARB will be having an air show next Saturday and Sunday (May 1st and 2nd). There will be a F-22 demonstration and there's plenty of food from the vendors that will be setting up there. The air show is free, so there's no excuse why you shouldn't go. Hey, if I have to be there, then you should be there too.
  23. The Bolt

    Oh, the tire is going to get replaced. That's the nice thing about run-flats... you can't plug 'em, you have to replace them. My main concern is how well the weld work would hold up for the hole in the wheel. The guy I took it to was very confident with having it fixed. So who knows. So, I don't think the bolt came from my car, but if it did, I would suspect it was from the mount for the starter motor. Everything else by the break calipers checks out fine. Actually, that was funny.
  24. The Bolt

    Actually, I am getting it patched. GM doesn't sell that wheel in that color anymore. So I either get a wheel that's the odd one out, go the super expensive route and buy 4 new wheels, or go the super cheap route and get it patched. I like the super cheap route. Plus, the place I'm taking it to had patched up a wheel for a friend of mine in the past who had the same exact thing happen to them and has not had a problem since. So I take it they do good work and went to them. Only cost me $80.00 as opposed to $837.00 for a new wheel that would not match with the other 3.
  25. Random Pic Time

    ...and then there's an abomination to all that is good and evil in this world. This is it.

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