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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Ok Boys, It's Huntin' Season.......

    Heh... I guess nobody here plays any Modern Warfare 2. I'd like to come up behind him with a knife, and right before I slice his throat in the dark, I'd say, "Surprise!"
  2. Wikileak Apache video

    I call that a success. If you can not provoke protesters to go violent, then there is nothing to worry about. If they do go violent, it would only be a matter of time until it would happen. However, getting them agitated and now having a reason to take action is a good tactic to use to get rid of a large crowd. I mean, who likes crowds? I don't... I hate them. That's why I always get the fast pass at Disneyland.
  3. Wikileak Apache video

    I just think youtube all together is bad. It's already bad enough that the media is showing us editied photography and video, now we have nut jobs and folks who got a "PhD" from a cracker jack box posting and commenting on stuff on youtube all the time that is anything but legit. However, I think the overall problem is the gullibilty of people these days. Folks are easy to convince of an agenda if it's presented cleverly. Nobody puts any effort into background checks and makes sure what they're hearing, reading, and seeing is true. Humanity won't fall because of violence and war. It will fall because of blatant lazyness and down right stupidity.
  4. Another shoe Bomber ?

    Well, see, they're funny when they're not trying to be funny. But when they go off to deliberately make a joke, they butcher it really bad. So I guess you just can't take them seriously when they're being serious, and their jokes are no laughing matter.
  5. Another shoe Bomber ?

    Hahahaha! Good lord. I guess folks keep forgetting the times that we live in. Joking about blowing stuff up is no longer funny... especially on an airplane. I take it his other job isn't stand-up comedy?
  6. Wikileak Apache video

    Security Forces calls it HUA as an acronym for Heard, Understood, and Acknowledge
  7. Wikileak Apache video

    HUA CrazyhorseB34!
  8. Wikileak Apache video

    You are absolutely right. Taking a life in combat is no small matter. Its a serious deal. However, what's more haunting is taking no action at all, costing the lives of your fellow troops. That's my predicament when I was in Iraq. I couldn't tell what I was seeing was a mortar team or just a group of guys hanging out. Unfortunately, it was a mortar team and they tried to hit my position with a shell (thank God they missed). The thing is, it happened fast! By the time I realized what they were doing, it was too late. All I could do was say holy s***! I learned from that experience and that in a combat zone if it looks funny, kill it! If you end up being wrong, you can justify it later on 'cause this is war. There's no room for BS. If that guy is crawling, he maybe trying to stay low to get cover and to get back in the fight. He needs to be neutralized. If you're asking how to survive such an encounter if you're not presenting any hostilities, keep your hands high above your head, palms open, and rest on your knees, head facing down. Then we really know you're not a threat.
  9. Wikileak Apache video

    Ah, but you're watching this video with the fore-knowledge that there was media involved in this. So you already know what you're looking for. The pilot and ground forces did not have this benefit, especially with circles outlining media personnel so that it's easy for you to recognize them. Now try to watch the video with the point of view that you have no knowledge that there was media there but that you're receive reports from ground forces that this group has opened fire on them with AK-47s and RPGs. Can you make a honest statement then that you can easily tell what's what? Do you think it would be in the benefit of those ground forces to take your time to really try to discriminate what's going on while they're are getting shot at, and possibly some getting wounded and/or killed? Fact of the matter is, this video has been edited for an anti-American agenda, clear and simple. If it was just a video showing an AH-64 shooting up some guys, with the whole video and audio recording of what happened before without any of the lame pre and post video comments, I doubt that so many people would jump up and say that we're being "animals"... well there are a lot of morons out there who just like to piss people off, so I might be wrong on that.
  10. Wikileak Apache video

    Just as a side note... don't post any comments on that video on youtube. You try to point out some common sense, and some rational, and you get a crap storm raining down on you. I know the latest trend is to hate Americans just because we're Americans, but geez, I never knew it was a religion. Seriously, youtube has done more harm in destroying peace among mankind than any war or social upset has ever done.
  11. Wikileak Apache video

    Now after that bit of info clearing things up, I completely agree with the use of force here. The Reuters guys were at the wrong place at the wrong time or had other motives. Don't mean to sound cold and heartless about it, but sucks to be them. Next time, notify US forces of where you are and what you're doing if you don't want to get killed. If you deliberately didn't notify them, then hmmmm, what does that say?
  12. Wikileak Apache video

    Before folks start putting up their opinions (mainly against the US forces in this video) you need to consider several things. First, was there any co-ordination with the media in this crowd and US forces? Second, what would that video look like inside an Apache? If you never been in one, you can't start second guessing these men. Finally, what was the Apache's mission and what is the ROE (rules of engagement) in this situation? Those are the questions that need to be asked before starting to make speculations on what had happened. I can obviously see why the US forces would not want to release this video 'cause it looks like it should have been easy to understand what was really going on. However, it probably wasn't all that easy being in the position of the pilots and ground forces that they were co-ordinating with. Also, we don't know what their prior experiences have been while operating in this area. I bet I can gurantee if we were in their shoes, we would have done the exact same thing and behaved the exact same way. Understand before judging.
  13. No kill like a..... missile kill

    I think the best missile kill for me was when I launched all 6 Aim-54Cs on individual targets in rapid succession. Each target was about 50nm out. All 6 Pheonixs hit their targets. Targets were SU-33s and Mig-31s. Now that's air superiority! However, I think the funniest missile kill I ever got was when I launched a 9L at a Mig-23, it lost track and started going after my wingman, then lost track of him and locked on to a Mig-23 that was going after him. Wish I had recorded it.
  14. Another WW2 pilot has gone to the Aerodrome in the sky...

    RIP sir!
  15. Today I just got...

    ...pepper sprayed... IN DA FACE! Reminds me of the movie "Hang Over". It's my official certification process to carry pepper spray for the up coming airshow. 10 of us got sprayed. I vollunteered to go first (mainly because I didn't want to dunk my head in buckets of water that had everybody else's boogers in them). Fortunately, I read up online prior to this on how to successfully survive pepper spray without too much discomfort. It worked out quite well. Plus, my supervisor was the one that sprayed me, and I was his ride home... so he kind of did me a bit of a favor and didn't spray too much on me. However, I still burn a bit on the upper lip and around the hairline on my forehead. Eyes burned like hell at first when they first sprayed the hose on me to "wash off" the pepper spray. All it did was wash the pepper spray from my forehead on to my eyes. All in all though, I feel fine while typing this.
  16. Today I just got...

    So, I just took a shower, but did a pre-wash on my face with Johnson&Johnson, doing a thorough scrubing around the hairline and eyebrows. Face heated up just a tad bit, but nothing too significant. It eventually washed away as I continued to scrub down on it. Took a shower afterwards and did just fine. So, if I don't wake-up with goobers in my eyes, then it should be safe for me to wear contacts again. But I'll give it a couple days to see if anything else flares up.
  17. Today I just got...

    Yea... I know about that... that's why I got Johnson&Johnson baby shampoo to rub all over my face. I've been reading online on how to bath myself after getting this stuff on me. I'm fully prepared. I just have to wait a week before I can start wearing my contacts again (I did take them off before getting sprayed).
  18. Today I just got...

    Oh no... we're not doing tasers... we better not!
  19. Rockin' & Rollin' in San Diego

    7.2 magnitude earthquake in Baja Mexico, just south of the border of California. This is a massive earthquake. Prepare for heavy aftershocks throughout that region. Southern Californians in the area of San Diego, Temelcula, and the Salton Sea should be ready for a rough ride for several weeks. Chilli and Haiti are still suffering heavy aftershocks from their earthquakes. Reminder to folks that live in earthquake zones... make sure you have an earthquake kit ready and standing by. This is more important than a HD back-up! March ARB didn't feel anything from it, but I'm expecting that the San Andreas will start to react in many ways from this quake.
  20. Kim Jong-il dies at age 69

    This just in... President Barrack Obama has resigned!
  21. Hawkeye Down

    They'll find him.
  22. Veteran...

    Ya know, that might actually work.
  23. Joke of the Day

    Um... the guy must really like going to the doctor's office. Must've been one of those home&garden magazines he picked up in the waiting room.
  24. American girls > Israeli girls

    I need to take a trip to Israel... while I'm still single.
  25. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    So... WWJBD? (what would Jack Bower do?)

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