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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    When you go to bed with Chuck Norris, even your nightmares have nightmares.
  2. PSA

    I just had a first encounter with Dave's stalker. I feel so honored right now. Of all people, he choose me as his next target. This has surely been a most excellent day. So, do I get a CA combat patch for surviving a run-in with him? Or maybe a kill score card that can be placed right next to my member rank?
  3. American girls > Israeli girls

    The only American girls I would not approve of is the SoCal girls. Very stuck-up, shallow, and snobbish. All of them think that they deserve to live in Beverly Hills, and unless you're from there, they won't want to talk to you.
  4. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    So, I've examined my monthly income and how much I keep after taxes and bills and have found that I can easily afford in buying a new or newer car. Infact, once my promotion goes through, I can afford in buying a really, really nice new or newer car. Something that I thought I would never been able to purcahse until I'm in my 50's. So... my targets have been so far a 2006 - 2007 Chevrolete Corvette Z-06 or a 2006 Dodge Viper. Now, I know a lot of you might think I'm crazy for buying such a car. Howevr, you would be surprised how low the prices are on these cars right now. The owners who had bought them can't afford them anymore or have lost their jobs and need to get rid of them fast to get some money back (I just love it when the economy goes down the toilet when you have job security with the federal government). So, my dilema is deciding if I should get a Viper or a Z-06. So far, I've found a 06 Viper SRT-10 coupe with under 15,800 miles and a 06 Z-06 with around 15,500 miles both going for $44,000. I don't know which one to go for. So, I have this pole here for you guys to help me out... and also another one setup to see if I need mental help.
  5. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    So I picked up the car today. Holy s***! This car is sick! Nice smooth shifting... if you do it right. Definitely a lot of power under the hood! Accidentally launched the car into some serious acceleration from a green light... think the 350Z next to me got a little discouraged. Had a buddy with me on the ride back to help me out just incase I might have problems with the tranny (last time I drove one was in Iraq in a Nissan Patrol - about 4 years ago and was a little apprehensive with this one). Didn't have too much of a problem. The clutch really grabs though. Found out something interesting with the gear shifting. There is a lock out with 1st to 3rd gear, however you can by pass going straight into 4th from 1st. Anyways, I really took out for a drive today and I can not have found a better car to own. You don't have to be racing or speeding in this thing to really appreciate it. On my drive up to my folk's place, I stayed within 5 to 10 over the speed limit (that's considered to be conservative on SoCal freeways) and really didn't feel that desire to punch it or race down the highway. The fact that I was driving a Z-06 was enough to get my adrenaline going hard. I can not say enough about this car. It is really awesome!
  6. That's why I've programed a master arm for my joystick profile.
  7. apps

    I will get an iPhone just for this!
  8. Today at work

    I had to be very "selective" with the pics for security reasons, so that's why there's only one up.
  9. Today at work

    The aircraft was visible from the 215 FWY. So any average joe with an OK-ish camera can take a pic of the aircraft, and possibly everything else around it. We already have problems with tail watchers in the area. What they don't know, and nobody on the 215 knows is where these aircraft are going and what their mission is. I do, but don't advertise it because I want to make sure that aircraft arrives without incident. It's part of my mission as a Security Forces member to insure the safety and security of the protection level resources. My photo was very limited on what was going around it. Heck, you can find something exactly identical to it in a fighter jet calendar. However, once information is revealed on the purpose of this aircrafts mission, or at least where it's heading, advanced notice can be given to anybody who would want to see that mission fail. I took the picture because 1.) I thought it was freaken cool to see that there, 2.) I'm sure a lot of people here would think it's freaken cool that I get to guard this thing, and 3.) I know what is ok and what is not ok to do - I even mentioned when I posted the pic, there were certain restrictions to what I could take pictures of. I even passed it on by supervisor, showed him the pic afterwards on how limited it was, and he gave me the thumbs up on it. Now, what I didn't count on is that someone else might know more about this plane's mission and talk about it openly. I don't know if it's safe to talk about it or not. I'm not saying that they were wrong in doing that. But the fact that it was talked about because I posted the picture up puts me in that jam because I am now partly responsible for that being disclosed, and if something were to happen to that aircraft, I would be in some serious deep crap. I would love to continue with posting these pics up of cool aircraft that I get to guard, but if that is an issue, then I will have to stop.
  10. Has Anyone seen this story...?

    My response, if that's who he wishes to hire, then so be it. His loss, not mine. More than likely he will get robbed, sodomized, and murdered by those he wishes to employ over former military members. As they say, you reap what you sow. Besides, I wouldn't want to work for someone that dimwitted anyways. Glad to know in advance of how he really feels. Makes my life a lot more easier if I ever wanted to go back to the private sector. So, anymore out there that feel that way? Please speak up. Don't want to work for you either.
  11. Anyone Watching "The Pacific"

    Actually, it's the other way around. Other countries lock out U.S. sites because of our "imperialistic" and "devilish" ways. However, you can watch American Idol almost anywhere.
  12. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    So I got it! A galaxy silver 2006 Corvette Z-06! Get to pick it up on Friday! Had to fight with USAA to give me the loan. Pulled up their own site to point out how lame they were being with refusing to extend the loan from 32K to 42K, and that there wasn't much of a difference between the two on monthly payments. Had to sit down with the rep's supervisor, show him the math side by side with my credit history, and the fact that I have one of the most secure jobs in the world. He agreed and authorized the loan!
  13. Today at work

    The last thing I was going to reveal is where the AC is heading. That's kind of sensitive info until it's already there. Op-Sec, Com-Sec, and Info-Sec my man.
  14. PSA

    Well... he was back... I gave him a PM that he would never forget. Oh, this is going to be fun... Oh I so wish to be a moderator just to deal with his dumb a**. I'd block him from posting but keep him here just to torment him with PMs.
  15. PSA

    Ha ha ha ha ha... look who's back...
  16. Charlie Foxtrot with my pay raise

    Well, so I went on to Mypay today to see if I got my new E-5 paycheck and found that I'm still getting E-4 pay. So I called up Edwards AFB to find out what's going on. They said they never got any paper work that I got promoted. So I contact my personnel office to find out what the deal is. Apparently, I was almost promoted to an E-6, the personnel manager caught the error (that was more than likely generated by him), corrected it, and forwarded it to our finance unit, who in turn had to open up a CMS case file to headquarters, in which they will have to now conduct an investigation on, and I wont see the new pay until the case file is closed. So I maybe looking at 2 to 2 1/2 months worth of back pay. Untill then, I have to budget my finances as being an E-4. Fun times!
  17. Charlie Foxtrot with my pay raise

    LOL... yeah, you're probably right!
  18. PSA

    Well, apparently, he or she tried to contact me via PM under the name of SXSW, titled the PM as "Ur so pretentios pretty" - (spelled exactly like that) and the message content was a youtube link to a Bob Dylan song "What was it you wanted". He/she also posted a comment on my forum saying, "You're so fake dude, this poptarts on me." I just sent a reply back to him on it, but I think he got banned before I got online. Too bad, I wanted to get into a good dirty PM war with him to take his sights off the rest of ya'll. Weird is all I can say. So I guess he/she has his/her sights on me. Ya know, the next he/she appears, we need to ask him/her if he is a guy or a girl. Might clear up a few things... well at least get the whole he/she thing straightened out when we talk about him/her. I love being stocked... gives me a reason to drive fast... in my uber magnum car. By the way, that whole Thor and Zeus thing is just ghey if you ask me.
  19. PSA

    Oh, and on a side note, you know you're really good friends with someone when you both share the same stalker.
  20. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    You mean an extra 105... I'm getting an 06... the 06 standard vette had 400 horses... the 06 Z-06 has 505. ...and it's only costing me $46,200.00 after taxes and fees... which is a really good deal for a C6 Z-06.
  21. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you mean? The GS doesn't have the HP that the Z-06 has though.
  22. Finally

    Easy answer... they get more maintenance time than any other aircraft.
  23. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

  24. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    Yeah, I mean his mustache is kind of really bushy.
  25. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    And gets all the ladies with it too.

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