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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. I officially received the rank of Staff Sergeant. Now I'm told that I have to buy everybody in my element a round of beers. O'Douls it is then.
  2. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    How can you say that? There's something special about all of us. We are a unique presence in this universe, albeit there may be other intelligent life out there, but it's got to be really freaken rare since we haven't discovered any yet. That means the occurence of intelligent life isn't a common phenomenon, which means its special. Yes, I'm even saying that you're special.... but don't hold me to that
  3. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    Well I am advocate for pro-life. Have been for a long time. In my point of view, anybody who does value life should be bothered about it. Now, I'm not saying to go out with signs and protest at the local clinic... by the way I think that loses support instead of gains.
  4. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    Simple way to answer that... Should lives of your family members, your own children should be valued and cherished? If so, then why? Shouldn't that response be the same for an unborn? What makes an unborn undeserving of such a response? Just because of its predicament of being in a womb - which by the way the unborn has no control of. The world rallies left and right for human rights but turns a blind eye to a helpless innocent being that has no control over the situation that it's in. An unborn is a human being and its out of selfishness and ignorance not to acknowledge that.
  5. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    This is how I see it. Say for instance when mym mom becomes old and elderly and has to be taken care of frequently. It becomes an inconvenience for me to carry on with my life. Do I have the right to terminate her life because she is an inconvenience? Now let's throw rape into the mix. Let's use the example that I have been captured and tortured continuously by my captors and they offer me a way to escape but only if I kill my mom. Do I have the right to kill my mom? If the answer is vehemently no, then that same response should be placed on an unborn. Right now unborns don't have an advocate to defend them, and to step back saying it will someday catch up to the ones who teminated that unborn's life isn't good enough. They need to be fight for just as we would fight for anybody else. Does an unwanted pregnancy suck... heck yeah, especially from an assault. But there is now another life involved, a life that should be valued and cherished. I think our government has done a piss poor job in promoting life. We have killed an incentive to encourage life. I believe there is a famous quote by Edmund Burke that would fit this.
  6. It's the End of the World!

    Apparently, the earthquake was strong enough to send the Earth off its axis by a couple of inches, reducing the length of a day by several micro seconds, and has raised the city of Concepcion an additional 6 feet ASL. Meanwhile, my base is mobilizing personell to send aid to that country.
  7. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    Ok, I will say this... I place the same value of life on an unborn as would place on a new born. Untill there is scientific proof that an unborn is not a living-being capable of growing up to be a person that can make a difference in our world, I will continue to support the right for that unborn to live. Just because its an inconvenience doesn't mean it deserves to die. Really don't understand how that is "backwards thinking" but I guess that just makes those who think differently about this feel comfortable about their beliefs. Great, I bet I just started a flame war. I permit my post to be deleted if it seems necessary.
  8. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    This is true. The Z-06 has a HUD, push start button instead of an ignition key, heated leather seats, On Star, a MFD in the center console, GPS tracking, and keyless entry. Viper only has keyless entry and badass looks. The Z-06 is comparable to the F-22 while the Viper is comparable to the F-14. Both awesome aircrafts and equally desirable.
  9. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    I don't race. 1.)It costs a lot of money to really go out and race those cars and 2.)It adds un-necessary wear and tear to a vehicle that should be treated with such better care and would add on to maintenance costs in the long run.
  10. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    Too many Challengers at the base, and the new Camaro is becoming the latest fad there. Seen a couple Z-06s. Have only seen 1 Viper... once... and that was several years ago. I just almost went in on getting an 09 Lingenfelter Z-06 that some lady was selling for $37,000 with only 1500 miles! The car usually goes for $90,000. She got it out of a divorce and wants to sell it quick. Later I found out that she and the car are in Rhode Island.
  11. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    I would like to state my opinion on the matter, but I'm sure it will instigate a really heated debate that I don't think the moderators here would enjoy. Nor do I think I would be getting any support for my position on my point of view of the subject. So I'll just keep quiet and read what you guys have to say.
  12. Micro Prose/Hasbro Gunship

    Does Gunship, by Micro Prose/Hasbro, support Track IR?
  13. Lesson Learned..never go on a forum full of women!

    Typhoid, you and my dad have the same sense of humor.
  14. how is Column 5 doing?

    ...and if there was ever a Hell, it would be there!!!
  15. Looking for work

    My supervisor is from England. Infact, he was security forces before he ever got a green card. Just talk to one of our recruiters. They would love to help you out.
  16. Play spot the plane at AMARC

    We have a F-14 at our museum. Painted in the Wolfpack colors.
  17. how is Column 5 doing?

    And here we go....
  18. Vietnam Vet vs Thug

    ROFLMAO.... "Unfortunately, they were extremely drunk, and you know it cannot be a good night if you get into a fight with Spiderman and two cross-dressing men" - from their public defender. I take it the other two were Batman and Superman.
  19. Vietnam Vet vs Thug

    I just realized that the back of his shirt said, "I am Chuck Norris's Father". I believe it.
  20. Alexander Haig Dead at 85

    I think you just did, but as far as I know, Heaven is already under control before he got there, and an assasination attempt on God is like trying to kill Schwarzeneger with a cotton ball. Besides, I don't think he will run for the postion anways. We already know what happened to the last guy who tried to take up the reins of the All Mighty... Anyways, the man served with honor and dignity. RIP. S!
  21. Vietnam Vet vs Thug

    I think that part is 'cause they're interviewing him on it. The punk is lucky that the old guy didn't go into a straight up flash back from 'nam. It wouldn't be just a little bit of blood that would have been caught on the camera... the entire interior of the bus would have been drenched in it. However, leaving the guy bruised, bloodied, and embarassed as hell is more rewarding than completely torn to pieces.
  22. The Ski Jump

    I'd pee my pants coming in on the approach to land.
  23. I think you have Boba Fett playing around with a red and blue lightsaber making purple rain.
  24. Reaper at the USAF Museum.....

    Or how about EDI?

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