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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Flight Simmers and their books

    Now all you need is a k-bar going through the skull, two M-4s crossing in the backround, and a ratler snaking it's way up the k-bar.
  2. Flight Simmers and their books

    What I found interesting about those challenge coins is that you kept your SF badge with them. Do you still have your beret?
  3. What would cause a deadbolt not to work anymore? I just came back to my place tonight and couldn't get in very well 'cause the key wouldn't completely unlock the deadbolt. I noticed that when I inserted the key, something didn't feel right with the locking mechanism... like something was broken or missing. I had to jam a credit card into the receiver area and just tap the bolt a bit to get it to completely unlock. However, the bolt will no longer go back to the lock position when I try to lock it. My concern is that my psychotic ex-girlfriend might have made a copy of the key that I gave her when I was dating her and tried to force her way back in to my place, busting my lock up. Of course, I have no proof of that... only speculation. Any ideas what else could cause this?
  4. What is the UK becoming?

    Very true Ruggbutt.
  5. Happy Birthday, StreakEagle

    42 eh? That's going to be a lot of candles on that cake! Hope you have a fire extinguisher handy! Happy birthday bro!
  6. What is the UK becoming?

    Funny, I was talking about something like that the other day with my supervisor. Reason why horse thieves were hanged was because horses were a vital part in maintaining the lively hood of one's self... or even a family. If the horse was stolen, that person's or family's livelie hood just became extremely difficult. I guess the same can be said about cars. However, nowadays, if your car got stolen, you just notify your insurance and they'll provide you with a rental until you can purchase a new vehicle, and if theft is covered under the insurance plan, then there shouldn't be too much of a problem of buying another vehicle of the same value... well, that's how it's supposed to work, but I can't say that I really know for sure. I've never had my car sto.... whoa, just about jinksed myself there. Anyways, I still think that the punishment for car theft should be very severe. It's way too light. Today, it's pretty much just a slap on the wrist.
  7. What is the UK becoming?

    Are you f***ing kidding me?... and what happens if it's found out that you placed the knife there deliberately? There goes any support for your story that it was self defense. You are now charged with 1st degree murder! If you are forced to kill someone, don't be doing any funny business with the scene. Be straight forward and honest. You were in fear of your life and the lives of your family and thought you were all going to die unless you did something. The suspect's actions (which could be charging at you and/or holding an object - and you don't have time to determine what suspect is doing or what the object is that he is holding - infact, the only thing you are to conclude is that he is either charging to attack you to kill you, or that the object he is holding is a gun and is going to kill you with it! there is no time for politics... time is life) presented a threat level in which you were in immediate danger and you could not find the opportunity within that period of time to escape. Simple as that. There is no, "Well, I wasn't really sure..." or "I didn't know..." You were in fear of your life and thought you were going to die unless you did something. That's the story you stick to. That is what your answer is for every question they ask you. Do not deviate from it, do not change it up. Keep it consistent. The more you can stay intune with that story, the more credible you become.
  8. What is the UK becoming?

    One thing that people don't seem to comprehend is that the succesfull outcome of an intruder breaking in to your home depends on 1.) if he can get away with the crime and 2.) if he can get away without being identified - which depends on how quickly he can commit the crime. The one thing that intruders know that they don't have lots of is time. They will be comitting the act as fast as possible, and if you're in their way, they will find a fast way of getting you out of the way, usually resulting in the sudden departure of your existence. Also, amature intruders and even skilled intruders are under a lot of stress because of the fear of getting caught and the desire to get in and out as quickly as possible. The possiblity of them acting before thinking or not thinking at all and being careless (for instance, having an itchy trigger finger) increases significantly. It has to be assumed that all intruders are armed. To give the benefit of the doubt to this is just absolute stupidity... you are risking your life giving him this benefit. So considering all that I just said, do you still think that lethal force should be tightly restrained when someone breaks into your home?
  9. What is the UK becoming?

    Just as an FYI... due to how screwed up the law is, that criminal can twist the system around to where you will pay for those medical bills. Better just make it a lucky shot that killed him. For Security Forces, our use of force model basically states, "Use the amount of force necessary to stop the act." The use of force model is regulated by 1.) subject's/suspect's actions, 2.) the threat perceived, and 3.) officer response. If I can remember correctly, these are the threat levels: 1.)compliant, 2.)non-compliant, 3.)passive agressive, 4.)active agressive, 5.)assualtive/bodily harm, 6.)lethal/serious bodily harm. If the guy is throwing fists at you (classified as threat level 5), you don't go straight to lethal force. You use the force that is reasonable to counter the suspect's actions. In this case, pepper spray, tazer, batton, a good solid maglight, and if non of those things are available, then it's time to get down on the ground and go at it with the dumb***... hopefully with back up responding. However... if the suspect is striking at your head, with such force that can cause significant/serious injury (threat level 6), then the suspect's actions are then perceived as being lethal, and the use of lethal force is authorized. Only once was I in a position to possibly use lethal force... but that was over in Iraq... and the ***holes got away before I could take action... kind of hard to immediately return fire when they fired a mortar at you at a range within 300 meters... first response was hit the deck... second response was to get some new underwear. Thank goodness those guys can't aim for ****. Anyways, here's a link that can explain better on our use of force and some techniques that we're supposed to use (they actually would get you killed than save your hide - but the USAF thinks that they're good techniques)... http://www.scribd.com/doc/5022142/US-Air-Force-Use-of-Force-31222
  10. Quick question to any locksmith/former burglar here...

    Yeah, I know. Was thinking of getting a webcam and have it stream video of the door to an online account. That way if anybody breaks in, I have the video of it... plus, if somebody does break in and notices the camera, they might abandon their attempt... but then again, people rob liquor stores all the time and there's always a camera recording the cashier.
  11. SF2 SA-8 Glitch

    Man, that has really got to mess a plane up.
  12. NASA's UFO footage

    UFOs are camera shy
  13. Quick question to any locksmith/former burglar here...

    I forgot to mention that before this, I had changed out the lock so that my ex can't use the key that I gave her to get into my place. So, would ramming the wrong key into the lock bust the deadbolt?
  14. Hangar Collapse from Snow

    Looks like damage would only be at the tail. Cockpit and engines look fine.
  15. thank god for car boots

    The over sized boxes are what made buying a PC game so much fun. It was like getting something that was bigger and better than a console game. It was the top of the line of video gaming. Everyone else was to be looked down upon... "Ah, you have After Burner II for your Sega Genesis... that's nice... I got Fleet Defender for my PC!"
  16. G2 and Logitech G940

    After my promotion... if I get it... I might order one. Can definately use the dual throtle for nozzled adjustments on the harrier and any other vtol aircraft.
  17. urbandictionary.com

    According to urbandictionary.com, my name, David, means.... "A formidable foe to normal people. intelligent, strong forceful. a weird hybrid of a bully and a nerd. As well as the first dictator of the America and king of the new peaceful world. Also known as Timebomb and various other variations including at least TB. I am David. All other David's fall in march as we conquer the world. For a new Earth of peace void of general stupidity." I like this
  18. More Dumb School News

    Want to really wonder why our schools suck so bad? Trace all the way back to when things started to go south, when the ethics and morals of our students and school faculty began to go down the drain. You'll find that it starts right when someone took the term "separation of church and state" too literally and had the courts throw God out of the schools. Separation of church and state was designed solely so that the government can not meddle with the affairs of the church. It was never intended to keep God out of the government. We need to include God in government. Look at the fiasco that we have going on now because we kicked him out. That's just my opinion though.
  19. It had to be me...

    So, I go out on this blind date with this girl I met online. I've already seen a picture of her and she looked all right (not that looks are uber important... right?). Anyways, I show up at the meeting spot and I'm trying to find her. Out from this car comes this 5'6, 210+ lb woman that looked like a photoshoped explosion of the picture that I saw coming to give me a hug. A voice inside my head said, "oh crap". So now I'm stuck with this person who had obviously lied about herself. What do I do now I ask. I quickly remember the wingman system and texted my supervisor, "give me an emergency call now... she's fat, ugly, and sitting next to me in my car." Sure enough, within two minutes he calls. I put him on speaker and he tells me "We got an emergency recall. Get your gear and respond asap." I play my part and tell him I just started my date. He says, "Your date just got canceled. Take her back home and get here asap!" I follow those orders and drive back playing that I'm pissed (I should've won an oscar for my performance). She buys the whole thing and understands. After I drop her off and leave, I call my sup back and thank him. We're both laughing about the whole thing and of course he's going to let the whole unit know lol! Yeah...... I'm going to burn in hell for this.
  20. It had to be me...

    Teach?... heck I've been on some really hot dates befor from online dating except that they weren't all that interested in me. Last night was a fluke. Infact, there's this other girl I'm checking out right now. I know, I know.... I'm bad.
  21. More Dumb School News

    Last year, a group from our unit was going to a school for a presentation for Security Forces in the USAF. There was quite a debate within the school administration if we could bring the weapons (M-249, M-4, M-16, M-203, M-9) for show and tell. Someone at the school kept over-ridding somebody else and it came to the point where the district superintendent had to get involved. It was decided that we could not bring any of the guns to show and tell. However, the guys brought their knives with them and that was ok. Once they showed up, the principal asked, "Why didn't you bring the guns? They said it was ok."
  22. Have you identified the target before telling him to attack? I noticed that is something that I have to do before sending my wingman in to unload on any target that I want him to take out.
  23. So we got any Bikers out there....

    I'm actually looking at getting my M1 license this year and possibly buying a 2010 Fischer MRX... Only $8,000.00 for an American made bike that looks like an Italian exotic.

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