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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Gotta Love Those Nutjobs

    I just like to say for the record as a Christian, this guy is full of BS. He's done this before and the fact that there are still folks listening to him baffles me. He's just a con using the bible and the Christian faith to take advantage of really gullible people. Honestly though, I won't feel sorry for them once they realize that they've been fooled because it's so obvious that it's a scam. Now do I personally believe that there will be a rapture some day?... Yep! Do I think it's tomorrow... Nope! Although, God could pull a fast one, and out of the sake of amusement He could have everyone disappear on the 22nd or 23rd... or maybe even next week. If that does happen, Dave, you can have my Z-06
  2. Osama and Facebook...

    Hey guys, this thread isn't supposed to go in any political direction. We have another one for that elsewhere. This thread is supposed to take a comical take on what happened. Not saying that anybody has done anything wrong. However, once politics or opinions on how things should have been taken care of start getting posted, things tend to take a more serious route - which leads to a thread getting locked or moved to the Arena (which I don't have access to because I could care less on political squabbling). So lets try to divert to a less serious atmosphere with this thread.
  3. Mother giving her 8 year old daughter botox

    This is wrong on so many levels. What a f'ed up society we live in.
  4. I wonder if there were any farm animals on it?...

    I actually laughed out loud when I read this. Thought it was really funny considering how we were all making jokes on it last week. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43024125/ns/world_news-south_and_central_asia
  5. I wonder if there were any farm animals on it?...

    Maybe he was critical because she wasn't showing enough???
  6. Not only is she HOT!

    This makes me want to pull out my KH-202 and do some shredding on it.
  7. Had a nice suprise when I opened up work today ....Not!

    If you had an iPhone or an Android, you can setup cameras through out the area and have them connected to a computer. You can then have your iPhone or Android phone connected to it via WiFi with an app that you can download and be able to monitor what's going on when you're not even there. I think you can even control the pan, tilt, and zoom of the cameras via the phone as well.
  8. shrapnel, anyone?

    Glad you're ok bro. Guess you can literally be called ONE"TIN"SOILDIER now, with a big emphasis on the tin part.
  9. Top Gun

  10. You sexy thing

  11. Osama and Facebook...

    Actually, back in the late 80's / early 90's it was briefly advertised here in the states. I remember seeing it on tv and in grocery stores.
  12. Osama and Facebook...

    What is it?
  13. Osama and Facebook...

    Why in the third pic he's holding sunglasses but also wearing them at the same time???
  14. Been having some issues with the F-22 for SF2E... For some odd reason, I can't seem to launch an AHM from the weapon bays. Occassionally I do get a successful release, but that's after constantly pressing down on the weapon's fire button. However, IRMs don't seem to have a problem at all, and I do not have this problem with both AHM and IRM on the F-35. I've tried copying and pasting certain .ini lines from the F-35 to the F-22 but I don't get any positive results. I've tried looking all over the forums to find a solution to this problem. And before someone asks me, I am going through the proper steps to get a weapons lock on the target. Is it an issue where I just have to re-install the aircraft?
  15. This weeks Ho Lee Crap moment

    In Russia, we bring control to flight.
  16. The "I'm not going to watch the wedding" thread

    Ya know, it might be worth watching if I knew somebody would streak across the area in front of the cameras butt naked, having the fuzz chase him/her around for a few minutes. Would definitely be a good laugh.
  17. Happy Easter!

    Have a great Sunday folks!
  18. Hey! It's S&E's Birthday!

  19. Hey! It's S&E's Birthday!

    Thanks guys. The day has been kind of dull. Had to go in for work tonight, so there wasn't much of an opportunity to celebrate. Get to do some partying tomorrow night though.
  20. Agreed... Perfect example of this is the F-15 and F-16 in WOE and WOI. Both aircraft are supposed to be able to use those same features in real life, but were not included in the sim. I think the only thing that might be added to the F-14 sim from TK would be aircraft carriers - specifically in the single mission as a starting and return point for even AI aircraft.
  21. This is really awesome work bro! I respect the amount of patience and dedication it takes to build a pit. It's not an easy job at all.
  22. 9 Hours 47 min until FURLOW!

    I sure hope this doesn't last long or I'm screwed.
  23. Honestly, I have no idea why I'm posting this...

    Just arrived at my grandparent's place up in NorCal today. While having dinner with them, the topic of celebrities with too much egos came up and that's when I found out that my aunt is Kate Beckinsale's personal assistant. Apparently, Kate sees herself as being fat. I should call my aunt so I can come over and give Ms. Beckinsale a second opinion on that. ;)
  24. http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/dozing-air-traffic-controller-suspended/6a2xmum And I thought the tower at my base was bad...
  25. Bring the tower some coffee or Monster Energy drinks

    My thoughts exactly! Postings on night shifts should always be double manned! We were doing single man postings for the longest time until our ops commander found out.

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