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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Is this classifide as my mid-life crisis?

    So today, I went to Guitar Center and shelled out about $500.00 on an ESP KH202 LTD, a case, strap, and a pack of picks. It's been about 15 years since I've last played the guitar, and for some reason I had the need to go out and buy me a new one. One things for sure, I might need to take lessons again 'cause I'm a tad bit rusty after playing it when I got home.
  2. Is this classifide as my mid-life crisis?

    Well, after watching some youtube videos, I've figured out how to get the guitar to squeel, and with floyd rose, I can really slack out the strings with the whamy bar, getting some bad ass sounds.
  3. I need some outside opinions on this...

    Perhaps it was an early April Fools joke?
  4. I use the KB quite frequently and the search function and they have helped me out quite a bit. However, there are times where I'm not finding what I'm looking for... mainly because of a lot of irrelevant info that pops up, making it hard to find the relevant answer. Perhaps that's the problem with the search function. Is it possible for people to rate the relevancy of a post after searching for it... thereby making it easier for other people to use the search function? Was also wondering if it's possible to add to a person's profile on what kind of a system they're using, and what mods that they have for whatever sims/games that they play on it?
  5. do you miss it ?

    Ah, the good ol' days. Yes, I remember how much fun it was as a teenager to walk into Software Etc, Fry's Electronics, or CompUSA and see the large selection of flight sim games. I remember getting Fleet Defender and Jane's Longbow I and II when I was a kid. A good friend of mine, who at the time was more of an aviation enthusiast than I was, couldn't play those games because according to him, you needed a PhD. to play them.
  6. shooty bang films

    Well, the thing with the missiles always being fired from the same pylon is because the Navy authorized only one missile to be launched during the filming of the movie... which is why you always see the missile being fired from the same spot. But you would think they would get creative and just mirror the image to make it seem like the missile is being fired from another pylon. Oh well.
  7. Negative G

    I've never had a problem with postive and negative G's. Always thought they were fun to experience.
  8. WIP update

    That's more like it!
  9. WIP update

    I think the engines need to be a little bit bigger in height and width. The fans also need to be more recessed in the engines. Sorry for being a critic. I work around these planes at the base way too much.
  10. Hey Wazzup

    Welcom to CA. Soon, you will be a psychophant just like the rest of us.
  11. Negative G

    Ahhahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Puke central right there! Reminds me when I took a ride in a sail plane/glider for my 16th birthday. My best friend went along with me, both of us squeezed in the back seat. He puked his guts out... luckily he had a barf bag and it didn't end up like this video. I was totally fine and having a blast.
  12. Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - first flight!

    It mimics the shape of the F-22 and YF-23, but I see areas on it that would degrade it's stealthiness... mainly around the intake manifolds. Other areas, such as the design of the landing gear doors and the seperation line for the canopy can degrade the aircraft's stealthiness. Don't get me started on the burner nozzles. It won't come close to the F-22 in regards stealth performance. Might be present some what of a challenge for the F-35, but not much. If anything, it should make the Eagle sweat a bit. However, it definately is a step up from what they currently have. Putin did mention that the aircraft need work done on it before it could go into production. So maybe some things might improve on the aircraft.
  13. Well, I'm resuming work on the AH-64A and I have 96% of the model unwrapped. However, I'm having some problems with unwrapping the pilot and gunner. When I select any of the mapping formats in the UVW Editor window, the map of the object shows up rotated. In this case, the object is a pilot model. The map of the model in the editor window has the pilot resting on it's side and in a manner that makes things difficult to map. I've select various mapping formats... Top/Bottom, Front/Back, Left/Right mapping and the pilot/gunner shows up on the window resting on it's side in all formats. The Box w/o Top Bottom mapping and regular Box mapping completely disassembles the model, making it a pain to reintegrate in a way to make skinning/texturing efficient. Was wondering if any of you guys out there can help me sort this mess out.
  14. John Travolta flies supplies to Haiti

    I have a funny feeling that they're not just there for volunteer work.
  15. Um... Goose died... You need someone that would fit his age and character... Stinger!
  16. ALS... Passed!

    Got to take the test tomorrow... on my only day off (we have an NORI exercise for the next three days following). I hate tests (and NORI exercises). Personally, I don't think this is what should determine someone to get promoted. I think it should be made from upper leadership's decision based off of the person's skills, time in service, experience, character and behavioral traits, and how they interacts with others... not off of some stupid test. The worst person to be a NCO can pass the test (and there are many folks that are horrible NCOs), but the best person to be a NCO can fail it (which I have seen happen). So the worst person gets the promotion over the best person. Anyways, as you can tell, I'm not looking forward to this test. Some say it's easy, others say it's one of the hardest tests in the USAF. I know some guys who didn't study, or just study the night before and ace'd it. I know of other guys, who are really book smart, study their butts off, and failed the test. I'm taking an approach that's kind of in between. I'm just casually studying. Hope it pays off.
  17. Chemical Ali is Dead

    Last I heard, he was part of a comedy tour with Achmed the Dead Terrorist (with Jeff Dunham of course), called "World Tour of Puppets - The Ventriloquists and Oblivious"
  18. Yes I do need to get back on that.
  19. Seismic Activity

    First, there was the Eureka quake at magnitude of 6.5 on the 9th, then a day before the Haiti quake, I experienced a 4.3 down where I'm at, and between that and the Eureka quake there have been a lot of small earthquakes throughout California. Then of course was the 7.0 Haiti quake. Kind of freaky that all of this activity is happeing within such a small time slot, yet the locations of theses quakes are pretty far apart. Kind of goes to show how much everything really is connected to each other.
  20. ALS... Passed!

    Unfortunately, a lot of NCOs don't take it that seriously. I don't plan on being one of those NCOs. This is my career. If I'm serious about keeping it, I got to be serious on the weight that those stripes bear.
  21. ALS... Passed!

    Well, took the test and passed it. That test is soooo over-rated. After the first 20 questions, I knew I was going to own this thing. All I did to study was glance over the UREs last night. It's all common sense - well for those who know what leadership is all about. So I guess that means I need to get some SSgt. stripes to put on. Does this mean I get a virtual pounding on the shoulders from all the E-5s and above here?
  22. Seismic Activity

    I still don' think it would make that much of a differenece for us to notice. You have to factor in evaporation too as well. It's like putting a small ice cube in a large bucket of water. No volume difference. Now, if something, say the size of the moon, were to go kaplunk in the Atlantic, then yeah, there would be a noticeable difference.
  23. Seismic Activity

    We're talking about extreme/special conditions and situations. This would work if for instance a cup has only so much water in it that putting a large chunk of ice does not change the water level... i.e., if you have only a drop of water in the cup, adding ice to it won't change the water level. But if the ice melts, then of course you have a much higher water level. The oceans are definately not a drop in a cup, and compared to how much water there is in the oceans, the ice caps and the glaciers are definately not a huge chunk of ice in that cup. So the melting of the glacier ice and the ice caps will not make a significant difference. It very well may lower the water level. Malibu would no longer be beach front property... you might have to drive another mile to get to the beach... that is if all the ice melted away. So, I'm not too concerned about being submerged by the pacific if the carbon-monoxide fumes of my 02 Camaro Z-28 completly melts the ice caps, causing the earth to be a complete tropical planet. Check this out, over the course of several decades (in which I got to live through the past three), there has been a significatn decrease in polar ice cap mass. Being a life long resident in Southern California, I've been to the beaches many, many times. In all of those times, I've never noticed the ocean waters submerging a significant portion of the beach that I had visited in the past. Infact, I can still go down as far as used to go as a child before the surf starts reaching the shore. Based off of my own personal experiences, I have to say we have nothing to fear if all the ice melts away. What we do need to fear is another ice age. Ice expands in greater size than the water it used to be... mainly because ice isn't just composed of only water. It's also composed of air... a lot of air. Do this experiment. Pour water in the ice cube tray (if you have a pre 1995 freezer). Take notice of how much space the water occupies in the cube slots. Now freeze that water in the freezer. Once frozen, pull it out and see how much larger of an area the ice occupies compared to the water that you placed in there before. It's significantly much larger. Of all the environmental things we should be concerned of, the number one is a global ice age. But the likelie hood of that happening again is also very remote... but it could happen if certain conditions are met.

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