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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Seismic Activity

    Ok, bro, check this out. I know this is going to sound hard to believe, but if the ice caps melt, water levels aren't going to get any higher. Infact, they might get lower. Doubt it, do an experiment then. Fill up a glass of water, then put ice in it. Mark where the water level is at. Wait for the ice to melt. Go back and check the water level. It will either be the same, or most likely to be lower. Still doubt it because a glass is just a small object, then go with something bigger. The ice caps are already consuming the volume of water than they're in. How can melting increase the volume of water? It can only increase if something else is added into the water that's not already there. Sure, the inland glaicers melting run off might add some more water into the oceans, but do you really thing that the run off would even be enough to make a difference considering how much it would have to take to make all the oceans to rise? Have to remember, a large part of ice isn't water, but air. So once that's depleted, the run off won't seem to be much from where it came from.
  2. Man, do I need a beer

    Let's see... I just got a text from my ex (who broke up with me this past November) that she's seeing someone else. I haven't moved on with somebody since then, I'm working a shift that I f-ing hate, and I'm out of beer. A dirty toilet bowl pretty much sums up my life right now.
  3. The Day After Tomorrow II

    No, not the movie, the real world... sort of... So, first we had earthquakes, now rain, lightning & thunder, and a tornado! All in "sunny" Southern California.
  4. The Day After Tomorrow II

    I don't wear tinfoil.
  5. Animal Rights Activists (SO FUNNY!)

    "That's just our secret handshake." OMG! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!11!!!1!1!!!!11111!
  6. Passed my PT test...

    Passed my PT test quite well. However, I didn't get the score that I wanted... was aiming for 100. Got an 89 instead. Here are the results... Weight: 170 Height: 70" Waist: 32" Push-ups in a minute: 70 Sit-ups in a minute: 56 1 1/2 mile run: 11:40 If I did the 1 1/2 mile run in 9:30, I would have scored 100. At least I scored the highest among the other folks that I was testing with in my unit. Got some bragging rights there. Oh, and we had a strong wind blowing at us at the begining of the run. So that kind of kills your stamina a bit. Got 6 months to go before I do this over again. By then I should be able to knock out that run time and maybe get more on the push-ups and sit-ups.
  7. Passed my PT test...

    Ahem... Hot Girls WIth Guns
  8. Seismic Activity

    You're only 42. My dad is 65 and I hope he has a couple more or so decades to go.
  9. I got everything here. I don't know what the mod names are since it was a while ago when I downloaded them. You'll have to ask the folks that know more than I do. Sorry. Don't know. It was an avionics pack that I did for it over a year ago. Don't know if they're SF2 compatible. You'll have to ask the folks who know more than I do. Sorry.
  10. Seismic Activity

    Ahem... you mean some decades ago?
  11. Man, do I need a beer

    Hahahahaha! Oh, we will democracize you and indoctrinate your society to capitalism! Resistance is laughable. We will mock your will and break it. Muwahahahaha!
  12. SoCal terrain is made by Wrench, The... originally for SFP1 series (don't know if its SF2 compatible... been a while since I've been here to know that). All the other mods are just a collection of mods that I've downloaded over the years here at CA. The HUD on the super echo is done by me. Honestly though, I thought more folks would be commenting on the head on pass with the missile . It was just me and my wingie (who got shot down) in A-4s vs 2 flankers. Obviously we were out-matched. The clip ended early when I locked up on him. I did get him with a 9L. His wingie freaken bugged out and hauled @$$ back to base. Too bad A-4s don't have burners.
  13. *WARNING* A$$hole alert!

    What? You don't like Rush??? Oh come on man, they play great music! Oh wait, wrong Rush... Anyways, I don't agree with hate at all. However, I don't think someone should be punished for it unless they physically act out on it with violence. I think everybody, to some degree, has experienced some form of irrational hate towards someone else or something. Just ignore Rush. In some ways, you are being a part of his "audience" by reacting to what he says. People like him feed off of those reactions. Just let it go and move on. Its not like the whole world is going to obey what he says. Maybe only a few, and that won't really impact the relief efforts that are going on.
  14. Seismic Activity

    Ahahahahaha! That's funny bro!
  15. Seismic Activity

    Just had another 4.3 this morning at 4:03 am... this time located right underneath me! Still felt like a 2.0 in my apartment. Things are getting quiet busy with plate tectonics. It was funny too. I was in the kitchen drinking grape juice when things started shaking. I just stood there holding my glass and riding the whole thing out. When they're small like this, they're a bit of fun... kind of like a rollercoaster.
  16. Yeah, folks. Just cause a plane is big, heavy, and has a large wing span does not mean it's slow as a snail. Believe me, I was shocked by how fast I got from Gulf Port, Mississippi to my base back in Cali on a C-17. Those baby's can haul!
  17. Who knew P-3's were so threatening?

    I saw a Marine Corps T-shirt that said, "It's hard to be modest when you know you're the best!" Hey, we try not to boast a lot, but when someone starts pointing that stupid finger, it's hard not to hold back and put them back in their place.
  18. Who knew P-3's were so threatening?

    Not if they're always carrying a bigger and better gun. Then I stay the f*** away and mind my own business. Just listen to the white noise as he/she keeps ranting about himself/herself and hope he/she doesn't notice me as a target for conversation.
  19. Man, do I need a beer

    I have to work tomorrow morning at 5am. So I can't get drunk even if I wanted to. I can't drive when I'm pissed... especially this pissed. So going out to get beer would be a bad idea. I have serious road rage issues when I get angry... which is kind of hard for me to get... but right now... I'm really pissed.
  20. With all those AMRAAMs on one platform, are you sure you need a whole flight of B-1Rs for an escort? One should do the trick. Oh wait, I forgot, we want to break the enemy's will, not mock it... but mocking is so much more fun.
  21. ...I stumbled across this while conducting my patrols. There were 3 of them and 3 UH-1s.
  22. While strolling out on the flight line...

    Saw this taking off today. Sorry for the crappy pic. It was taking from my cell phone that can't focus for crap when you zoom in, and when you save it to a gallery, it resets the zoom to how the pic would have looked without it. I tried sharpening it a bit. It's a Russian transport leaving for Haiti. We have a C-5 on the flightline as well for a Haiti trip, but I couldn't take a photo of it because of classifide stuff in the background.
  23. Someone's attention

    They actually found a way to put some shade on an aircraft carrier. Cool!
  24. Who knew P-3's were so threatening?

    In other words, in the appropriate American slang that I grew up on, Europe is currently a cluster ****.

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