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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Silent Sukhoi...

    One way to reduce that problem is by using channeled ducts. Instead of the fan and compressor blades being in direct view through the intake and exhaust manifolds, have coated panneling block the immediate view of the blades, and channel it in a way that keeps it completely hidden.
  2. The Cobra Maneuver

    Well, I for one saw the cobra maneuver performed by the AI against one of my wingman in a moddified install of WOE once. I was already shot down (I'm not much of a good pilot ) and began watching what my wingman were doing. We were in F/A-18As. I was viewing one wingman from the F-10 view. I saw the Flanker come from his 6 high, and flew past, underneath him. The flanker then pulled up hard, doing a cobra (believe me, I was shocked when I saw that), and sprayed rounds right into my wingman. I think it was used with ubber AI mod that's available here somewhere. That's probably the only way the cobra could be a practical maneuver. I've never seen the AI do it in a defensive move in the sim. It's essentially a high speed stall to the extreme.
  3. SU-30KN vs. F-15A

    Hm, actually, I think deceptive jaming can be implemented in a sim, just not Strike Fighters. It could be used when activated, the sim generates a copy of the aircraft (albeit visually invisible) that activated it, but has it flying on a fixed course at the time when it was first activated. So if the real aircraft were to turn away, it would leave it's copy behind to be intercepted by the missile that it was fired upon.
  4. The "Angle" of the Angled deck on U.S. carriers

    History of the USS Midway
  5. Russias got a Talent

    First if you don't succeed, try, try again.
  6. Im back for good..run away !

    Is there a rock where I can hide under?
  7. My that's a big bird

    I never realized how big an Antonov 225 was until I saw one parked on my flightline today. Its about the size of a C-5, maybe bigger, and it can fly, right Dave? :) If I can get some pictures of it, I'll post 'em here, but my. Base is kind of funny about those kind of things.
  8. My that's a big bird

    Perhaps it is a 124. I'm not very keen on Russian transport aircraft. I just did a search on it and compared it to the pictures that I saw online.
  9. My new laptop

    Just got an Asus G71 Notebook. Comes with a Celleron 2 duo core (2.5GHz) processor, 6G of ram, 500G HD, nVidea GTX 260M Cuda, and a free upgrade to Windows 7. It has a web cam and wireless connection. 17.5" widescreen and a Dolby sound system. The only downside is that it has Vista as the OS, but with that free upgrade, I'm not going to complain. Another annoying feature is that it has flashing blue lights on the backside of the monitor. So trying to be undetectable while watching DVDs on the flightline at night is going to be difficult ;P. Also just got an internet air card to attach to it so I can have internet access now.
  10. My new laptop

    I was mistaken, its an Intel Core 2 Extreme. I guess. Best Buy doesn't know how to get their info right when advertising their products.
  11. PAK FA Exposed in MAKS 2009

    Some of those look like copies of the mythical F-19 from the 80's before the actual pics of the F-117 were released.
  12. What do you listen to drive?

    Bullets For My Valentine, Five Finger Death Punch, Slayer, Nine Inch Nails, Linkin Park, Nickle Back, Avenge Sevenfold, Shinedown, Breaking Benjamine, and Pantera to name a few. I'm currently listening to the new Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen soundtrack.
  13. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    First off, the military isn't solely focused on war. There is a term used in the US armed forces called mootw (military operations other than war). Esentially, this means that the military participates in operations that do not involve combat or deployments to areas of conflict. What I'm proposing is that when you enlist, you can have a choice to be in the military solely for mootw and nothing war or combat oriented. You duties would strictly be on humanitarian services, providing relief to a crisis area such as the aftermath of hurricane Katrina or responding to the results of a tsunami caused by a large earthquake. Second. In the US, our current rights and freedoms are already being slowly taken away. So the assault on our freedoms is already underway and presenting a method in which an individual can re-obtain them might not be a bad idea. Hell, perhaps having all of these roghts handed to us without doing something for them wasn't a good idea anyway. It has established the status quo. We had it all without cinsequence, so why bother try any harder? That's the mindset of a spoiled brat, and too many Americans are spoiled brats. Infact, most really don't give a damn with the fact that certain rights are being taken away. The majority of the ones (not all) who do care have put boot to ass for uncle sam, but nobody is really putting any effort to listen to those folks. So maybe I am really onto something here, and the fact that it will cause one to put effort to exceed the status quo makes it sound rediculous. If you're comforetable with hand-outs, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. If you don't think what you have, and what you are a part of is worth a few years of volluntary service, then perhaps you really don't deserve all that you have.
  14. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    Mandatory service or not, you will still have that problem no matter what. So I don't think that is even something to consider. But I'm not in favor of mandatory services anyways. I still like my idea.
  15. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    That's why I suggested that service should not only be limited to only the military. There are so many different forms of service that even someone with a disability can provide. Hell, do you know how much pride it would bring to that person too?... knowing despite the fact that they have a disability, they were able to provide some form of a service in participation to help make our nation a more perfect union? And let's say if the disability is to severe, in which a person can't even step out of their home without the aid of someone else, I'm all for a waiver that would grant them the rights and privleges that would have been given to someone who would have served. Its not their fault that they have a disability... unless they got it from trying to play chicken with a bus. When I was 18, I thought of enlisting, but then said to myself that there are a lot of people in this country who don't deserve my blood to be shed for their freedoms. So I didn't enlist untill 2005 when I realized I was becoming part of a system in which I'm enjoying what I got far too much that were provided by the sacrifices of many good folks overseas. I began to feel like a coward and made the decision to enlist and serve. Never regretted that decision. Infact my only regrett is that I didn't enlist sooner. I understand what you're saying eraser, but I don't agree with it. I too wasn't easily fond of the idea of being under the "whim" of the government, but in reality, its not really being under that much of a whim. You don't lose much, and in contrast, you gain a lot more. But if you're comfortable to have others pay the ultimate price for what you got, then continue on with what you've been doing. We will never change in being a volluntary military force, and I have to say that I'm quite impressed with how well we have been able to maintain the numbers because of that. That truly says how great our nation is.
  16. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    This is what I think. If you want to vote, you need to serve. If you want more than just the basic rights, you need to serve, if you want to be excluded from certain or all taxes, you need to serve. In order to curb this "stereo-type" of youths taking their freedoms, rights, and liberities for granted, we need to take some of them back and give these freedoms and rights to them only if they want to serve for them. I don't think the form of service has to be excluded to only military. It could also be any form of civil service, such as law-enforcement, fire fighting, paramedics, judicial, etc... The slogan, "Freedom isn't Free" doesn't really hit home for someone who hasn't paid for it one way or another. This doesn't mean those people don't care. I'm sure there are a lot of non-serving Americans who do care quite a bit for those who serve. However that slogan would have a deeper meaning and sense of respect if they fully understood the kind of price paid for their freedoms, and that can only be accomplished by serving for the country, one way or another. I will never forget being in medical over in Kirkuk Regional Airbase on my Sept 06 to Mar 07 tour in Iraq for a simple cut in my hand from a piece of glass when a blackhawk brought in the causalties from a roadside bomb. Since that day, I fully understand why freedom isn't free and the importance of why younger people need to really understand this. How else are we going to continue in builidng a better government, a better nation, if they are not exposed to what the price is? As a nation, we have not done the best job that we could have done in making this country better than what it is now. This nation has so much potential and we're not putting much effort into it. We've gotten so used to the status quo that anything that exceeds that sounds rediculous.
  17. Been trying to figure out what's causing my install of WOI to minimize to the desktop every 3 minutes. I'm able to ALT-TAB back into the sim, but it's a real pain to deal with when circling around after a Mig-17 in an F-8.
  18. Minimize to desktop issue

    Well, it probably was at 70 ir above before I checked the temperature. It did take a while for me to get into evega precision. All I know is that when it starts to get that hot, things stop working. Like I said in the previous post, it lasted longer with the fan blowing air on to it. I also noticed that it finally cooled down between 55 and 56 degrees C, and that's with the video card fan running at full power.
  19. Minimize to desktop issue

    Well, I tried it again today with a fan blowing on it. I was able to run WOI a lot longer than usual, but it did eventually minimize again. However, this time I opened up Evega Precision to find out exactly how hot the gpu was running and I was horrifide to find that it was at 67 degrees celsius. That puts it at over 152 degrees fehrenheit! So I got some serious problems here. I now have the computer opened up and am blowing direct air onto it. Looks like I am going to look for a case that comes equiped with central air.
  20. RIP F-22

    For the 21st century battlefield, the USMC need an air support platform. I think the reason why jump jets are such an attractive platform is because 1.) They can get from the carrier to the fight fast and 2.) They can carry a heavier payload than helos. However, my position on using the Commanche is because 1.) It can carry a respectab le payload for a helo, 2.) It's stealthy, 3.) It's more versitile/maneuverable than a jump jet, 4.) It has a turret where it can track and follow targets - that's operated by a 2nd crewman - without the aircraft needing to be pointing at it. So as I said before, the Marines need advanced air support, but I'm not sure if it really needs to be from a jump jet.
  21. RIP F-22

    Can't a helo provide the same level of CAS, if not better? I would think that would be a role in which a helo would highly succeed in?
  22. RIP F-22

    I just thought of it as one idea. Didn't necessarily say it was a good one. I was only thinking that a helicopter is more versitile than a jump jet, going into places and performing in ways in which a jet can not. Didn't see any immediate cons to the idea.
  23. RIP F-22

    Not meaning to go a different direction with this thread, but I was looking online on global security and the unit cost of the RAH-66 Commanche was $32.2 million. Why not revive that program and replace both the Army's AH-64s and USMC's AH-1s and AV-8s and only produce two variants of the F-35 (A and C), thus saving more money to build more F-22s? Am I missing something here or got my facts confused?
  24. Minimize to desktop issue

    Was thinking of doing that. I'm trying to figure out how to hook it up to the power supply because I don't have a lot of connectors left over, and I don't think they would be the right type for a fan. Got that... came with the video card. Have the fan speed maxed out.

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