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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Minimize to desktop issue

    What I'm thinking of doing for the time being is have a regular desk fan blow direct air onto the side of the case that has ventillation holes. There's only one exaust fan and its on the back of the computer. The other three are integrated with the power supply, GPU, and on the CPU. Not sure if blowing out the case with a leaf blower is a good idea. The CPU and motherboard is new, so I don't expect there is any dust to be concerned of. I think a major contributor to the problem was 0placing the computer under my desk in a compartment that seemed to be setup specifically for a computer to fit into. Another contributor is that I only use ceiling fans to cool my apartment and not the AC... but that's to conserve money.
  2. Minimize to desktop issue

    Still having issues with this. The new monitor kind of helped, but it's still re-occuring. I think it might be due to over-heating. When I pulled the PC out from where I had it on my desk, it was a very warm, almost hot to the touch. So I think when I run the sim, it puts out a lot of heat, and for some reason it's not getting enough cold air, causing it to minimize to the desktop. Infact it re-booted itself on one occassion after running for quite a while. So I need to find a way to cool the system down. I already have 4 fans in it, all of them exhaust fans. However, the case is kind of compact (14x14x7).
  3. Army Strong!

    Reminds me when I was in Iraq. We had some guy from Ohio with us who was way overweight and he said that he was on a diet.... going to burger king everyday. Hell, he tried to crack a joke on me one night because I fell off the treadmill when the T.V. monitor I was watching in the gym was featuing the Dallas Cowboy's cheerleaders. He asked me, "How can you fall off a treadmill?" I replied, "Well, for you to understand that you first have to experience running on a treadmill one of these days." Shut the guy up for the entire night.
  4. Joe Gibbs Racing driver Brad Coleman hits coyote

    Hood ornament!
  5. Actually, I have to agree with you there. The control towers in these sims are placed right next to the runway which I think was kind of odd. They're usually placed out on the exterior edge of the flightline with the hangars in real life.
  6. Underground Water Slide

    I'm sure the first words out of their mouths when they saw the storm waters comming in was "Oh s***!" Reminds me of that scene in Back to the Future when Biff is chasing Marty around on that make-shift skate board and Marty fools them into crashing into the manure truck.
  7. Minimize to desktop issue

    Those were the drivers I was refering to. Yes, it is very weird that a monitor would be doing this. I brought my computer from my place to my folks because they have internet and was going to hook up my pc to their internet connection to download an anti-virus program. When I hooked up my pc to my dad's monitor, he wanted to see the problem for himself. So when I went into WOI, I waited, and waited, and waited, and waited for the program to minimzed to the desktop. It didn't happen. So I downloaded AVG anyways to scan my computer for viruses, non were found. I updated Spybot Search and Destroy to scan for viruses, and still non were found. I've already done several degrags, deleted a whole bunch of programs that I don't use, and the problem kept occuring, untill I hooked up my pc to my dad's monitor. So he and I both figured that there must be some kind of an issue with my monitor. So I went out got my self a brand new 23" Samsung. Haven't hooked it up yet to the computer, but I think I won't be having a problem with it.
  8. Graphics Glitch

    The reason why I was claiming monitor is because this was also another issue I was having with my monitor with it minimizes the game to the desktop. When I hooked up my dad's monitor to my computer, there were no problems. The video card that I was runing was also a Nvidia 280 GTX. So I'm not quite to sure if the problem would be a video card.
  9. Graphics Glitch

    Its a monitor issue. Not all widescreen monitors are game compliant. Try updating the driver for the monitor. If that doesn't work, then you need to get a different monitor. I have to do the same thing with mine. I recomend in getting a samsung.
  10. Minimize to desktop issue

    I've installed and rolled back drivers. Nothing works except the samsung monitor.
  11. Minimize to desktop issue

    Well, after trying to figure out what's causing this, I think I've been able to find the problem. Its my monitor. Apparently there is some kind of issue it has with games. Its a Westinghouse 22" widescreen LCD display. I hooked up my computer to my dad's Samsung 22" widescreen LCD and there were no issues at all. Infact, I distinctly remember when I first got the Westinghouse that I could no longer play BF2 on it. I got all the latest drivers for it but it just does not want to work well with games. So I guess I have to go out and get me a Samsung now.
  12. I believe the reason why the sparrow is larger is because of the size of the rocket motor and the fuel load (not to be mistaken by payload). The new sparrows can travel quite far, however the AMRAAM goes about half the distance (untill now with the new AIM-120D - which will probably be replacing all Sparrows). Plus, the Sparrow was developed by a different company, Raytheon I think. The AMRAAM was developed by Hughes Aircraft and Missiles Systems. Both companies have protected rights to the designs of their equipment. So you just can't simply swap out one part and replace it in another product made by a different company. Can you imagine how bad that would go down for goverment contracts?
  13. Buzz Aldrin - A man's man

    Two things you should always fear, a roundhouse from Chuck Norris, and a right hook from Buzz Aldrin. Both can be lethal, but when used, there is always a just cause. The next Chuck Norris movie will feature Buzz Aldrin as Chuck's father.
  14. Russian fidelity Test

    But Jerry Springer doesn't get his @$$ kicked when things go wild. This is just.... dumb
  15. Buzz Aldrin - A man's man

    One small talk from a punk, one giant punch from a hero
  16. Hugo Chavez

    No no no, you start the conversation on how rediculous gas prices have been getting.
  17. Hugo Chavez

    Just imagine what Hugo Chavez would be thinking... "Holy s***! I'm stuck in an elevator with a democratic capitalistic infidel!"
  18. ....downloading SF2 Europe and got less than 58 minutes to go. Haven't done this yet because I don't have internet on my desktop still. However, I just bought a 32 gig thumb drive and am downloading SF2E to it through my folks computer at their place. Been waiting on this for a long time.
  19. I just began....

    What about with this system specs?.... Asus motherboard AMD 64 Semperon single core processor that runs at 2.8 GHz, 8 gigs of DDR 2 1066 MHz RAM, NVidia GTX 280 video card. Right now, everything is flying on my system without a hitch on max settings with a heavily modded install of WOI (although FPS readings are saying that it should be running as slow as a snail... odd).
  20. I just began....

    I still got XP... will that be a problem?
  21. Minimize to desktop issue

    Any good anti virus software? I got spyware search and destroy but it finds nothing. I've disabled the background programs that I know I can disable (there's some other stuff running but not sure if disabeling them would shut down my system).
  22. RIP F-22

    The engines on the KC-135, they leak if if the maintenance crews top off the hydraulics in them a bit too much. I had to report fluid leaking from them almost a month ago. One of the maintenance guys says that occasionally happens when they over fill the hydraulics in them. I'm not an aircraft mechanic expert, so I'm going by what he said.
  23. RIP F-22

    Yeah, that seems to be quite true with most aircrafts. I know our KC-135s do the same thing with the engine nacelles if they get slightly over filled. However, I heard that the hydraulic fluid, running along the airframe of the aircraft, isn't good for the stealth coating for the F-22. But apparently, to name a few things, they're going through engine parts faster than what should be considered exceptable. But they did give a big emphasis on the "superiority" of the F-15s and F-16s on reliability with maintenance, saying that they're less likely to brake down. I heard some other mission operational issues with the F-22s that I thought was just rediculous. There's some kind of a software conflict issue with mission related equipment and aircraft functionality. Won't go into too much detail about this, but they said this problem has been addressed many times and keeps getting ignored due to the amount of funding that would be needed to resolve this. Again, this is according to the people who work on the aircraft, not my synopsis. Maybe they're just biased because the're Eagle and Falcon lovers. Who knows.
  24. RIP F-22

    Actually, a while ago I got a chance to talk to some of the maintenance personell for the F-22 at Edwards and they don't talk too proudly about that aircraft. Infact, if I were to recall their attitude, it would have been disgust and I remember one of them saying that we're still better off with F-15s and F-16s and all the hype on the F-22 is bulls***. I asked how they can say that with the aircraft being so stealthy and having freaken powerfull engines. What they told me was kind of contrary to what I've heard about the aircraft. According to them, there are some serious issues with the aircraft that haven't been revealed to the public and that it's costing too much money to resolve and that the problems aren't getting fixed with the latest Raptors that have been recently built. I admit, I got a little defensive over it, but hey, they're the ones working on it and should know a bit more about it than I do. So I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they know what they're talking about. I know last year when I was working security for the Raptor at our air show, one of the hydraulic hatches flew off while it was doing a practice flight over Moreno Valley. They said that's a common problem and the hatch cost $25,000.00 to replace, not to mention that it compromises the stealth capabilities of the aircraft. I also noticed a hydraulic leak from the weapon bay doors as the aircraft was parked on the ramp. So who knows, maybe there are some legitimate reasons to stop production of this aircraft. I mean if the guys who work on it even say that we're better off with F-15s and F-16s, there's got to be something seriously wrong with this bird that we don't know about. All I know is that it's above my pay grade and security clearance to know.

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