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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Funniest stop ever

    They were both cute and I was trying to work my way to get their number. The one that I was handing my ID to was enjoying talking to me. But her partner wanted to leave. Anyways, I was driving in an area that is very high in crime. Infact the guy who was driving in the lane next to me was more nervous about the cops than I was, and I sped up to pass and merge in front of him. It was late at night and there should only be one or two reasons for driving on the streets during that time. So they were doing their job in suppressing crime as much as possible. Once they realized that I was definately not a bad guy, the stop changed to a friendly salute to fellow law-enforcement workers with respects given to both sides. Some laws are put in place so that those who violate them give cops an opportunity to make contact with those people and to see if there is anything more wrong with that person. I had a valid reason why I was breaking the law and they had no problem with that. If it was an issue, they would've told me to put the plate back on. But man, I wish I had gotten their numbers.
  2. What about a light source? The landing gear lights illuminate the ground. Why not have a green light emitted from the aircraft that illuminates everything on a 360 deg scale on all axis with an unlimited range?
  3. Ghost Story

    That little dot of white is from the camera. Here's what gives it away... it's directly in the center of the picture. Unless we're supposed to be looking at something else, that's the only thing that I notice as odd.
  4. F-22J?

    This is weird, I should have been part of the rapture.
  5. Farewell Farrah Fawcett

    Dies at age 62
  6. Interesting F-22 video

    What I really noticed was the bay door operations. It seems that only the one door that's housing the missile that's going to fire opens. All the other ones stay closed. I also noticed some form of an over-ride in which both bay doors opened up for the sidewinder stations.
  7. Your family rig

    My rear plate holder on my 2002 Z-28 says: "Lost your Mustang? Check under my tires!" Been able to beat an 08 Roush Stage 3
  8. O.M.G.

    I never once saw in this thread about that nut job cult in Texas. Sorry, just had to.
  9. archery builds character

    What 10 year old boy hasn't done something like this? My dad did it back in the days with blasting caps and I did it with a couple of freinds when I was younger. Face it, things that go boom and blow the crap out of your rear is cool!
  10. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    Just saw it today and all I can say is....... damn that's a long movie. It was good all in all. Very action packed, but geez did it take a while to get to the end. I had to get up at one point to use the restroom in the middle of the movie because I had consumed too much soda too soon for this show. The only gripe that I can put on this is the reuse of some scenes from the original movie. I thought that was kind of tacky. There were some other things that could've done without such as a scene of a particular agent's undergarments as he strips in front of the camera and the display of a decpticon's genatalia to name a few. Such scenes I found as a detraction to the quality that movie brought and was really un-necessary. If those scenes were cut out, I think it would have brought a more acceptable time length to the movie. One thing to look forward to... lots of beauty shots of Megan Fox! Infact, there was an equal balance of action scenes and Megan Fox scenes. Anyways, I will be seeing this again.... tomorrow.
  11. O.M.G.

    Only if I'm not working on those Saturday nights.
  12. O.M.G.

    I guess I have to settle for NASCAR on Sunday mornings then.
  13. 68 years ago

    Hey, I was right!
  14. Your family rig

    '74 corvette? My dad had a 72, wrecked it in '86, and bought a '06 brand new.
  15. O.M.G.

    Well, I guess that shows how much T.V. I really watch If there were some decent shows on these days, I would probably watch a bit more.
  16. I know its not required to get vista for any of the new SF2 series, but is it recomended to get that OS for it? I'm a little apprehensive to change out from XP because of the prtoblems it might give me with 3DS Max. What do you guys recomend?
  17. Star Trek XI

    As I'm writing this, I am standing in line to see the 2000 hr show. When I get out I'll post how I enjoyed or not enjoyed it (I'm prety sure I'll enjoy it).
  18. 68 years ago

    Interesting. Snopes.com is claiming that the story of the pictures taken by a single person isn't true and that most of the pictures (not all) were already available in the archives for quite some time. However, whether that being true or not does not take away the importance of these pictures.
  19. Well, since I started this topic, I have read all of your comments and have come to the conclusion that........ I will wait for Windows 7. But should I wait to get SFP2:E until then? Hmmmmmmm.... difficult question to answer indeed. Just kidding. Once I get internet hooked up at my place, I will purchase it off the Thirdwire site immediately. Then comes the most tedious part, converting all my SFP1 stuff for SFP2:E. I haven't used the sim for about 4 months and I'm starving to get back at it again. Not to mention 3D max as well. All I've been doing is Rainbow 6: Vegas 2 on the 360... which I beat in about a week and a half. Not much of a challenge there.
  20. O.M.G.

    They should do a reality show on flight sims and the interactions with the members on the web site. Here ya go with a title for this place "Combat Ace, The Reality Show - the reality show of people who aren't really flying!" I mean that's all it really takes these days to think of a show and a title, and I bet it would be the most viewed show for the first season because it shows what the players skills are or lack there of in combat flight (albeit simulated) and has stuff being blown up. I think I should send this idea to UPN and make some money off of it.
  21. RIP CMSgt. Emmit Ford

    Passed away morning of 21 June 2009 from a heart attack. He just recently retired from my unit as the superintendant of the 452 Security Forces Squadron. I had the honor of knowing him for the past 4 years that I've been at the unit. A very inspiring and selfless individual. His loss is hitting our unit very hard.
  22. Funny.....

    Well, if the perp had a license or an id inside the wallet (which should have a picture of the id holder that hopefully looks a lot like the perp) and the names on credit cards matched the name on the ID, then you don't have a problem there (I would've just shot the guy though - lawfull self defense... the guy is within my reactionary gap and I'm in fear of my life). Never bring a knife to a gun fight. However, I wouldn't have contacted the DA or FBI. They do have voice analyzers... oh and incase you're wondering, if you ever talked on a cell phone that you own, big brother has your voice print. Found that out in an incident that I was involved inwhich a threat was made via phone (from a pay phone) but somehow OSI and FBI managed to catch the guy at his house. Oh, and all calls made to government offices/facilities are recorded.
  23. Interesting subject. I usually start all my missions with radar on and ecm off. Once I start getting rwr warnings that I'm being tracked, I start turning the ecm on and off. If I continue to get tracked after the ecm is on, I turn both radar and ecm off and make a rapid change in altitude (usually decending) untill I start getting tracked again (which happens quite quickly) or unless I know I've positioned myself to where I can engage the threat in which the threat has to make significant maneuvers to engage me. In the event that the threat is able to re-establish lock prior to my position of advantage, then I'm both radar off and ecm on untill I can place myself where the threat can't easily engage me. Then I go both radar and ecm on the whole time until the threat has been neutralized. I've found this to be my success in dealing with flankers. However, constant toggeling of the equipment can keep you opponent a little bit more off balance, giving you a better position of advantage. I've also noticed that some AI planes employ the same tactics when I try to lock onto them, forcing me to close in on them so that they can engage me.
  24. Daves

    Funny thing is my real name is david or dave by most people. Too bad I can't change it for this "occasion"
  25. New Japan's weapon assembled in Tokyo

    Only in Japan.

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