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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Narcotics, such as cocaine and heroine, can cause seizures, and those two can also cause one to behave and act less than intelligent when they need to be. Judging from how this guy was behaving over the comms, and I suspect that a controlled substance of some kind was being used, which presented the after affect of a seizure that he suffered.

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away from who's perspective though...
  3. Honestly, I have no idea why I'm posting this...

    You got a point there...
  4. Honestly, I have no idea why I'm posting this...

    Well... they're both over in Canada atm. Either that's where Kate lives or they're shooting a film over there.
  5. Microwave Ovens...time for a rethink?

    That' probably becuase you had the vibrator on.
  6. RIP Charlie Sheen (or is it good riddance?)

    April Fools!... and WINNING!!!
  7. SWA Plane Suffers Metal Fatigue

    I have a feeling that the results from the investigation will not be in SW's favor.
  8. RIP Charlie Sheen (or is it good riddance?)

    Wait a minute... that's Chris Brown
  9. RIP Charlie Sheen (or is it good riddance?)

  10. RIP Charlie Sheen (or is it good riddance?)

    That's because he's always winning thanks to the reflexs of a ninja assasin and his vains filled with tiger blood! If you try to kill Charlie Sheen, he will just humiliate you in front of the world and all of your children.
  11. Charlie Sheen Winning Recipes

  12. Just FYI

    In Russia, we bring Summer to you.
  13. Just something to think about...

    I am very well aware that many here will probably not agree on this or share this view. I saw it through an e-mail and thought it was just kind of interesting, perhaps note worthy enough to share it here. I understand the need to speak about your opinion on the subject. However, lets try to do so in a respectfull manner so that we don't insult other members here on the site. Lets also respect everybody's elses opinoins as well and keep in mind that not everyone will see things the same way. http://www.charismamag.com/index.php/news/30446-is-japan-disaster-another-apocalyptic-sign
  14. Massive Earthquake in Japan

    Turn on the news folks. An 8.9 earthquake just hit Japan. Tsunami warnings going out to all areas on east coast of Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Hawaii. All of our members in Japan please check in so we know you're ok.
  15. Massive Earthquake in Japan

    Magnitude of the earthquake has been upgraded to a 9.0!
  16. PHOTO: ( http://www.march.afrc.af.mil/shared/media/photodb/photos/110223-F-GQ530-104.JPG ) "Members of the March Fire Department and 452nd Security Forces Squadron respond to a Los Angeles Country Sheriff’s Department helicopter which experienced a hard landing on February 23. The two pilots were not injured during the landing. The helicopter was conducting a routine training flight at the base. The incident is currently under investigation." (U.S. Air Force photo/ Tech. Sgt. Christine Jones) What happened is that the pilot was a student and practicing on how to land during a simulated IFE. I see them do this all the time when I'm posted out in the secured areas. I've always had that sinking feeling that one of these days they will land a bit too hard. This happened during the previous shift and on one of my off days. So I didn't get to see this in person.
  17. Shooting at Frankfurt airport

    They weren't just airmen, they were Security Forces personel... my careerfield. Two SF troops were injured (unknown how serious) and the bus driver was killed. The only reason why the guy was caught was because one of the SF members chased after him and tackled him... unarmed! We were told about it in our guardmount on Wednesday. Ironically, this incident comes during the middle of our active shooter training at my base.
  18. Motion FX

    Now just imagine after getting hit by a missile and spiraling back to the ground
  19. Hit by trojan virus

    I was following a link to download a mod from another site for a game and it ended up being infested with a trojan virus that has pretty much compromised my entire system. I can't gain acess to the task manager, spybot, or any other free anti-virus programs. There's a system tools icon that pops up for me to download a payware anti-virus program, but I'm not sure if that's an additional trap setup by the trojan. Are my only options to re-format that hardrive or just buy a new one?
  20. Hit by trojan virus

    Can't do a system restore because this thing has locked me out from doing that. I think reformatting of what I'm going to have to do. That sucks because I'm going to lose some projects. Oh well.
  21. Here's something strange. When I click the "SAVE" button (not the "SAVE DAT/INI"), the weaponsdata.ini file gets deleted and I end up losing all the weapons that I had added (fortunately, I make a back-up copy). Now, this is only when I want to save a specific modification to a weapon. I can save and keep new weapons in the weapondata.ini by just clicking on the "SAVE DAT/INI" button. I'm just trying to figure out what's causing the .ini file to be deleted when I just click on "SAVE".
  22. Suckerpunch trailer

    What the?????
  23. File Name: A-4 Avionics Pack File Submitter: serverandenforcer File Submitted: 24 Jan 2009 File Updated: 24 Jan 2009 File Category: Jet Cockpits This mod upgrades the HUD and radar for the A-4 variants to operate with Avionics70.dll. In this pack, you will find 5 folders of A-4 variants. Each variants' avionics suite is unique to each other. The avionics suite is upgraded appropriately for each variant. ...................................................................... A-4B: No radar; simple HUD displaying heading, speed, altitude, attitude, waterline, and flightpath. A-4C: AG radar; HUD updates include the additions of Waypoint data and AG targeting data (depending on munitions). A-4E: Same as the A-4C; HUD updates include the additions of flight performance data. A-4F: Same as the A-4E; HUD updates include the additions of a CCIP A-4ese (Super Echo): AA and AG radar; HUD updates include AA targeting data. ...................................................................... INSTALLATION: back-up you original files, then copy and paste each A-4 folder into your aricraft folder. These aricrafts will require the stock A-4B,C,E,and F lods from Wings Over Europe and Wings Over Vietnam. In the A-4.ini file, it will advise of which lod file you will need. The A-4_Cockpit.ini will advise of which cockpit.lod you will need. NOTE: these avionics suites may and are most likely not true to the real A-4s. Since I couldn't find anyreference pictures of them, I implemented what I would think would be somewhat believable. I just didn't think that it would only be a yellow guncross. If you happen to know exactly what the HUD would look like on a real A-4, you are more than welcomed to make the changes and distribute the mod. This mod will work in SFP1, WOV, WOE, and WOI. ...................................................................... This mod made by me, serverandenforcer Click here to download this file
  24. Can you say Zoom Zoom?

    I'm still happy with what I got.
  25. I need a favor, Dave,,,

    What I find funny is at the end they say "Don't try this at home." WTF!??? Like I have a Mirage-2000 just resting in my driveway and able to jump in at any time to take a quick spin in.

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