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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Just noticed something, nothing big, but when I fold the wings, the AIM-9s don't line up/move correctly with the animations. Don't know if it was ever noticed or not. No bigge though. It's an awesome mod! Here's a pic on what I'm talking about...
  2. Sorry bro, but still nothing happening here. Like I said, it works for all the other terrains except for this one for some odd reason. So I think it has to do with something in the terrain it self. I was just only wondering if anybody else experienced this problem with your mod in the Black Sea terrain, and if not then I guess I just happen to be the lucky guy to have it happening to him.
  3. Tried both, didn't work.
  4. OK, I reset the target.ini file and picked one target area for the cirrus target. Still not getting the cirrus clouds to show... [TargetArea002] Name=Kherson Position=200000.000000,732000.000000 Radius=14142.135742 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY Target[001].Type=HQBuilding1 Target[001].Offset=-1502,-64 Target[001].Heading=90 Target[002].Type=SAMRadar Target[002].Offset=3497,-2423 Target[002].Heading=180 Target[003].Type=SAMLauncher Target[003].Offset=3800,-2973 Target[003].Heading=300 Target[004].Type=SAMLauncher Target[004].Offset=3200,-2973 Target[004].Heading=230 Target[005].Type=SAMLauncher Target[005].Offset=3500,-3300 Target[005].Heading=180 Target[006].Type=SAMLauncher Target[006].Offset=3200,-2172 Target[006].Heading=120 Target[007].Type=SAMLauncher Target[007].Offset=3800,-2152 Target[007].Heading=60 Target[008].Type=AAA Target[008].Offset=-5270,-25 Target[008].Heading=270 Target[009].Type=AAA Target[009].Offset=-4210,-25 Target[009].Heading=180 Target[010].Type=AAA Target[010].Offset=-1550,-25 Target[010].Heading=220 Target[011].Type=SAMRadar Target[011].Offset=-12668,-9121 Target[011].Heading=180 Target[012].Type=SAMLauncher Target[012].Offset=-12400,-9473 Target[012].Heading=20 Target[013].Type=SAMLauncher Target[013].Offset=-13100,-9473 Target[013].Heading=120 Target[014].Type=SAMLauncher Target[014].Offset=-13100,-8567 Target[014].Heading=180 Target[015].Type=SAMLauncher Target[015].Offset=-12400,-8567 Target[015].Heading=90 Target[016].Type=AAA Target[016].Offset=-465,-25 Target[016].Heading=270 Target[017].Type=AAA Target[017].Offset=-1755,-2000 Target[017].Heading=210 Target[018].Type=AAA Target[018].Offset=4040,-4775 Target[018].Heading=30 Target[019].Type=AAA Target[019].Offset=2070,-4835 Target[019].Heading=270 Target[020].Type=AAA Target[020].Offset=4620,-6500 Target[020].Heading=70 Target[021].Type=AAA Target[021].Offset=5100,-8000 Target[021].Heading=90 Target[022].Type=AAA Target[022].Offset=3175,-9745 Target[022].Heading=170 Target[023].Type=AAA Target[023].Offset=2740,-8570 Target[023].Heading=300 Target[024].Type=ZSU-23 Target[024].Offset=535,-8570 Target[024].Heading=120 Target[025].Type=AAA Target[025].Offset=-1900,-8570 Target[025].Heading=270 Target[026].Type=AAA Target[026].Offset=-3660,-8570 Target[026].Heading=170 Target[027].Type=AAA Target[027].Offset=-6680,-8570 Target[027].Heading=90 Target[028].Type=Crane Target[028].Offset=832,-5050 Target[028].Heading=270 Target[029].Type=Crane Target[029].Offset=-2974,-1172 Target[029].Heading=180 Target[030].Type=Crane Target[030].Offset=-3047,1153 Target[030].Heading=0 Target[031].Type=CargoShip Target[031].Offset=-3080,-1449 Target[031].Heading=0 Target[032].Type=CargoShip Target[032].Offset=-2920,1459 Target[032].Heading=180 Target[033].Type=GeneratorBuilding1 Target[033].Offset=1907,-10797 Target[033].Heading=90 Target[034].Type=church Target[034].Offset=2568,-6085 Target[034].Heading=90 Target[035].Type=church Target[035].Offset=-1592,-8072 Target[035].Heading=90 Target[036].Type=church Target[036].Offset=-470,78 Target[036].Heading=90 Target[037].Type=CargoShip Target[037].Offset=555,-4907 Target[037].Heading=90 Target[038].Type=Radio_twr Target[038].Offset=-3945,-13219 Target[038].Heading=0 Target[039].Type=Radio_twr Target[039].Offset=-11773,-6512 Target[039].Heading=315 Target[040].Type=Radio_twr Target[040].Offset=5505,-10814 Target[040].Heading=225 Target[041].Type=GeneratorBuilding1 Target[041].Offset=5873,-8935 Target[041].Heading=90 Target[042].Type=GeneratorBuilding1 Target[042].Offset=-8051,-10853 Target[042].Heading=90 Target[043].Type=CommBuilding1 Target[043].Offset=-1330,-8564 Target[043].Heading=0 Target[044].Type=CirrusTarget Target[044].Offset=100,100 Target[044].Heading=0
  5. I had a lot of cirrus targets because I couldn't get one to work, and I try going to other target areas to see if something would pop up, but didn't get any results. So out of frustration, I tried a send the cirrus targets all over the place to see if I can get at least one positive result.
  6. AIM120C

    The only info that I know about the D is that it can travel up to 150 NM. Basically the replacement for the Pheonix.
  7. Ok Lexx, here ya go. I placed them in a .rar file because it would've made the message too long if I just posted all the information here.
  8. The recordings, from security cameras on the local builidings, show various angles of the plane landing into the river
  9. Miramar crash update

    Holy S! I definately did not expect the situation was that jacked up. The pilot could've easily brought it in to North Island. I think it's guranteed that his career is over and will possibly face criminal charges. All I can see here is incompetence and laziness of the extreme order.
  10. NK again.....

    Not to mention that the general public can't get information that originates outside of the North Korean government. So almost any info. that they hear is strictly from government sources. They got nothing else to go by. So it is really easy to mis lead the general population into believing that any western powers that try to come in to the country will not be in their best interest.
  11. Hmm....... It appears that this enemy flight of Flankers got the call a bit too late to scramble for my approaching flight. Oh well....
  12. AH-64A WIP

    OK AleDucat, I sent a PM to you that has the updated file and the animation keys.
  13. How can it be?

    What I noticed was that the escorting aircraft are not armed up. Must be diplomatic protocol under NATO. Unless those aren't shots of aircraft escorts but of someting else.
  14. WTF is this?

    Oh, well that's what I bump to when I roll through South Central. It scares the living cheese whiz out of the gang bangers there. Nobody wants to come near me when I'm playing that.
  15. AH-64A WIP

    Ah crap, did i forget to give you the animation keys? I'll send them over in a PM. Yeah, they "flex" up and down with positive and negative collective. And btw... your apache rocks!!!!! looks better than mine. How many polys is it?
  16. But of course! I mean, you can have a whole bunch of red stars, bars, or aircraft models stickered on to your bird, but it all could have been against a nation who has crappy pilots and nobody would really know any better. Now posting what nation you actually faught against expresses a bit more on what you were facing in regards to the level of training that you might have been up against.
  17. AH-64A WIP

    BUMP... anybody else interested in doing a FM for this? Haven't gotten any takers from expereinced FM gurus yet.
  18. For some, yes, but for me, no. I got 3DS Max as a Christmas gift because someone(s) really liked what I was doing with Gmax and thought it would be a great investment for me to use the real deal. In turn, I enlisted and join the USAF. But if I was able to get a nice job making 3D models, I would do it. It's fun whiping out mods and stuff to an awesome community, but I'm sure it would be exciting to get paid for it on an hourly basis by a big name video game company, and a lot more motivating.
  19. Ooopsy

  20. Ooopsy

    In the last scene where the guys are jumping out of the boat, I have been in sand like that before. One minute, your walking on nice soft sand, and then the next step you go plunging into the ground as if something grabbed you from under the dirt and pulled you down. Scary for first timers, but after you realize what happened, it's all laughs.
  21. Micro Prose/Hasbro Gunship

    Well, I sent an e-mail to the Track IR support site and got a response back saying that it will not work with this sim because it is no longer supported by it's developers (Micro Prose and Hasbro Interactive).
  22. Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

    I got to hang out with the Blue Angels.
  23. Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

    You never know. It could have an impact, and believe it would.
  24. EricJ Report In

    It was a bad day in the land of stan. I recentl heard that if our next deployment goes through, that's where we might be going. With the new commander, I might be able to go while being AGR.

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