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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Way to Go Navy!

    Yeah, except back then, we had a more "permanent" way of making sure the pirates we captured never returned to piracy
  2. I've been using paint.net. Great program, just a par under the capabilities of PhotoShop. And it's free!!!!!
  3. I was on the verge of killing myself after making that comment. I literaly had a gun on the desk with a round in it. That post was made when I had a lot of things in my personal life going south. I still feel very bad about that comment. I have no idea what was going through my head when I made that post. Anyways, I think people, who like to nitpick and complain about something that a lot of peope worked long and hard for (what was it... 2 1/2 years on the DS mod?) to give up to a community for free, has no concept of being thankfull. I mean come on, how can someone really get upset about a free product? I just can't understand that. I mean, the only thing I could think of is if what they downloaded porked their system permanently... but that's not what folks complain about. The complain about quality. Geezes. Just freaken unbelievable. Where's my gun at.
  4. Topgun II in the works

    Come on Mav, we don't have fuel for this.
  5. Ultra Durable my ass

  6. Ultra Durable my ass

    Oh gawd First off, how much power is your motherboard able to support? You can have too much power. 2nd, does the power supply have the right conversion setup for the outlet that it's plugging into? If the outlet that it's plugging into delivers a stronger power than what the powersupply is able to receive, it can overload your components and the power supply (i found that out the hard way with a X-Box 360 in Iraq). If you're using a power strip, make sure that it also is setup for the right amount of power output. Also, make sure that you plug it in correctly into the wall. If you insert the wrong prong into the outlet, you can reverse the polarity charge that's being fed into the power supply and cook your system.
  7. Ultra Durable my ass

    Quick question, I know this is going to sound stupid, but do you ground yourself first before handling the parts inside the computer (where you touch the metal part of the interior of the case before and while working on the internals of the computer - yes that means you have to do the work with one hand)? If you don't, you can create a static electricity build-up that can cause "unstable" power surges throughout whatever components that you have touched, causing them to "fry".
  8. Does there really have to be a goal? How about a donation collection every 6 months or maybe every year and then use what was collected during that time period to help fund 3rdwire?
  9. Topgun II in the works

    whoa whoa whoa "I want some butts!!!!"
  10. Topgun II in the works

    "I asked Hollywood, 'Where did he go?' and Hollywood said, 'Where did whoooooo goooooooo!?'"
  11. What to do when in a rip? Interesting Story, read here

    My answer on what to do... don't go out in the water at all. I never have, and never will. Riptides, sharks, jellyfish, poluted waters, toxic algae, kids peeing and pooping in the water, and most importantly.... EELS!!! which are many reasons why there is no sense in going into that environment. Anyways, great job in the rescue. Doing what had to be done is still being a hero. It reminds me of a line from Live Free or Die Hard.
  12. Finally AGR

    Well, after several months of applying for an AGR position with my unit, I finally received an e-mail advising that I have been accepted for the position. All I need to do now is complete some paper work and set a date to start working. Apparently though, they had sent the e-mail out two weeks ago, but to the wrong address. So I could've been working by now if it wasn't for that. Anyways, I'm taking this as good news. Also, our current commander is in Iraq, and will be retiring when he returns. While he has been the commander, he had issued a policy that no one on the AGR side can deploy. I have overheard that the new commander (who has now taken over since the current one is deployed) has expressed interest in changing that policy once he becomes the official commander for our unit so that AGR members can deploy in the AOR, but only if they vollunteer.
  13. Finally AGR

    Yes I do. Even though part of my deployment in Iraq in 06 - 07 had some very undesirable moments, I don't regret it one bit. I very much want to have a more active and involved part in being in the military, and I think going on deployments is part of that. AGR = Active Guard and Reserve
  14. Cyber "Warriors"

    That would be in violation of fraud, waste, and abuse of Air Force resources.
  15. I'm trying to figure out if I should setup animations on the main rotor blades on a model that I'm working on. What I'm aiming for is that as you increase colletive (power), the rotor blades roll on their centerline axis and because of that they also pitch up a little bit simulating lift due to that increase. Do I need to model in roll and pitch animations in 3D studio max, or is that an animation that will be handled in the data.ini file for the aircraft? I got the pivot axis for each blade setup to where the blades are able to roll and pitch in relation to where it is connected to the rotor mast.
  16. FastCargo and I were chatting about it last night. We think we might have come up with a way for it to behave like a turret, but yet you still have control on firing... just not targeting and tracking.
  17. Cyber "Warriors"

    My appologies, I was speaking of myself in how I hate it that the Air Force likes to call me a warrior. I guess I started despising that term when I was at the medical tent in Kirkuk. I was there because I cut my freaken hand on some glass and while I was being treated, medical just received a medivac of a bunch of soldiers who looked like they literally got blasted half-way to hell. Seeing those injuries and what those guys were having to endure really made me feel sick for me to be called a warrior when I haven't even been through their shoes. I guess it's just me that has that issue from that experience. Sorry if I offended anybody with my previous statement.
  18. Cyber "Warriors"

    Security Forces What was your job field and when and where were you doing this? I was in Iraq from Sep 06 t Mar 07 at Kirkuk RAB. If I don't get my AGR position, I might end up going to Iraq again this summer, and I'll be going as a grenaider again. Funny thing is, the last time I went as a grenaider, (had my own issued M-4/M-203) I only used my M-203 to shoot flares. I never went on post with 40mm rounds, and the training that I got prior to the deployment indicated that I was going to be on assignments where 40mm rounds were going to be needed. I was looking forward to blow something up, not necessarily kill someone, but just see things go boom from something that I launched. A team from our unit is already there right now, and they're doing guard duty again, but this time at a sector where the action usually happens. So who knows. If I go this time to relieve them, I might actually have something to talk about when I come back. But then again, it's always said that those situations aren't something to wish for.
  19. Current animations Animation_Test.rar
  20. Ya know what, I don't think I made a single comment on this topic at all. That being said....... Excellent work guys! This is looking to be a fantastic aircraft to download.
  21. That's part of what I'm trying to do. See, on a helicopter, increaseing the collective raises the swash plate to increase the AOA on all the rotor blades evenly. Cyclic movement is basically where one end of the swash plate is lower from the other, in which the lower side decreases the AOA of the blade that it is attached to, while the other end of the swash plate that is higher is increaseing the AOA of it's blade. I can get the collective animation to work, and I can get the cyclic animation to work. But I can't get them both working at the same time. Also, only one axis of the cyclic can work with the animation setup. However, I can sort of do a "cheat" with animating the cyclic while having "true" collective animation. The thing that I don't like with the cheat method for the cyclic is that it doesn't trully animate like a real cyclic does. It only demonstrates what the overall achievement is with the cyclic subtracting from seeing actuall parts move the way that they're supposed to in conjunction with cyclic input.
  22. Is there a way to link one object to two? I'm trying to figure out how to keep the two pivot points of a support brackets, in which one point is connected to the main blade and the other point to the swash plate. The animation for collective and cyclic is becoming quite difficult without figuring out how to maintain these two pivot points.
  23. Christian Bale (A$$hole)

    Negative bro. There shouldn't be a difference between how things operate in the civilian world and the military world. Unfortunately, there is that difference and that's why there is so much lack of discipline and integrity in the civilian world (not saying all civilians are like that). This is why corruption in the work place is such an out of control issue. People are literally left off the hook for their mistakes. Eyes look the other way when someone does something wrong. This develops the mindset that anybody can get away with anything without a concern of consequences for one's actions. This is the main reason why I will never go back to a civilian job because people have to be treated with a disgusting amount of softness that I can not stand. I did not see Christian Bale as a big baby in this, but as someone who expects and demands the highest discipline and professionalism from someone who is in a position to have those qualities. He is, in military terms, "hardcore" in what he does and expect others to be at that level. Why? Because he demads excellence, discipline, and integrity in the work field, and there is nothing wrong with that at all. Guranteed, that director will probably never make that mistake again, at least while working with Christian Bale.
  24. Cyber "Warriors"

    Neither would I. I've been in guard towers where snipers have taken pot shots at me, have had rockets and motars land too close for comfort, and I would never dare call myself a warrior and never would want anybody else to call me that. A real warrior is someone who goes out past the wire, going face to face with death every day and continues to do that job with dedication and without hesitation, no matter how often they've come close to being killed. AFAIK, only the Army and the Marines do that on a daily basis. They (Air Force Security Forces) keep "training" us to do those roles, but every time we're deployed, it's always the guard towers inside the wire. The day that I actually do a real building search, where live rounds are being popped off over my head by the bad guys, and having to pound rounds back to save my arse in CQC, I might be a bit more willing to except that title of warrior. But until that day happens, save that title for those who really deserve it.

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