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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Nellis temporary shutdown

    Suicide by cop.
  2. 194th skin for Block-30



    194th "Griffins" FS of the 144th FW Basically what I did was trace suhsjake's 194th skin for the ADF Viper and slapped it on a F-16C. The quality of the image isn't as good as it is on the ADF, but I think that has something to do with how the model was unwrapped. Most of the credits should go to suhsjake. I only did a quick and simple piece for this. This mod made by me, serverandenforcer
  3. BSG

    Same here. Season 4 is out now? Hm...need to go to Best Buy tomorrow.
  4. Nellis temporary shutdown

    That incident ended up being the talk of the town for about a month or two at both my home base and with the guys over in Iraq when I eventually deployed with them. And the UDM got a major *** chewing for not hooking me up properly. From what I've heard, if I didn't get contacted by the taxi police, more than likely my story checked out, and with a situation like that, the taxi driver not only looses her licenses, but faces criminal charges as well. What I found out later is that a regular SF cop actually showed up prior to the Humvees, but when he saw that I was getting taken out of the car at gun point by the taxi cop, he stood back, and called in for assistance. That's when the Humvees rolled in (and they rolled in quick!). I can still rember the first words from the on scene commander when they showed up... "You better drop that gun and back the **** up or your dead!" Apparently this isn't the first time taxi service has been like this in Vegas. I guess it's really corrupt and because of that, they have signs posted at all the airports advising to be cautious when getting a cab. So yeah, take the bus when you go there. I will never ever take a taxi again.
  5. Well, that might be just only at March. Would be nice if they got a couple Block-50s with the more powerfull General Electric running in them.
  6. Nellis temporary shutdown

    I've already had a personal first impression with Security Forces at Nellis and they are awesome. Back in 2006, I was on the way to Indian Springs AFB for ground combat training. I was pulled as an alternate from my unit because an original member on the team that was going to Iraq got injured in training, and I was the lucky guy to be his replacement. Anyways, instead of my UDM scheduling a bus from Indian Springs to pick me up, he told me to grab a taxi when I land at Las Vegas. Apparently, the taxi driver didn't know where to go, got lost, stopped in the middle of a busy highway to ask for directions from Las Vegas's finest (who were already busy with a stop), and instead of saying I am lost, the driver said I need help. The cops got pissed at her told her to keep driving and then soon afterwards they chased after us and pulled us over. I was able to explain to them what was going on, what the driver was doing, and they instructed her to take me to Nellis. The cops also contacted SF at Nellis and advised them of the situation. The driver then took me to the wrong gate at Nellis (and apparently notified her supervisor of what had happened, who in turn notified taxi police). When we got to the wrong gate, the private securit there turned us around. As we were about to leave, another security guard stops us and tells us to wait back by the gate (apparenlty they just got the call of what was going on). While we're waiting, taxi police shows up and takes me out of the taxi at gun point. Right at that time, SF rolls up in 3 Humvees, with .50 cals and M-240Bs, recognizing who I was ('cause I was wearing my SF pride shirt) and drew their weapons down on the taxi cop, who of course immediately complied and lied down on the ground (I doubt a 9mm hand gun is any good competition against a .50 call and two M-240Bs. Two SF members then grabbed me, pulled me behind the Humvees and proceeded to grab all of my belonging from the taxi (very carefull I might add) and brought them back with me. After talking to the taxi cop, they allowed him to approach me in a more "acceptable" manner. He took my statements and said that they'll review the recording inside the taxi, and if anything conflicitng came up, they'll notify me. Haven't heard from them since, so I think they got the jist of what happened. Well, after dealing with that, the flight chief came out, personally setup a room for me on base, free of charge, notifed Indian Springs of the fiasco, and I got a good 1 hour sleep before catching a ride on the Indian Springs bus, like my UDM should've arranged before hand.
  7. WOOT!!!!! These guys fly out of my base, but in the Block-30s. So I'm very happy to see this skin. Great work suhsjake!
  8. The Person Below Me

    False, I love firdays as much as any other day because right now I don't have a job, so I'm not working. The person below me is going to repeat a post that has already been posted but burried deep in the previous 18 pages of posts so they wouldn't even know that post has already been posted before they posted.
  9. FAIL pics(many pics)

  10. An excellent game you should be good at

    20.969 you seriously need reaction and situation awareness skills for this.
  11. File Name: CH Fighter Stick config for auto door operations on the F-22 and F-35 File Submitter: serverandenforcer File Submitted: 10 Jan 2009 File Category: Ini Edits CH FIGHTER STICK CONFIGURED FOR AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATIONS FOR THE F-22A, F-22A_B20, AND THE F-35A WITH CORRECT WEAPON DEPLOYMENT;NOMENCLATURE AND OPERATIONS FOR THE CH FIGHTER STICK AND PRO THROTTLE;NEW WEAPON DATA FOR AIM-9X AND AIM-120C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod is for both any SF series sim and for the CH Fighter Stick and Pro Throttle. What this mod does takes full advantage of the unique controller programing capabilites of the CH Fighter Stick and Pro Throttle operations to allow a more imerssive experience of the F-22 and F-35. NOTE: this might not work with any other CH controls and will most definately not work with any other controls that are not by CH. So if you downloaded this in hopes that it will give you automatic doors for the F-22 and F-35 with your own game controllers, I appologize in misleading you for that. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....... CHANGES TO THE F-22A, F-22A_B20, THE F-35A AND INSTALLATION *CHANGES The changes that I made to these aircrafts was changing the attachment type in the weapons bay from internal to external. This was done so that the new Aim-9X and Aim-120C (which will be explained further) will operate and deploy correctly from the weapons bay. Setting the attachment type from internal to external allows the Aim-9X can to track a target while inside the weapons bay. The opening time for the weapon bay doors on both F-22s have been speed-up by 50%. NOTE: Only the Aim-9X and Aim-120C have been adapated for these changes. Other weapons may not deploy correctly. *INSTALLATION First, back-up your original F-22A, F-22A_B20, and F-35A folders. Then drag the .rar folders of the F-22A, F-22A_B20, and F-35A into your Aircraft folder. This will overwrite the original data.ini and loadout.ini files of these aircrafts in your Aircraft folder. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....... NEW WEAPON DATA FOR THE AIM-9X AND AIM-120C AND INSTALLATION *NEW WEAPON DATA The changes that I made to these aircrafts was adding them as a new weapon: AIM-9X (INTERNAL) and AIM-120C (INTERNAL). Both missiles have a delay release of 1 second and a booster start delay of 1 second for the Aim-9X and 2 seconds for the Aim-120C. This allows both missiles to clear the weapons bay before being released and engaging the boosters. Time from when pushing the pickle button to booster ignition is about 2.5 seconds for the Aim-9X and about 3.5 seconds for the Aim-120C. The extra half second is due to the command time to engage each action of opening the weapon bay and launching the weapons. After the weapon has launched, the weapon bay doors will close on their own. *INSTALLATION At the bottom of this readme is two weapons data. Copy and paste this data into your WEAPONDATA.ini file as the last entry. Then under the heading [WeaponData2109] and [WeaponData2110], change the numeical values to the appropriate corresponding order (which ever value they come after from the previous weapon in the WEAPONDATA.ini file). ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ******* NOMENCLATURE AND OPERATIONS OF THE CH FIGHTER STICK, PRO THROTTLE, AND INSTALLATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOMENCLATURE AND OPERATIONS OF THE MODE SELECTOR, TRIGGER, AND PICKLE BUTTONS OF THE CH FIGHTER STICK The pickle button has been assigned to not only fire the selected weapon, but to operate the bay doors to open and close with a single push of the button. I've implemented a sort of "master arm" button by using the mode selection button on the top right of the Fighter Stick. In Mode-1 (indicated by the green light on the base platform of the Fighter Stick), both the pickle button and the trigger have been disabled to prevent any accidental firing of both the weapons and the guns to take place. In Mode-2 (indicated by the red light on the base of the platform of the Fighter Stick), the "master arm" is on, the selected weapons can fire by use of the pickle button (which fires the weapon, at 0.5 seconds after that command ,it opens the weapon bay door, and then closes the weapon bay doors after the missile has engaged it's boosters and cleared the area in only one push of the button), but the trigger is disabled to prevent any accidental firing of the gun. In Mode-3 (indicated by the yellow light on the base of the platform of the Fighter Stick), the "master arm" is on, the trigger can fire the guns, but the pickle button has been disabled to prevent any accidental firing of the guns. In order to use Mode-2 and 3, you must first go through Mode-1. This does not mean that if you accidentally start a mission in either Mode-2 or 3 you can not disable the pickle or trigger buttons. All you need to do is to go to Mode-1 from Mode-2 or 3 first, then you can access the pickle and trigger buttons. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....... NOMENCLATURE OF ALL OTHER SWITHCES BUTTONS OF THE CH FIGHTER STICK (WORKS IN ALL MODES) *POV HAT SWITCH The POV HAT switch, located right of the pickle button, controls the targeting operations. Pushing right selects the next radar target. Pushing left selects the previous radar target. Pushing up acquires and identifies the radar target (both controls have been unionized in a single operation). Pushing down deselects the acquired radar target. *HAT 1 SWTICH The HAT 1 switch, located under the pickle button, controls the gunsight mode, gun group mode, ripple quantity, and ripple interval selections. Pushing right selects the next gunsight mode. Pushing left selects the previous gun sight mode. Pushing up selects the next ripple quantity. Pushing down selects the previous ripple quantity. Holding the SHIFT key and pushing right selects the next gun group. Hold the SHIFT and pushing left selects the previous gun group. Holding the SHIFT key and pushing up selects the next ripple interval. Holding the SHIFT key and pushing down selects the previous ripple interval. *HAT 2 SWITCH The HAT 2 swtich, located to the right of the HAT 1 swtich, controls the weapon selection. Pushing right selects the next A2A weapon. Pushing left selects the previous A2A weapon. Pushing down selects the next A2G weapon. Pushing up selects the previous A2G weapon. The HAT 2 switch has not be programed for to specific characters, so you can make any changes to it if you like. *HAT 3 SWITCH The HAT 3 switch, located at the thumb rest of the CH Fighter Stick, controls radar operations. Pushing right selects the next radar mode. Pushing left selects the previous radar mode. Pushing up selects the next radar range. Pushing down selects the previous radar range. The HAT 3 switch has not be programed for to specific characters, so you can make any changes to it if you like. *BUTTON 4 Button 4, located at the bottom of the CH Fighter Stick (where your pinky finger would rest) activates and deactivates the radar. It also acitivates and deactivates the ECM. ECM is activated when the radar is activated. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....... NOMENCLATURE OF ALL SWITCHES, BUTTONS, AND MICRO STICK OF THE CH PRO THROTTLE (WORKS IN ALL MODES) *POV HAT SWITCH The POV HAT switch, located left of the Micro Stick and under the HAT 2 switch, controls VTOL nozzle operations and the wing leveler. Pushing forward rotates the nozzles up. Pushing back rotates the nozzles down. Push up activates the wing leveler. No functions are assigned to when you push down. The POV HAT switch has not be programed for to specific characters, so you can make any changes to it if you like. *HAT 1 SWTICH The HAT 1 switch, located on the front of the Pro Throttle, controls waypoint selection, inflight map, and ECM. Pushing right selects the next waypoint. Pushing left selects the previous waypoint. Pushing down selects the inflight map. Pushing up selects the ECM individually from the radar. *HAT 2 SWITCH The HAT 2 switch, located above the Micro Stick and the POV HAT switch, controls speed and lift control devices. Pushing forward applies the speed brakes until released. Pushing back applies both the speed brakes and the wheel brakes until released. Pushing up raises the flaps. Pushing down lowers the flaps. *HAT 3 SWITCH The HAT 3 switch, located under the Micro Stick, controls the landing gear, wheel brakes, and the arrestor hook. Pushing forward applies the wheel brakes until released. Pushing back unlocks and locks the wheel brakes. Pushing up lowers and raises the arrestor hook. *BUTTONs 2, 3, AND 4 Button 2, located on the right of the forward hand grip, left of Button 3, ejects 6 chaffs and flares simultaneously. Button 3, located in the middle of Button 2 and 4, jettisons the fuel tanks. Button 4, located on the left of Button 3, jettisons all external loads. *MICRO STICK (BUTTON 1) Button 1, located on the Micro Stick, controls pilot ejection. The no functions are assigned to the Micro Stick. Button one has not be programed for to specific characters, so you can make any changes to it if you like. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....... INSTALLATION In the F-22,F-22A_B20,F-35A,CH Control,AIM9_AIM120 folder, you will find the folder Control Manager. Copy that folder and paste it inside your CH Products folder (where ever it may be located on your computer. After that, open the CH Control Manager (if you don't have it - which might explain why you can't find the folder CH Products - you can download it here: http://www.chproducts.com/retail/tech_control_manager.html). In the Control Manager, open the file CH Control.map. Then click on the download button. Exit the control Manager. Next, go back to the F-22,F-22A_B20,F-35A,CH Control,AIM9_AIM120 folder and go open the Controls folder in it. Copy and paste the file CH Controls.ini into your Controls folder. That is it. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ******* WEAPONDATA - COPY AND PASTE THE FOLLOWING (NOT THE DASHED LINES) UNDER THE LAST ENTRY INTO YOUR WEAPONDATA.ini FILE AND DO AS PREVIOUSLY INSTRUCTED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [WeaponData2109] TypeName=AIM-9X (INTERNAL) FullName=AIM-9X Sidewinder (INTERNAL) ModelName=AIM9X Mass=83.900002 Diameter=0.127000 Length=2.983000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.370000 AttachmentType=USAF,USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=2002 EndYear=2020 Availability=1 BaseQuantity=40 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=2002 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=1 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=TRUE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=TRUE EffectClassName=SmallMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=1.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=10.150000 FusingDistance=1.500000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=10 Accuracy=90 MaxTurnRate=70.000000 MaxLaunchG=9.000000 LockonChance=90 LaunchReliability=90 ArmingTime=0.500000 SeekerFOV=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=90.000000 SeekerTrackRate=200.000000 SeekerRange=40000.000000 MinLaunchRange=150.000000 MaxLaunchRange=26500.000000 Duration=90.000000 CounterCountermeasure=100.000000 NoiseRejection=95.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x000004c4 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=1.000000 BoosterDuration=4.700000 BoosterAccel=17.930000 BoosterEffectName=R2 BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.505000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.505000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=R2 InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 [WeaponData2110] TypeName=AIM-120C (INTERNAL) FullName=AIM-120C AMRAAM (INTERNAL) ModelName=Amraam120C4 Mass=156.500000 Diameter=0.178000 Length=3.655000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.370000 AttachmentType=USAF,USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=1995 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=40 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1995 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=1 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=TRUE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=TRUE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=MediumMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=1.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=33.000000 FusingDistance=2.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=13 Accuracy=99 MaxTurnRate=23.000000 MaxLaunchG=7.000000 LockonChance=99 LaunchReliability=100 ArmingTime=2.000000 SeekerFOV=15.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=45.000000 SeekerTrackRate=55.000000 SeekerRange=55000.000000 MinLaunchRange=1000.000000 MaxLaunchRange=75000.000000 Duration=120.000000 CounterCountermeasure=150.000000 NoiseRejection=150.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x1000002f LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=2.000000 BoosterDuration=4.400000 BoosterAccel=30.639999 BoosterEffectName=R2 BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.660000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=20.000000 SustainerAccel=0.520000 SustainerEffectName=R1 SustainerSoundName=Missile SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.660000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=R1 InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ******* CREDITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINAL .ini WORK ON THE F-22A AND F-22_B20 *Moonjumper ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....... ORIGINAL .ini WORK ON THE F-35A *FastCargo ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....... THIS MOD MADE BY *serverandenforcer Click here to download this file
  12. I realized last night after I had sent this file that I could have done more with control integration on the Fighter Stick. When I return from my UTA this Sunday, I will make the up date on it.
  13. Version


    CH FIGHTER STICK CONFIGURED FOR AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATIONS FOR THE F-22A, F-22A_B20, AND THE F-35A WITH CORRECT WEAPON DEPLOYMENT;NOMENCLATURE AND OPERATIONS FOR THE CH FIGHTER STICK AND PRO THROTTLE;NEW WEAPON DATA FOR AIM-9X AND AIM-120C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod is for both any SF series sim and for the CH Fighter Stick and Pro Throttle. What this mod does takes full advantage of the unique controller programing capabilites of the CH Fighter Stick and Pro Throttle operations to allow a more imerssive experience of the F-22 and F-35. NOTE: this might not work with any other CH controls and will most definately not work with any other controls that are not by CH. So if you downloaded this in hopes that it will give you automatic doors for the F-22 and F-35 with your own game controllers, I appologize in misleading you for that. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... CHANGES TO THE F-22A, F-22A_B20, THE F-35A AND INSTALLATION *CHANGES The changes that I made to these aircrafts was changing the attachment type in the weapons bay from internal to external. This was done so that the new Aim-9X and Aim-120C (which will be explained further) will operate and deploy correctly from the weapons bay. Setting the attachment type from internal to external allows the Aim-9X can to track a target while inside the weapons bay. The opening time for the weapon bay doors on both F-22s have been speed-up by 50%. NOTE: Only the Aim-9X and Aim-120C have been adapated for these changes. Other weapons may not deploy correctly. *INSTALLATION First, back-up your original F-22A, F-22A_B20, and F-35A folders. Then drag the .rar folders of the F-22A, F-22A_B20, and F-35A into your Aircraft folder. This will overwrite the original data.ini and loadout.ini files of these aircrafts in your Aircraft folder. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... NEW WEAPON DATA FOR THE AIM-9X AND AIM-120C AND INSTALLATION *NEW WEAPON DATA The changes that I made to these aircrafts was adding them as a new weapon: AIM-9X (INTERNAL) and AIM-120C (INTERNAL). Both missiles have a delay release of 1 second and a booster start delay of 1 second for the Aim-9X and 2 seconds for the Aim-120C. This allows both missiles to clear the weapons bay before being released and engaging the boosters. Time from when pushing the pickle button to booster ignition is about 2.5 seconds for the Aim-9X and about 3.5 seconds for the Aim-120C. The extra half second is due to the command time to engage each action of opening the weapon bay and launching the weapons. After the weapon has launched, the weapon bay doors will close on their own. *INSTALLATION At the bottom of this readme is two weapons data. Copy and paste this data into your WEAPONDATA.ini file as the last entry. Then under the heading [WeaponData2109] and [WeaponData2110], change the numeical values to the appropriate corresponding order (which ever value they come after from the previous weapon in the WEAPONDATA.ini file). *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** NOMENCLATURE AND OPERATIONS OF THE CH FIGHTER STICK, PRO THROTTLE, AND INSTALLATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOMENCLATURE AND OPERATIONS OF THE MODE SELECTOR, TRIGGER, AND PICKLE BUTTONS OF THE CH FIGHTER STICK The pickle button has been assigned to not only fire the selected weapon, but to operate the bay doors to open and close with a single push of the button. I've implemented a sort of "master arm" button by using the mode selection button on the top right of the Fighter Stick. In Mode-1 (indicated by the green light on the base platform of the Fighter Stick), both the pickle button and the trigger have been disabled to prevent any accidental firing of both the weapons and the guns to take place. In Mode-2 (indicated by the red light on the base of the platform of the Fighter Stick), the "master arm" is on, the selected weapons can fire by use of the pickle button (which fires the weapon, at 0.5 seconds after that command ,it opens the weapon bay door, and then closes the weapon bay doors after the missile has engaged it's boosters and cleared the area in only one push of the button), but the trigger is disabled to prevent any accidental firing of the gun. In Mode-3 (indicated by the yellow light on the base of the platform of the Fighter Stick), the "master arm" is on, the trigger can fire the guns, but the pickle button has been disabled to prevent any accidental firing of the guns. In order to use Mode-2 and 3, you must first go through Mode-1. This does not mean that if you accidentally start a mission in either Mode-2 or 3 you can not disable the pickle or trigger buttons. All you need to do is to go to Mode-1 from Mode-2 or 3 first, then you can access the pickle and trigger buttons. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... NOMENCLATURE OF ALL OTHER SWITHCES BUTTONS OF THE CH FIGHTER STICK (WORKS IN ALL MODES) *POV HAT SWITCH The POV HAT switch, located right of the pickle button, controls the targeting operations. Pushing right selects the next radar target. Pushing left selects the previous radar target. Pushing up acquires and identifies the radar target (both controls have been unionized in a single operation). Pushing down deselects the acquired radar target. *HAT 1 SWTICH The HAT 1 switch, located under the pickle button, controls the gunsight mode, gun group mode, ripple quantity, and ripple interval selections. Pushing right selects the next gunsight mode. Pushing left selects the previous gun sight mode. Pushing up selects the next ripple quantity. Pushing down selects the previous ripple quantity. Holding the SHIFT key and pushing right selects the next gun group. Hold the SHIFT and pushing left selects the previous gun group. Holding the SHIFT key and pushing up selects the next ripple interval. Holding the SHIFT key and pushing down selects the previous ripple interval. *HAT 2 SWITCH The HAT 2 swtich, located to the right of the HAT 1 swtich, controls the weapon selection. Pushing right selects the next A2A weapon. Pushing left selects the previous A2A weapon. Pushing down selects the next A2G weapon. Pushing up selects the previous A2G weapon. The HAT 2 switch has not be programed for to specific characters, so you can make any changes to it if you like. *HAT 3 SWITCH The HAT 3 switch, located at the thumb rest of the CH Fighter Stick, controls radar operations. Pushing right selects the next radar mode. Pushing left selects the previous radar mode. Pushing up selects the next radar range. Pushing down selects the previous radar range. The HAT 3 switch has not be programed for to specific characters, so you can make any changes to it if you like. *BUTTON 4 Button 4, located at the bottom of the CH Fighter Stick (where your pinky finger would rest) activates and deactivates the radar. It also acitivates and deactivates the ECM. ECM is activated when the radar is activated. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... NOMENCLATURE OF ALL SWITCHES, BUTTONS, AND MICRO STICK OF THE CH PRO THROTTLE (WORKS IN ALL MODES) *POV HAT SWITCH The POV HAT switch, located left of the Micro Stick and under the HAT 2 switch, controls VTOL nozzle operations and the wing leveler. Pushing forward rotates the nozzles up. Pushing back rotates the nozzles down. Push up activates the wing leveler. No functions are assigned to when you push down. The POV HAT switch has not be programed for to specific characters, so you can make any changes to it if you like. *HAT 1 SWTICH The HAT 1 switch, located on the front of the Pro Throttle, controls waypoint selection, inflight map, and ECM. Pushing right selects the next waypoint. Pushing left selects the previous waypoint. Pushing down selects the inflight map. Pushing up selects the ECM individually from the radar. *HAT 2 SWITCH The HAT 2 switch, located above the Micro Stick and the POV HAT switch, controls speed and lift control devices. Pushing forward applies the speed brakes until released. Pushing back applies both the speed brakes and the wheel brakes until released. Pushing up raises the flaps. Pushing down lowers the flaps. *HAT 3 SWITCH The HAT 3 switch, located under the Micro Stick, controls the landing gear, wheel brakes, and the arrestor hook. Pushing forward applies the wheel brakes until released. Pushing back unlocks and locks the wheel brakes. Pushing up lowers and raises the arrestor hook. *BUTTONs 2, 3, AND 4 Button 2, located on the right of the forward hand grip, left of Button 3, ejects 6 chaffs and flares simultaneously. Button 3, located in the middle of Button 2 and 4, jettisons the fuel tanks. Button 4, located on the left of Button 3, jettisons all external loads. *MICRO STICK (BUTTON 1) Button 1, located on the Micro Stick, controls pilot ejection. The no functions are assigned to the Micro Stick. Button one has not be programed for to specific characters, so you can make any changes to it if you like. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... INSTALLATION In the F-22,F-22A_B20,F-35A,CH Control,AIM9_AIM120 folder, you will find the folder Control Manager. Copy that folder and paste it inside your CH Products folder (where ever it may be located on your computer. After that, open the CH Control Manager (if you don't have it - which might explain why you can't find the folder CH Products - you can download it here: http://www.chproducts.com/retail/tech_control_manager.html). In the Control Manager, open the file CH Control.map. Then click on the download button. Exit the control Manager. Next, go back to the F-22,F-22A_B20,F-35A,CH Control,AIM9_AIM120 folder and go open the Controls folder in it. Copy and paste the file CH Controls.ini into your Controls folder. That is it. *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** WEAPONDATA - COPY AND PASTE THE FOLLOWING (NOT THE DASHED LINES) UNDER THE LAST ENTRY INTO YOUR WEAPONDATA.ini FILE AND DO AS PREVIOUSLY INSTRUCTED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [WeaponData2109] TypeName=AIM-9X (INTERNAL) FullName=AIM-9X Sidewinder (INTERNAL) ModelName=AIM9X Mass=83.900002 Diameter=0.127000 Length=2.983000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.370000 AttachmentType=USAF,USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=2002 EndYear=2020 Availability=1 BaseQuantity=40 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=2002 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=1 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=TRUE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=TRUE EffectClassName=SmallMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=1.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=10.150000 FusingDistance=1.500000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=10 Accuracy=90 MaxTurnRate=70.000000 MaxLaunchG=9.000000 LockonChance=90 LaunchReliability=90 ArmingTime=0.500000 SeekerFOV=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=90.000000 SeekerTrackRate=200.000000 SeekerRange=40000.000000 MinLaunchRange=150.000000 MaxLaunchRange=26500.000000 Duration=90.000000 CounterCountermeasure=100.000000 NoiseRejection=95.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x000004c4 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=1.000000 BoosterDuration=4.700000 BoosterAccel=17.930000 BoosterEffectName=R2 BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.505000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.505000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=R2 InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 [WeaponData2110] TypeName=AIM-120C (INTERNAL) FullName=AIM-120C AMRAAM (INTERNAL) ModelName=Amraam120C4 Mass=156.500000 Diameter=0.178000 Length=3.655000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.370000 AttachmentType=USAF,USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=1995 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=40 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1995 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=1 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=TRUE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=TRUE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=MediumMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=1.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=33.000000 FusingDistance=2.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=13 Accuracy=99 MaxTurnRate=23.000000 MaxLaunchG=7.000000 LockonChance=99 LaunchReliability=100 ArmingTime=2.000000 SeekerFOV=15.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=45.000000 SeekerTrackRate=55.000000 SeekerRange=55000.000000 MinLaunchRange=1000.000000 MaxLaunchRange=75000.000000 Duration=120.000000 CounterCountermeasure=150.000000 NoiseRejection=150.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x1000002f LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=2.000000 BoosterDuration=4.400000 BoosterAccel=30.639999 BoosterEffectName=R2 BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.660000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=20.000000 SustainerAccel=0.520000 SustainerEffectName=R1 SustainerSoundName=Missile SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.660000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=R1 InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** CREDITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINAL .ini WORK ON THE F-22A AND F-22_B20 *Moonjumper ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ORIGINAL .ini WORK ON THE F-35A *FastCargo ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... THIS MOD MADE BY *serverandenforcer
  14. Fruit Helmets

    It's all in preparation for when the eels attack.
  15. Well, I decided to see if I can get creative with my CH GUI editor for my Fighter Stick and Pro Throttle with mapping certain buttons to the SF series. I got the buttons to work the way I wanted them to, but for some odd reason, the X/Y axis of the Fighter Stick, and the Z axis of the pro throttle don't work anymore. I've also lost control of my mouse while in game. However, the control config menu does seem to read them when I assign those controllers for flight and throttle control. So I was wondering if there's anybody here who knows what the problem is and what to do.
  16. CH Fighter Stick and Pro Throttle mapping problems

    Thanks for the direction. Got it figured out now.
  17. F-35B

    he he he he he.... kind of reminds me of my harrier video. Excellent work guys. FC and Klavs, you've done absolutely exceptional work here. You guys really need to pat yourselves on the back for this one.
  18. The Person Below Me

    So, so true. This thread will continue on until the internet takes a dump. The person below me has never posted in this thread before.
  19. Oh, the indignity!

    I think some snow resort company is going to be getting sued.
  20. Uh, yeah. Hollywood movies over exagerate a lot of stuff. For instance, in True Lies, I don't think a Harrier would be able to do that hoverig bit in real life with a full loadout. Although, I'm not sure in the movie if it did have a full loadout or not. Might of just been a couple of sidewinders onboard.
  21. Yeah there is. Just go into the aircraft's DATA.ini file and look under engine. That's what I did.
  22. The Person Below Me

    False. I've gotten some nice hits with the AIM-54 at targets well beyond 50 NMs.... took forever for the missile to get there though. The person below me is happy as I am with the outcome of the Rose Bowl.
  23. Speaking of which, how is that file turning out for ya folks? Should I upload it to the download section? EDIT: Corrected a typo that looked like a colorfull metaphore before being corrected.
  24. I don't know if anybody else had this problem with the AV-8B Plus by bobrock, but I was never able to take off in VTOL flight mode. I thought it was a deliberate intention so I never touched it. Then after seeing the Harrier II demo at the Miramar airshow, the DATA.ini file went on my to-do list to take care of. So, after doing some tweaking with the file, I've been able to take off in VTOL mode and land with a lot more precission and control. I didn't want to uload this into the download section because I don't know if it's all that great. So I'm pitching it out to you guys here to take a stab at it. Installation is simple. Back-up your origianl DATA.ini file and then copy and past mine into your AV-8Bplus folder. There's also a video file in the .rar as my own flight demo to show that VTOL flight is possible. AV_8Bplus_DATA.ini_update.rar

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