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Everything posted by serverandenforcer


    Honestly, unless I have vista, there is no real point for me to buy this. Yeah, it might have new 3D content, but tell me what modder here hasn't already added that to the previous releases... and for free! To me, this feels like a waste of my money to get. I see nothing that says that this really adds a lot to the sim that makes it totally different, better, and bigger form the previous releases. In all honesty, I see it as a con job. Gurantee, there will be patches needed for this new release that should have been fixed prior to release, and they're only being made to keep us interested in another release for us to pay for that will essentially be the same thing over again, but oh wait, it's to operate on a different OS and it has better looking planes and cockpits. Nope, sorry, I don't fall for that trap. Unless there is a significant difference that says that the new release is essentially a totally new, different, bigger, and better game, in which I will experience something that I've never experienced before in the previous titles, I'm not buying it. It's not being wise with my money. I should have never made this comment. I was going through a tough time in December. My dad got laid off, my orders to work for several months got cut within one month of working them, and my civilian job is hell and I don't ever want to go back to it. That being said, if you read this post and hate me for it, I don't blame you. This is the worst post I've ever written and I'm ashamed of it. It was just plain ignorant of me. The Thirdwire series is a great sim, even if it's considered "lite". Compared to most other sims out there, it's the easisiest one to get into without much issues, and it presents a standard of game play that is at a fair balance for those who want something above Ace Combat, but not get lost in the technical operatoins of an aircraft in some other sims.
  2. @ CA_Stary.....

    Ya know what would really be cool to see, highways/freeways, with over passes and those large interchanges that connect you to other freeways near tall metropolitan buildings. Be cool to see that for the SoCal map. Then it would feel a bit more like I'm flying over my house. :P
  3. F-18 down

    Typhoid, one of my fellow security forces members is married to one of the maintenance personell for that F-18. They said that the jet was feet dry, coming towards Miramar before it lost the first engine. I don't know how close it was, but from what I heard, it wasn't too far away when it started having problems. So perhaps going to Miramar might have been the best option for the pilot. That's all I know right now, and I don't know how true all of that is. But it's coming from the folks who were directly involved with the aircraft.
  4. Next time you stop at the scene of an accident, consider this

    The problem that I see from this is that the public will hear this, and it will discourage people from ever wanting to help a stranger in need. If the court ruled that due to the circumstance of the situation that the woman who pulled her friend from the car lacked the expertise knowledge of how to identify the situaion and therefore was in a position of limited options to take and chose the most logical one from what she saw, and therefore the lawsuit against her shall not go forward, then this would rest the case and secure the "Good Samaritan Law." Unfortunately, this case here proves that in the story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, all the people who passed up the traveler who was mugged were wise for not helping. The most ironical thing about that story is that the traveler was Jewish who was helped by a Samaritan, in which those two groups did not get along with each other well at all; yet, there were no repricussions against the Samaritan for helping the Jewish traveler. In this case today, it was a woman helping her friend, and now she is being sued by that "friend". This really shows how far humanity has decayed to being a species of absolute filth and rot.
  5. Nurse Chapel is no longer on the Enterprise

    Isn't that the one from Voyager?
  6. Next time you stop at the scene of an accident, consider this

    And this is why I refuse to take those first aid courses at work. They claim that you're protected under the good samaritan law. Now that's the biggest, stinkiest pile of B.S. that I've ever heard.
  7. Anybody here play Homeworld 2?

    Well, I just recenlty got back into playing HW2, mainly because I decided to take a step out of my cave here at CA and flight sims and ventured off into the world wide web to see if there might be any cool mods for my PC games. HW2 was the first on the list and when I did a search for HW2 mods, I was taken to this site: http://www.moddb.com/games/homeworld-2/mods and became memorized in the various kinds of mods for this game. I obviously started with the Star Wars and Clone Wars mod, then the BSG one, and following that was Star Gate, Complex, FX, and Point Defense System. So I began wondering if anybody here plays HW2 and any mod-ed versions of it?
  8. The Person Below Me

    You got me there. I just tried today. The waiting line to actually park at the malls went down for several blocks. If only Christmas wasn't just only a few days away, I would have ordered everything online. The person below me has to work on Christmas Eve.
  9. Help with russian

    Actually, it makes perfect sense to know the other side's language. It compromises their com and info security. Plus, it helps out a lot for diplomacy to actually speak to them in their native language.
  10. Touch My Body

    Because on American Idol, the judges would have had him stop 5 seconds into the song, and then tell him how much he sucks, and then kick him off the stage, branded as epic loser for life.
  11. Nurse Chapel is no longer on the Enterprise

    That's scary, my dad has the same one for his computer. Anyways, it's too bad that she passed away before the new movie playing in theaters. If they do anymore trek movies/shows, they're going to have to find someone who has a voice pretty close to her's for the computer.
  12. What the ?

    Being an animal lover, I can't watch that. However, being in a country that only knows war for over 15 months (that is one year and 3 months away from home) from a place that is almost the exact opposite might mess with you mentally. Trying to find ways to vent/release unexpected tension and stress is probably more difficult than what we're really aware of. At least they didn't do anything extremely violent to the puppy - which has happened before unfortunately. When I was in Iraq, we had some fun with some of the live stock that wandered on base (we had a donkey that was really friendly in which we took a picture of us tacking cover and posing to fire behind it with our weapons, mimicing that we were under fire and that the donkey would protect us - I think one of our guys even rode on it, going to the next post, calling it the new mobile posting vehicle), but nothing terrorizing. Although, we were only there for just 6 months, and never experienced any direct fire incidents.
  13. Touch My Body

    For the love of God! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Lets see how far we've come

    Ya know, if Russia re-energized their space program to reach the Moon and a mission to land on Mars, I'm pretty sure that a heck of a lot more funding would be dumped into NASA's lap to beat them to it. We've seem to have gotten comfortable and cozy in our current position and lack motivation to push farther ahead.
  15. The Person Below Me

    (in Canadian accent) It aint eh? Well wat-cha kno'. Okie dokie then. The person below me has never traveled outside of their home town.
  16. Super Sci-Fi cross over

    Just found this on youtube. Don't know if anybody else here has seen them, but I thought a few of you here might get a kick out of it. A cross over including Battle Star Galactica (orignal and new series), Star Wars, Star Trek (TNG and TMP), Tron, Impact, Armagedon, Superman II, War of the Worlds (the Steven Spielberg movie), Close Encounters, Space Odessey: 2001, ET, Signs, Starship Troopers, Terminator (1 and 3), The 5th Element, The Last Starfighter, Lost in Space (the movie), and probably some others that I can't name. The plot is to save Earth from an invasion by the Empire in Star Wars who happen to also have an alliance with the Borg from Star Trek. Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Part-5 Part-6 Part-7 (titled as Part 6.5 - don't ask) Part-8 (also titled as Part 6.5.2 - again, don't ask)
  17. F-18 down

    Well, I just might have gotten directly affected by this. I just got called up to go down to the base to assist. Probably filling in for the guys down there who are going to help to secure the crash site.
  18. The rafale belongs to a group of modders at the link that JA 37 Viggen had provided. It is their property and will not get uploaded at combatace. Use the link to register at their site to download the aircraft.
  19. File Name: Inflight Icon Pack File Submitter: serverandenforcer File Submitted: 9 Dec 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Maps/Terrain Mods An inflight map icon pack to give you a bit more to choose from with how you want friendly and enemy flights to appear on the inflight map. Friendly icons in blue consist of the top profile views of: A-10, F-14, F-16, F/A-18, F-22, Tornado, and Typhoon. Enemy icons in red consist of the top profile views of: Mig-23/27, Flanker, and a Mig-25. I tried to think of some more air frames that could be used to describe an enemy flight, but those are the 3, and the Mig-23/27 also looks a lot like a Su-24 or was it a Su-25? ......................................................................... Installation: MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO..... MAKE BACK-UPs OF THE ORIGINAL FILES. Next, remove the digit after which friendly and enemy icon that you want in this folder, copy them, and then paste them into the Flight folder of your SFP-1(G), WOV, WOE, and/or WOI. This mod was made by me, serverandenforcer. Click here to download this file
  20. Inflight Icon Pack



    An inflight map icon pack to give you a bit more to choose from with how you want friendly and enemy flights to appear on the inflight map. Friendly icons in blue consist of the top profile views of: A-10, F-14, F-16, F/A-18, F-22, Tornado, and Typhoon. Enemy icons in red consist of the top profile views of: Mig-23/27, Flanker, and a Mig-25. I tried to think of some more air frames that could be used to describe an enemy flight, but those are the 3, and the Mig-23/27 also looks a lot like a Su-24 or was it a Su-25? ......................................................................... Installation: MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO..... MAKE BACK-UPs OF THE ORIGINAL FILES. Next, remove the digit after which friendly and enemy icon that you want in this folder, copy them, and then paste them into the Flight folder of your SFP-1(G), WOV, WOE, and/or WOI. This mod was made by me, serverandenforcer.
  21. File Name: Inflight Map Icons File Submitter: serverandenforcer File Submitted: 5 Dec 2008 File Updated: 8 Dec 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Maps/Terrain Mods Update to Inflight Map Icons 08DEC2008 ................................................................................... SUMMARY ................................................................................... The problem with the previous version was because I accidentally sent the compressed file version. Sorry about that. These two icons will change the inflight map icons for friendly and enemy aircraft. The friendly icons now show up in blue as the top profile of a F-15. The enemy icons show up in red as the top profile of a Mig-29. ................................................................................... INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................... Back-up and save your current inflight map icons. Copy and paste the Flight folder into your SFP1(G)/WOV/WOE/WOI folder. -serverandenforcer Click here to download this file
  22. F-18 down

    What neighborhood exactly in Marimar? I have family that lives over in Scripts Ranch.
  23. Inflight Map Icons

    Updated so it actually works now.
  24. Talk about a bummed day.... not anymore

    Well, not only did I find out (after driving 88 miles to my base this morning) that my 3 month TDY orders got cut after serving 1 and a quarter of a month, I also found out that my AGR (Active, Guard, Reserve) packet that got sent to REAMO got declined because apparently they received it after the vacancy had closed. So right now I'm sitting on my butt back at home, pissed, depressed, and searching for more job openings for AGR. If anybody here knows of a 3P051 job opening at their base or any base for that matter, let me know so I can contact REAMO and find out if I can apply there. So far I got Niagra Falls, NY that has the only job opening, but that will be one hell of a PCS for me from the west coast.
  25. Talk about a bummed day.... not anymore

    Well, possible good news. The Super Intendant for the AGR side of our unit just gave me a call today to let me know that another position opened up and told me to send my paper work in A.S.A.P. So I guess I can turn this frown upside down.

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