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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Bad day...

    I think you're right. Look at the nose gear of the lower plane in relation to the mains. The nose gear is turned as if the lower aircraft hit the upper one while turning. If it was under tow, that tow bar would indeed hit the nose gear of the main aircraft, and that's is if the tow vehicle hadn't collided with the nose of the top aircraft.
  2. Wow... seriously?

    http://www.eyeclops.com/ http://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?kwCatId=&kw=eyeclops&origkw=eyeclops&f=Taxonomy/TRUS/2254197&sr=1
  3. a funny ATC funny

    Stingray, who and where did you hear this from? I cry BS on this. I doubt this even happened or it would have been broadcasted big time on the news; and like FC said, you don't mess with an aircraft on takeoff roll... every pilot knows that. The last thing I would expect from any pilot or air crew member in the cockpit is to pull a very stupid and highly illegal stunt like that with another aircraft. It just won't happen unless someone really wants to go to jail, lose their job, and have their license revoked permanently. Common sense is mandatory in this careerfield and if someone doesn't have it, then they won't fly. I will believe that the aircraft that took the short cut made that first comment. What I think happened is the aircraft on the receiving end thought about what would happen if they were to do that stupid stunt, and how it could be funny in THEIR little world. I really think it's one of those BS stories that some folks like to say to make themselve look special in a party. Again, I'm calling fiction on this one.
  4. Okay, can anyone understand the following?

    Holy crap bro, that translates perfectly! Except, I don't think that they mean f*** as in what you think. I think they mean it in a way in which they will be messing with Person 3 in a manner that won't be beneficial for person 3. So this person, with a buddy (Person 4) will be messing with Person 3 because he maried Person 2. I think there's a lot more going on here than what we know of regarding Person 1, Person 2, and Person 3. Obviously the person who wrote this is friends with Person 1. She's being updated on some events from Person 2 in regards to just getting married to Person 3. The writer doesn't like Person 3 (possibly because of an issue between him and Person 1) so the writer is not happy over the marriage. So the writer and Person 4 are going to make an effort to make Person 3's life a bit miserable.
  5. Okay, can anyone understand the following?

  6. Okay, can anyone understand the following?

    Bro, that's straight up Eubonics right there! Actually, there's a guy in our unit that texts like that exactly and I told him if he can't text to me in a language above what a 6th grader can write, then he can't text to me at all. He got offended, and I told him it serves him right - if you want to be taken seriously and intelligently, then write and talk in a way that shows that.
  7. This photo put things into perspective

    Now just imagine being underneath that thing near the runway when it's coming into land. I got to do that when I was at Gulfport a couple years ago.
  8. Star Trek: Bridge Commander

    Some screenshots I've taken lately on Bridge Commander. I've edited some of the photos, but I also provided the stock photo with it as well. STOCK STOCK EDITED STOCK EDITED
  9. War in Korea closer than we thought

    That reminds of the time when one of our guys in Kirkuk mis-identified a Nerf football with stabilizing fins as an unexploded RPG laying in the base one night. We had EOD to respond out and when they got a clos look at it, their response was, "God d*** it! It's a f***ing Nerf ball!" They then gingerally picked it up and carried it to the person who had reported it and told them, "Becareful, it could be dangerous!"
  10. Star Trek: Bridge Commander

    Some more... STOCK EDITED
  11. Star Trek: Bridge Commander

    Yeah, but most of those models are very low poly. Right now there's a team making a Delta Quadrant pack. BC has evolved big time from how it was originally released... and none of it was from the original developers. It's all contributions from the BC community. If you get the right mods, your BC install can be on par with the current games, and this game was made back in 2002!
  12. GEICO commercial

    That's it!... That'll be my new sig!
  13. The worst movie ever

    My synopsis.... Unoriginal, frustrating plot and directing, lame @$$ ending. Special FX were average, character development was average, a couple unrealistic scenes that made mw roll my eyes. This movie is not even worth renting on Netflix.
  14. Cowboys & Aliens

  15. Cowboys & Aliens

    Ok, was it called "The Good, The Bad, and The Stealthy", or "A Fistful of Ninja Stars"?
  16. Cowboys & Aliens

    It's really not that hard to do when every other movie that comes out is about freaken aliens. I'm sure by next week I can post up another one. And it's Han Solo and James Bond
  17. The worst movie ever

    It's Skyline... as in the edge of foreground terrain that meets the sky - not to be confused with the horizon, which is where background/distant terrain meets the sky.
  18. The worst movie ever

    You could still go see it. Just dont expect much from it. It's also apparently a ripoff of another movie that hasn't come out yet and the fx guys are getting sued over it.
  19. Battle: Los Angeles

    Just looked into this a bit more and there seems to be s legal issue underway between this movie and skyline. I did think it was kind of odd that another alien movie was being made featuring my home town. LA can't be that much of a popular spot for our extraterrestrial tourists. Surely there are better locations on Earth to blow things up.
  20. Battle: Los Angeles

    Well, if they vaporize the San Fernando Valley, I might go see it just incase they get a shot of my house getting blasted to pieces. Even if the movie sucks, it'll still be cool to see that.
  21. Battle: Los Angeles

    Another alien invasion movie?... There's just too many of these movies coming out. Seriously, when the rapture happens, everybody will think it was the result of a mass alien abduction.
  22. Unstoppable

    That it's way better than Skyline.
  23. TrackIR 4

    Got it... well, it's not as good a freetrack. The response is kind of clumsy, limited, and very very slow. I tried adjusting the settings to make it work fater and able to pan and tilt further, but it won't. I'm sticking with freetrack. This program has a lot of promise to it... just needs to be developed more.
  24. TrackIR 4

    Ok, I got it, now how did you get it to work for SF2? I can't seem to get it to run for it.
  25. Unstoppable

    Good character development, good plot, I would say that out is more original than most movies that have been released lately. It definitely succeeded as a suspense movie. I think I will be buying this on dvd when it comes out.

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