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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. R.I.P. Col. John Ripley

  2. The Person Below Me

    Very true. After finishing up a fight where it was 8 of us vs 16 Flankers, and none of them fired a shot, I got annoyed and shot down the remaining parties in my flight. It increased my gun accuracy quite a bit since they really weren't maneuvering to get away from me either. Now if I could only target Red Crown to shoot her for constantly advising me of friendly fire. The person below me has once ran naked across a university campus in the 70's.
  3. What are the LGBs that you have on board? I'm not too familiar with French armament.
  4. Under fire in my own backyard

    http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,436722,00.html We're caught in between the two fires. The Marek fire has spread into Sylmar, the community that I live in, and is about 3 to 4 miles north east of me. The Porter Ranch fire is about 4 to 5 miles west of me. The embers are blowing south and are starting up fires deeper in the San Fernando Valley area. We haven't evacuated yet, and I doubt that we really will, but we're still keeping an eye on things. After all, those embers that are being blown southwards are starting up additional fires.
  5. Under fire in my own backyard

    Well, I just got back to my house today. Just as I thought, there wasn't really any reason to fear of an evacuation. My unit even offered to send trucks up to my place to help in the move out incase an order was issued. Thought it was nice of them to offer that. From what I've heard, the Porter Ranch fire got kind of scary for the folks that live in that area. Apparenlty, the embers blowing south started up some additional fires on the other side of the 118 FWY. Everything now is all in order, but crazy times.
  6. The Person Below Me

    False, I drive a 2002 Camaro Z-28, in which the rear plate frame says, "Lost your Mustang? Check under my tires!" The person below me is the person below me. Ha ha! Can't say false to that!
  7. Private jumpjet

    Yes they do. At the recent Miramar airshow, they displayed the Harrier in a mock assault and then they later displayed the Harrier's VTOL capabilities.
  8. Under fire in my own backyard

    Well, I'll be down near you at March ARB through out the weekend since I'm on orders till 04Jan09. Going to be one hell of a drive to get there tonight though.
  9. Tank round question

    Now that's what I call a scatter gun.
  10. Zoo Carnage

  11. Just as an FYI to the folks doing the exported versions of the F-35, the gold parts on the laser chin pod should be grayed out to simulate the fact that they are not a functional part of the aircraft. From my understanding, the exported versions of the F-35 will not have those avionics but will keep the external pod (empty of course) - with the gold glass lens replaced with a solid/non transparent covering. It's kind of a stripped down version of the U.S. setup. I might be wrong on that, but that's from what I've heard. However, it is possible that the the countries that will receive the exported version can possibly, install their own laser targeting system in the chin pod, or just install a seperate pod on a wing pylon. This will probably reduce the stealthiness of the aircraft, but I don't see the U.S. give other countries, even if they are strong allies, stealth capable aircraft without removing a few things here and there to reduce it's stealth effectiveness so that it's not on par to our own.
  12. Zoo Carnage

    This is abnormal behavior. I don't want to make excuses for the boy, 'cause I am even sickened by the act. However, if his older brother is also the same way, it might be more than just parenting that's the cause of the problem. It is very likely that there is some kind of chemical imbalance with the two boys where they lack empathy, and that it could very well be genetic or from an external source (in which case is something that the parents can easily control). This does not excuse of what they have done, however, it means that they need treatment now! If not, then just like Fubar said, they can and will most likely grow up to be serial killers. In this case, the concern is very grave due to how aggressive their behavior his. If not treated, they will be a very serious threat and danger to society. If the parents have seen the signs before and did nothing, then they should be held accountable for negligence. When I was a 5, when ever I would finish making a painting of something, I would then immediately paint the whole thing over with black. This was obviously unusual, and presented some kind of a concern to the teachers at my preschool. They addressed the issues to my folks and my parents took a responsible course of action and setup an appoint for me to see a psycologist. Apparently, the results from the psychologist was that I was lacking in a social development with my peers (other 5 year olds) because of strong ethnic and cultrual difference that made it difficult for them to befriend me. Because of that, I began to feel a very deep sense of loneliness and was expressing my depression through paintings and covering them up with black paint. My folks then immediately began arranging to spend time with another family that they were and are still today very good friends with, who also had kids around my age. I became very good friends with their kids (who are now my best friends) and was able to get pass the issues that I was having. The point of me revealing that part of my life is that parents can be able to act in time to prevent a noticeable behavior from becoming an issue that they no longer are able to contain. The parents of these two kids should have been able to see these signs a lot earlier but ignored them and should be the ones really responsible here. Guranteed, if my parents didn't act appropriately, who knows what kind of a person I might be today.
  13. Miramar Airshow

    I was there providing security with my fellow USAF Security Forces members. You folks who went might have seen me. I was posted on the east end of the base, near the Gate-2 area and the carnival rides. If you were there on Sunday, I was out there with the 8 man march down the flightline to where we meet up with the Blue Angels after they had landed to provide security for them while they take autographs. It was a terrific event and an experience that I will never forget. The Marine Corps were also extremely impressed with our peformance in providing security and maintaining order withouth a single incident over the weekend. We had a few situations where folks who were drunk started getting a bit out of line, but nothing major or significant happened.
  14. youtube site

    Is it just me, or has anybody noticed that youtube seems to be strictly Dutch now? I can't find an English version of it. Every time I type in www.youtube.com, it becomes http://de.youtube.com.
  15. What I like to know is how were you guys able to get IFF to work. In every single scenario, friendly contacts (other than the F-35... which doesn't show up on radar at all) appear as solid blue dots with a direction indicator stem. Hostile contacts pop up as red and then immediately become open white triangles with the direction indicator stem. This is a huge step forward in radar avionics.
  16. Pics only, and in each pic post, members can select a rating ranging from 0 to 10. Infact, only paying members should be allowed to vote, encouraging non-paying members to sign up to pay for advanced membership, which will icrease CA's revenue. The moderator's only responsibility in this would be to make sure that all pics are not offensive and meet whatever standards maybe set forth for posted pics.
  17. One things for sure, it definately does not like to land nicely. But it definately owns the skies. Flew with a flight of 4 LIIs vs 14 J-10s. Took all the J-10s out wihtout taking a single loss.

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