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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. What The?

    Hm, I have a question, if a person, for only God knows why, were to just constantly hit the download button, would that increase the download counts a keep the viewing counts low? I don't know why anybody would want to do that. But kind of funny if they did. Maybe they had a seizure and started to constantly hit the mouse button, in which the cursor happened to be on the download button?
  2. WAMU Fails

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26893612/ I remember many years ago how I wasn't part of the "cool" club if I wasn't banking at WAMU. I'm so laughing at those people now. But in all seriousness, this aint good for a lot of folks.
  3. Q.) How I fight in the Mirage? A.) First, understand that a mirage is an optical illusion created by heated air that reflects the sky over an area of land off in the distance. This usually occures in very hot climates, where heat illness can occure. So HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE! O.K., I'm a bit crazy tonight.
  4. Changing of the Guard

    I feel too overly honored by that post sparkomatic . Thank you for that comment. I've felt more connectiveness with this community than I have with any other site.
  5. Creech AFB Website

    I was there in Sept 06 for ground combat school prior to go to Iraq. The place is also called Silver Flag Alpha.
  6. Laser Cat

    Lasercats are the byogenetically enginered cousins of the Thunder Cats
  7. Well, in regards to what he needs for support and budget, maybe someone should ask him what it would take. I'm sure if the community feels it's worth it, they'll give it to him. If not, then oh well, life goes on. In reagards to cheating... that's not new to MP, and hasn't yet stopped people from playing MP on games where there is massive cheating going on. Cheating on MP games can be enforced by the community only if it is dedicated to see through that honest games are being played. And overall, it's up to the host of each MP game to handle cheating anyways, and I'm sure word will get around real fast on who the cheats are and what they're doing. So I really don't find cheating as a reasonable excuse to stop the development of MP support. I think TK has underestimated the capabilities of the community to be able to help him, and to help themselves with MP, and really hasn't seen through on what can really be accomplished by furthering the development in the MP realm. If there was a strong MP support for this game, you can bet every freaken dime that I would be online fighting and flying with the folks here. But it's capabilities are so diminished that I really don't feel motivated to play them (oh, and you can play MP on WOE too... it's an easy trick). Well, that's just my two cents on the subject.
  8. youtube site

    well that worked, and now i know why I'm getting the dutch version. Apparently they're undergoing site maintenance.
  9. youtube site

    How the heck could that happen? I didn't do anything to change it to do that. And if that is the case, how do i get past it. Seriously, I can't read anything on what's being posted there.
  10. Laser Cat

    Laser cats and puppys???? Ha! I got ya all beat. I have a PHASER mongoose.
  11. youtube site

    Hm.... maybe it's because I'm too close to Hollywood.

    I know, I know, but I'm dedicated
  13. youtube site

    nope. still get the http://de.youtube.com/ I'll just wait a while. Probably a glitch in the system for the west coast folks.

    ahem... go Rams... ahem
  15. Simmer down, simmer down

    Recently, there have been some posts made in the sport of good fun, and somehow or another, folks kind of gotten a bit "defensive" about them. The reason why I quote the word defensive is because these posts that were made didn't really insult anyone, didn't make an attack towards a person or group, but somehow ended up getting some people upset, in which, one member quoted that they were done (only guessing with being a part of this site). Now, maybe it's just me (and by the way, I'm not Mr. T or Chuck), but was there anything really offensive here? If so, then what? If not, then why are we getting so upset? If this site is about having some fun with each other, then why are we making a big deal about a couple of people who are RP-ing (role playing). Honestly, I think it adds the uniqueness of CA, and pokes fun at some of the things that we sometime get annoyed at here, just to lighten up the mood a bit. I chuckled (no pun intended) at some of the Mr. T and Chuck Norris posts that were made. If I got a Mr. T response due to asking a silly question (and there's no such thing as a stupid question... but there are bad ones), I'd laugh my butt off. However, if you were to feel disrespected by a response by any member here, isn't the common course of action is to P.M. the person, letting him/her know that what they did wasn't cool, and if that didn't work, you go up the chain of command, that being a moderator. However, I must point out, the complaint has to be legit; in other words, there should be clear definition that a legitimate offense was made by another member (i.e. racial slurs, attack of a person's character, profane language, unwanted sexual advances - which i have to admit, happen the most here and nobody of either gender has filed a complaint on... at least not to my knowledge). So people, are we really getting upset for a real reason, or are we getting upset just to get upset? If the later is the case, then you might want to ask yourself why are you here, what is your purpose in being a part of this community and being in these forums? If you got real world crisis's happening in your life, then i think a lot of people here can relate to you. I for one have seen my share of personal crisis, but never have i ever taken it out on a community. If you need to talk to someone, there are plenty of good people here to talk to, including me. If you had a bad day at work, and it's really biting you in the rear, make a post about it. You'll probably be surprised by how many people here have gone through the same thing and can give you advice or be an ear for you to talk to. But if it's just fun and games that's driving you mad, and you want to leave, I'm not stopping you, 'cause this site is about fun and games. That said, I think this post should be locked to prevent unnecessary ranting and raving going back and forth.
  16. OMG! F-13s outperform F-35s!

    Ya know, what isn't mentioned about the test is what the test was about. It could be about what not to do in a F-35. I'm quite sure there could be a lot of easy mistakes to be made in a superior aircraft that can make it very vulnerable to an inferior aircraft. Too much information is missing in that press release (probably because the informatin is classified), and not to mention Jensen's agenda.
  17. F-22 Over My House

    Hey Dave, watch your head. Sometimes they have a rear panel for access to the fluid systems that tends to fall off. If one does fall on your front lawn though, it's worth $25,000.00!

  19. Mission Change

    Well, I got word from our commander that our mission has changed for an over seas deployment I really don't know what it is exactly, but the commander's words at our guardmount on Saturday morning was "It's pretty unreal" with a very concerned/uneasy tone. Our mission originally was to man guard towers at a base, but judging from his words, we'll probably beging doing off base patrols, convoy escorts, and maybe even building entrys. It might be a lot more dangerous than what we were originally going to be doing, but at least it's something that allows us to do what we're supposed to be doing... air base defense. I'll probably be regretting my words once I'm over there and the poo poo hits the fan, but what's the point in having the air force pour in all this money into training if we're not going to even be doing the stuff that we're getting trained for? All though, I do have to say that the training from the air force is pretty much half-ass and will probably get us all killed. I don't deploy untill sometime next year, however, we have a team that will be deploying soon (can't say when 'cause that's confidential info) and most of them are guys that I deployed with the last time. So right now, I'm a little bit confused with how I feel about all of this.
  20. Mission Change

    I wish you could, but I think it would be considered as an act of war against Iran if you did.
  21. n00b threat posture

    After a massive attack of noobs that we have had in the past, we will never go back to nOObcon 1.
  22. Read the post right before yours
  23. No Power.....No Nothing

    It's that laptop! It's still angry with you Dave. It has mystical powers that can control the weather. It must be a topsecret tesla weather controling unit! You must destroy it before it destroys the world!
  24. n00b threat posture

    That's freaken hillarious! I take it that you are bored right now and don't know what to do?

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