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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. TWS Mode: When you go stright into TWS mode, it takes a few seconds before targets can be locked. Reason being is because it's attempting to track all targets first. Once all the targets have been tracked, you can now lock-up on to one. However, you have an additional option of selecting a target and get precise information on it prior to locking it up. Doing this allows you to know specifically what the target is doing with the target's RWR indicating that he/she is being tracked. Once within firing range, you can aquire (lock) the target and begin firing your missiles. Firing multiple missiles: Wait a few seconds before firing the next missile. You need to allow some time (usualy 3-5 seconds) for the missile to obtain it's own lock before switching to a different target. I do this with the AMRAAM, just wasn't sure how reliable the Pheonix was with it. I was just happy that I was able to reach out and touch someone.
  2. "Dear Leader" is dead?

    Who me? Never.
  3. If firing from long range (+50 nm), need to be below the target (preferably a couple thousand feet or so - this also helps you track them in TWS mode 'cause ground clutter kind of messes with the radar). If you can't get that low cause your target is flying pretty low, then you'll have to wait till you get within 40 nm. Oh, and now I can add the Fitter to my list of victims The Fitters started at 68 nm out when I began my attack. They were at 11,000' - 14,000' agl (they started climbing after the first missile was fired, I stayed at altitude). I, in an F-14A+ (what else wouldn't I be flying? ) was at about 8,000' agl. When I fired at them, it took about 15 -28 seconds for the missiles to hit. Oh, and don't switch targets. I haven't done multiple fires yet utilizing what the pheonix was supposed to do. So I don't know if switching from one target to another will affect the missile's ability to track the target. Supposedly, in this sim, if it's an AHM, it doesn't matter. But I'm superstitious. So I keep my target locked until the missile hits. EDIT: Oh, and kct, they weren't flying directly towards me. Especially after when they got wind of what was happening. I've taken out targets that were flying perpendicular to my flight path just 'cause of the procedures above.
  4. O.K., what gives? Red Crown said that there weren't any other contacts and this guy pops up and blows my wingie away. Time for some vengance!
  5. More.....

    First thing I read was the title and busted out laughing. Didn't need to read any further.
  6. Help finding new boots

    Well, you can go to your corner market shoe place, like Payless Shoes, and they'll sell replica name brand boots for a pretty cheap price. Also, for blood on boots ('cause my civi job is a mall cop, and my air force job is a M.P. and I've dealt with some pretty nasty stuff in both jobs) rub alcohol and hydrogen peroxide on them. Even spray it down with Lysol. A friend of mine told me that you can actually lite the alcohol on it, and it will burn away everything (including the diseases) but the boot (you might have to buy some new shoe string though. Once the alcohol burns away, so does the fire. But I wouldn't risk that with my boots. I actually saw this done once in highschool when my biology teacher soaked a $50 bill in alcohol and lit it on fire. The $50 bill didn't have a single burn mark on it.
  7. And here we go...

    There isn't anything to worry about guys. Atoms from space collide with Earth everyday at greater speeds (some close to or at lightspeed) and nothing happens. All this fuss being made up about the "end of the world" is by people who either really don't know $#*!, or just want to be heard 'cause they're lonely and don't have a life. Relax, the experiement is safe.... unless the darn thing blows up. Then the people at the site got something to worry about. But it won't be the end of the world.
  8. Cockpit Help

    Here ya go.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=31373
  9. "Dear Leader" is dead?

    Only if you can catch me.... you have seen what I've been driving lately, haven't you?
  10. "Dear Leader" is dead?

    Perhaps a double has gotten everybody else convinced that he is the real Kim Jong Il so that he can be the leader... infact, maybe the double actually killed him for that very reason????? Where did my tinfoil hat go to?
  11. Here's one way of doing an IFF check on a target in WOI after the latest patch without doing the whole F8 cheat thing. For me, I start the mission taking off from the runway. If I already see contacts on the radar screen and Red Crown / Dark Star doesn't say anything about contacts poping up, then those contacts that I already see are friendly. Now if a new batch of contacts pop-up on the screen, and RC / DS makes an advisement, those contacts are not friendly. As you get closer to those contacts, RC / DS will eventually give an update of their status, clock position, distance, heading, and altitude. Their status as you get closer will go from bogeys to bandits. Now if you see a merge happen between the friendly contacts and the enemy contacts, and it turns into a furball, making it difficult to distinguish which was friendly and which was hostile, ask RC / DS to give the nearest contact. Pay attention to clock position, distance, heading and altitude of the target given. Also, make sure that you are already in TWS mode. If you find a contact that is the closest match to what RC / DS gave, or is spot on to what was said, that is the bandit that they were talking about. Now if that doesn't help, then you'll have to get into visual range to confirm. Also, if a contact has locked you up, and your RWR is going haywire on you, orient your fighter to that contact, and if you can find something on the radar screen that is pointed towards you and is relatively close (within 20NM), that's the guy that's tracking you... obviously hostile. So far, I've used this technique and have not yet once had a F/F incident.
  12. What do you Drive?

    Well, if you can get the edge of the stripe to look nice and clean, then yeah, go for it. Mine was all F-ed up. That's why I regretted it. I painted it Viper Blue with white stripes. It would've looked bad ass if they did it right, but, they didn't. Anyways, the Charger R/T is a sweet machine. Just saw the new Challenger yesterday... in black! I almost fainted. Was thinking of buy the new camaro, but they're not going to use the low profile, aggressive looking side mirrors that are on the concept car. I think they changed a few other things on the exterior design too that I'm not happy with.
  13. What do you Drive?

    don't go with the stripes bro. I did that to my 91 RS camaro and regretted it. It looks bad ass as it is. Tent the windows, the headlights, and the tail lights. Now that's a sexy beast!
  14. What do you Drive?

    I see a pattern here with your corvettes.... don't drive them in September.
  15. Luck

    Ah, the bank robbery scene is hillarious, but it's staged.
  16. Some very scarily impressive stuff with the Enemy A.I. Did a sweep mission in a F-16C, took out the 4 primary targets (Mig-25PU) and began the flight back to base. Past waypoint 7 onto 8, I call my flight to RTB. Just as they break formation to RTB, my RWR starts sounding off that someone is tracking me. Words out of my mouth were, "WTF!?" Can't call back the flight 'cause they're told to RTB (to bad that never got fixed) so I'm now out on my own. I got two limas on my wings, so I decided to turn towards the threat to see what's chasing me. Turns out to be two more Foxbats. I roll over and pull back to dive from 8,000' to about 1,500'. This breaks the lock from the Mig (guess ground clutter screwed up his ability to track me) and I roll out from the dive, going head on with this guy. I punch in burners for a high speed pass. My 9L gets a lock and I fire. Boom, splash 1. I lock up the 2nd Mig (which is about 6 nm in front of me and closing, and got a visual of him.... big exhaust ploom) and fire my remaining winder. It misses! He passes above me with about 20' of air between us. I pull up for a split-s, almost blacking out. When I pull out of the slit-s, i'm inverted and barely able to regain a visual of the 25. He aparently, decided to go into a turning fight instead of pressing on. I roll over and level out behind him. Apparently, the A.I. has a good fight or flight mentality programed into them, 'cause, guessing that his RWR started going off that I was tracking him from his 6, he kicked in the burners and really started to haul away from me. Looked down at the closure rate and it started to go into the minuses. I checked out my map really quick to see where we were going, and he was heading right back to my base (I'm guessing he's trying to get a chance to take out my flight that was preparing to land). So I kick in the afterburners. Suddenly, he dives straight for the deck, breaking my lock. I roll over to match his moves and regain the lock and it becomes a zig zag chase over the desert (btw, F-16C can easily out maneuver a Mig-25, especially mine). I get within gun range and let off a nice 76 rounds... 16 hit and clips this guy's wings. Even though the A.I. lost this fight, I was really impressed by how it utilized it's radar, waiting for me to send everybody home before locking me up, and then try to break my lock when I was pursuing it. This sim is a heck of a lot better!
  17. What do you Drive?

    2002 35th aniversary Camaro Z-28. Bought it in 2003 with only 21,000 miles on it for $20,000. Just paid it off last April (got the pink slip the day before my birthday actually). Performance mods: True dual exhaust (2 1/2" pipes) with 2 single chamber FlowMaster mufflers, RAM air, FAST exhaust intake manifold, Eldelbrock (sp?) headers. Horse Power: +/- 500 Top Speed: So far... 185 mph 0-60: 3 1/2 seconds and is still smog legal in California. Exterior (in this pic): Xenon body kit, Tandem 4 port extractor hood with RAM air scoop, SS rear spoiler, black frame halo headlights, aluminum grill, black frame Euro tail lights; currently installed, but not on this pic: 17" rivetted chrome Z-06 rims w/ 245/45 Michelin Pilot Z rated tires. Current status, still working on making her faster. Just burned out the starter (which can't be replaced on your own unless you have the proper tools to reconnect the O2 sensors and seal them). Looking at gettin a new body kit (this one actually sucks especially if you accidentally get too close to a curb... the fenders flare out too much past the tire line. Looking at getting Snyper front bumper cover matched with a Venice side panel and rear bumper cover. Possibly might get the GTR rear spoiler and paint the whole car jet black.
  18. Don't need to do that. You can set it up in the Loadout.ini file. In game, it'll come up as empty in the loadout menu, but it'll be there when you fly.
  19. I can't resist posting this

    See them flying all the time down here in So. Cal duirng our fire seasons. Really impressive aircraft.
  20. Ed W. Freeman

    A very well deserved salute S!
  21. The Air Force goes too far...

    Don't forget that you have to put that exhaust system on it that makes it sound like an R/C plane, and you have to lower the supsension so that it's literraly sitting right on top of the ground, and add in some subwoofers, a nice amp, limo tent the canopy, undercarriage neon lighting, oh and one of those ridiculously huge rear spoilers on the tail! Paint it translucent purlple,green,and orange and your set. For the racer edition, there will be a nitrous oxide upgrade with a turbo charger installed. But in all honesty, that cannon looks pimp! Just imagine some tally dirt bag out in the afghan desert walking around, sees some bright shinny thing up in the sky, saying, "Hey, waz that?" only to be followed by, "Oh $#*@!"
  22. Russian social reclame - Really scared!

    Uh, sorry about that, my contact lense got stuck up in my eye lid.
  23. This is your captain speaking (Monty Python)

    Anti-terrorism.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWDBh0fQ1ug...feature=related
  24. Well, here's a site to go to if someone is really interested in makin an acurate model of the XP-14F... http://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/83/skystriker/

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