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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Despite my only nitpick about the "IFF" feature that got removed, I think this patch is awesome! Especially with the enhancement with the AI (both friendly and enemy). First time being locked on and fired at in BVR was definately an experience. But the extra distance from the missile launch gives you time to prepare on how to evade the missiles. The one thing that did catch me by surprise was how parts of an enemy flight would break off and flank you from another position.
  2. Fubar. I know what this problem is 'cause I have it. It has nothing to do with WOx. You have other programs in windows running and what happens is that sometimes they have an automatic pop-up that will get in the way (very briefly and randomly) when running WOx. You have to Alt-Tab to go to those programs and close them out. They are a pain in the @$$! If it's not that, then I don't know man.
  3. I already have a complete Top Gun sound track for my modded versions of WOE and WOI. It's pretty kick @$$!
  4. Obviously, the AI has definately been tweaked... both enemy and friendly. As previously mentioned both the enemy and friendly AI fire at BVR, enemy and friendly AI actually fight, friendly AI forms up faster, better, and stays in formation a lot better. With the way enemy AI has been tweaked now, you definately have to put strategy and planning with your wingman and how you approach your target and enemy aircraft.
  5. Well, if the MiGs were NOE, then I don't think RC would be able to see them anyways, especially if TK revamped how things work.
  6. As far as am aware, that's was just an artist's concept design of a possible E variant, which I would have to ask.... what happened to the D variant?
  7. There's only one thing that I don't like about this patch. I don't get the text prompt of what I've targeted when I do visual target on my radar selected target. That was my IFF. Wonder if there's a way to put that back in.
  8. F-22 RWR

    S-E-A-L-T-H eh? I don't recognize that word. Did a search for it and got this http://search.icq.com/search/afe_results.p...5&ch_id=afe
  9. Ok you should place the .LOD files under WOx/Objects/Aircraft, not WOx/Objects/Aircraft/F-14. The data.ini file for the F-14s is looking for the .LOD outside of the F-14 folder, not inside it.
  10. Musharraf Resigns...

    They got that on youtube btw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSimVE5NyMw Speaking of scary stuff though, I remember back in 98 or 99 when Vandenberg launched a rocket when the sun was setting. It flew over the western sky of So. Cal with the contrails being lit up like fire from the setting sun. Scared the hell out of everyone. They all thought it was some kind of meteror/asteroid/comet making a close call to Earth. I remember hearing that NASA got a bazillion phone calls over it from concerned citizens. Pretty much something like this.
  11. What are you doing Labor Day weekend?

    It's been a while since I've had Labor Day off. I really don't know what to do
  12. Huey Venom

    FM is being worked on... and guess who's doing it
  13. Huey Venom

    I still prefer Apaches, especially this one
  14. Xbox Live Call of Duty 4 Players?

    That's why I like controllers I always sucked with the mouse 'cause when I turn to aim at the target, I over do it and I have to do these series of corrections. However, before I can even get to the series of corrections, the other guy, my target (who obviously has mad skills with the mouse), has already fired at me and I respawn to die another round.
  15. Xbox Live Call of Duty 4 Players?

    console because the game is more oriented for the console. plus, i can't control movements that well with a mouse as to using a game controler (and i've tried the game controllers for the pc - just doesn't cut it). and.... a friend of mine worked on the animations for COD4 and he even said that it's better for the console than the pc.
  16. Xbox Live Call of Duty 4 Players?

    If you see me up on XBox Live, I'm NitrousPath (can't really remember if the "N" and / or "P" is capitalized). Apparently, someone took my serverandenforcer screen name when I registered.
  17. Visibility Problem

    And how many of us playing this game have bad eye sight?.... I do. I wear contacts. If I didn't I would be blind as a bat. And I'm pretty sure that even with them on, my vision is still probably not the best. Tis a terrible shame to. Had 20/15 vision all the way up to when I was 13. Then puberty hit and whacked out my vision to 20/210 over a period of two years. Up until then, my dream was to be fighter pilot in the real world. So much for that.
  18. Another Eagle down

  19. Visibility Problem

    How big is your monitor? I can't visually aquire crap at that range.
  20. Where is the trim?

    There is no design problem, and there is no trim. Although, I read somewhere here that there is a way to assign the keyboard keys to the control config screen for pitch, roll, and yaw, and use them as a sort of trim.
  21. Caption This

  22. It'll be in the aircraft data.ini file Open it up, do a search for canopy, and you should be able to find it.
  23. Caption This

    At least Hancock can land feet first.
  24. Is it possible to have the HUD setup to where, if you moved your point of view byt just a pixel, the HUD would disapear? If so, is it also possible to setup multiple HUDS, one over the other by just a pixel and to where they don't respond to field of depth (if you zoom in closer to the HUD, it doesn't increase in magnification)?

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