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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. The Dark Knight...

    Just saw it tonight. All I have to say is... this movie just ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! It's so dark and scary, it makes Batman Begins light and fluffy.
  2. I hate to do this

    Well, problem is still not solved. Did the same changes to DBS as I did with Malvinas and I still get square patches in the water. Now I only see these square patches when I'm looking at the water where the sun is over. If I look at the opposite direction, away from the sun, I don't see those square patches.
  3. I hate to do this

    Well, I think I figured out my problem. A little bit too embarassed to say what it was, 'caus it was sort of on the lines of basic operations on adding new terrains. Basically, I kind of forgot to rename something . I only realised this when I went throug other terrain installation instructions to see if there was something missing, or wasn't made clearly enough for me to understand on what to do... and sure enough, i found my answer. I only checked the problem on the Malvinas terrain (I was having the same problems there too as well) and those same problems got corrected.
  4. Chavez shows he's toy

    So does Amawamamama from Iran, but we haven't taken him out.... yet. Now, if Chavez starts to develop/deploy MRBM/LRBM or even ICBMs in Venezuela, guranteed we will be doing something over there... and to his supplier... *ahem*Russia*ahem*. Is it just me, or are we begining to see a repeat of the mid-late '60s political climate?
  5. You All See This From Over the Weekend?

    Well, the main problem is that the people of Iraq aren't taking pro-active steps to really stabilize the country, and for many reasons, but I will list the two big ones. One, and most of all, the government in Iraq can not come together as a whole. Without this happening, the people are basically left in a boat without a paddle. And I don't know if I missed something in the news or not, but, I really haven't seen any Iraqi citizens stepping up to demand their government to start moving forward and to take action to stabilize their country. Instead of moving forward, the government there is still making issues out of petty differences and I'm convinced that they really don't want to work together in the first place. Second, because of the non-co-operation within the government, there is a lot of corruption - cops taking bribes to hire civilians to become cops. Here in the states, the application process to be a cop is that you have to go through some pre-testing and extensive background checks before you can get hired. In Iraq, the minute you sign an application form, you're hired. I've been there and saw it, and have friends from my unit that have just come back from there to confirm this. Also, if a citizen complains against a cop, they get punished, even if it is a legitmate complaint. In Iraq, "no cop lies" and "all" cops are good. Most of their military is built upon the original Iraqi regulars and some of the republic guard force that was under Sadam Hussein's reign. Honestly, I think Iraq is doomed to rot, and deserves it. The only way to stabilize the country is to split it off into three different countrys: Kurdistan in the north, Sunistan in the south, and Shiastan in the west. But of course, nobody over there wants that. They want the whole country. Bunch of selfish, cold hearted, greedy b@$^*!.
  6. Ace Combat the Movie Teaser

    Well, it could be worse. You could be getting briefed by Robin Williams.
  7. I hate to do this

    Nah bro, I'm using an Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTX / 768 MB DDR S-Ram, PCI Express port.
  8. The cobra?

    Don't worry gwar, I've seen the AI do it too as well. When I first saw it, I said to myself, "now he just didn't do what I think he did, did he?" I think it's the AI trying to go really aggressive on it's target.
  9. I hate to do this

    I'm using the DBS terrain, and pointing to the WOI original cat file. Was having problems with the Desert.cat file... bases wouldn't show up. So I used the WOI one instead... it worked.... except for the water textures.
  10. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

    I might be going a bit off topic here, but since this topic is about conspiracies, I might as well add another dumb one here. I found that a conspiracy got brought up about my base a month ago. Apparently, we're to be blamed for a tornado that wrecked havoc on a nearby highway. Anyways, my feelings on conspiracy theorists are that they just like to rock the boat to see the splashing water. The don't care about the facts that are quite obviously there. As long as they've pissed someone off, they've done there job. What really gets me are the folks that believe them. Bunch of gullible dumb f$@!s.
  11. I really have to say that you've done an awesome job klav. I really hope to see this get finished.
  12. Trojan Virus thingy!

    Have you updated your XP with the latest service paches?
  13. Daylight disks

    Just as an FYI folks, a lot of things can be explained and rationalized. With todays projector technology, with the right weather setup, you can produce a decent image to be seen way up high in the sky for everyone to see. Flying dots of light that zig-zag around the sky.... geeks or rich SOBs with their own high power laser projectors pointing that crap up into the sky where the light is reflecting off of high altitude moisture. I remember back in teh 90's of several news broadcast addressing the concerns of private citizens messing around with these things, blinding pilots who first thought it was a UFO. Now, that doesn't mean that every thing that has "credibly" been seen up in the sky is just projected images. The military obviously tests, and will continue to test for years to come of new air craft and aviation technology that now, would seem jaw dropping... but in about 20 - 30 years would be just "standard" stuff. Also, to get back on to the laser projectors, the military is testing out laser weaponry. So who knows if some of those lights are the weapons firing up into the sky. And btw folks, these aircrafts/technology are to be used to support the men and women who are over seas, fighting the war on terror, and to support any future missions that I hope is in the interest of preserving the freedoms, liberties, and the lifestyles that we take for granted. There are people out there that would like to see that end, and that's why these things need to be kept secret. Someday we might know what some of that stuff was, or maybe not. After all, they did eventually publicly acknowledge the F-117... which, from looking from the ground up towards it as it flys over... it's kind of triangular as well... so is the B-2 Spirit for that matter.
  14. California wildfires

    I remember when I drove down from my place in L.A. to my aunt and uncle's house in San Diego during those fires. Once you got into S.D. county, ash just started floating down on you like as if it was snow. It was very much like an appocoliptic feeling for me.
  15. California wildfires

    Yep, that's an old one.... but still sad.
  16. So...

    Hearing them scream... Muwahahahahahahaha!
  17. So...

  18. Astronomy...

    I've seen somre really cool stuff at night in Iraq using NVGs. You see a lot more of what's happening and entering our atmosphere with those things.
  19. French army chief of staff resigns!

    Nope, didn't see that, but that doesn't mean that the guy is gay. It just means that he's an... actor.... which is what he is Robocop was getting old, but I might bring him back.
  20. Check out this plane CA-15

    Big Knife?
  21. French army chief of staff resigns!

    Just as an FYI, U.S. forces sometimes make these mistakes as well (re: live rounds used instead of blanks). I for one know first hand when I was at Silver Flag for ground combat school prior to deploying to Iraq. I wasn't on the receiving end of anything that had happened, but the next day, everybody had to double check the ammo 'cause apparently, an assault pack for an M-249B was loaded up with live rounds instead of blanks. Fortunately, the BFA (blank firing adapter) gave the immediate notice that a live round was fired. Nobody got hurt, but I think some underpants had to get changed. After that incident, we treated every blank shot fired as if it were a live shot, because we didn't know if an actual live round had "accidentally" been switched with the blanks. I got to develop a close relationship with the ground.... a very close relationship.
  22. I use a variety of methods. But they're all variations off of Mustang's Tutorial http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5049 Make sure you download LithUnwrap and Texporter (which is a plugin for 3D Max).
  23. OMG! remote controlled TVC!

    They actually have competitions where the scores aren't just only on if it's looks like the real thing, but if it performs like the real thing too (obviously to the scale of the model). Was reading up on it on a Pop Sci magazine of some guy building an A-10 that was supposed to fly exactly like a real A-10. R/C Jets are real expensivie. Only a hobby for those who have found trees that grow money. An average R/C jet can cost from $6,000.00 - $10,000.00. I prefer to stick to crashing sim jets.

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