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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. What an absolute crock of sh....

    Hm.... sounds like parenting failed here for these kids. I never once tried to re-inact a viloent scene from a movie or a video game when I was a kid (although, when I was 11, I thought I could re-inact Street Hawk with my bike, trying to jump over a bunch of moving skateboards.... totally forgot about the helmet ) . Anyways, what kept me inline was some damn good parenting from my folks. My dad wasn't afraid to discipline me when I acted out. However, my folks went a bit lighter on my younger sister. The results today of the differences of how I was raised compared to my sis are like night and day. Not trying to talk down on her, but her ability to use "common-sense" isn't as fine tuned as mine. She has this perception of, "the world revolves around me", syndrome and is totally oblivious to it. Quite frustrating.
  2. So, I'm going head to head against a flight of Fulcrums in a F-15C (with those weird mirrors). I already fired off all of my AMRAAMs and took out half of the enemy's flight. I'm now moving in closer and fast to lock up with my 9Ms. My flight has already gotten the green light to engage air threats, so the field is pretty much squared. One of my 9Ms begins tracking a Fulcrum next to the one that I targeted so I send it off. It doesn't hit, but it gets that guy to break off and away from my target. My target breaks as well, allowing me to move in on his rear. My second 9M locks onto him and I release it. The target gets taken out seconds later. I then turn back to the other bandit that I shooed away. As soon as I do, I see a puff of smoke (Lexx's missile smoke mod btw) drop from underneath him. My RWR isn't singing, and I'm going head to head with the target, so it couldn't be an IRM, right? So, naturally, I'm thinking the missile isn't for me, but for one of my wingies. I keep flying straight at the target (with the intention to blow through past him), but begin to notice that the puff of smoke isn't streaking away anywhere fast, but infact is getting bigger. I just then realized that it is an IRM for me. I slam down on the stick to dive for the hard deck, but just as I do, I get blasted to pieces (going head on with a missile doesn't do well for structural integrity). Game over. So, I just finally accepted the fact that I'm the worst combat sim pilot ever, and wanted to make it official. Btw, this isn't the only time this has happened to me. I've ran into this scenario several times before. Sometimes my brain works well on some of those situations and I dropp chaffs/flares and jink when I see something like that happen, avoiding catastrophe. But most of the time, I've found my self just staring at the target (especially in a knife fight), seeing it fire a missile at me, and do nothing but watch the pretty white smoke trail come charging after me (it's like, hey, check that out, he fired a missile... oh s***, that has my name on it). Gee, I'm worse than AI pilots. So yep, I suck!
  3. Action Figures!

    Oh geez, I almost laughed up a lung.
  4. Supreme Court Rejects Death Penalty.......

    And that's why I'm so looking forward to Heaven when I die. Get away from this crappy planet.
  5. News of the Wierd

    Officer: Ok, you didn't pass, and... you need a mentos.
  6. Didn't need to get rid of the chaff dispensers. Just change the Seeker Track Rate to 100, make sure that Noise Rejection is set at 150, and CM Rejection is at 100. I never miss with those things after that.
  7. Layer?

    ? Hey guys, I happen to know this shrink that is really interested in seeing you two.
  8. I am the Tracker!

    Well, I just had a hit and run accident happen right out in front of my house tonight. The guy almost got away, except he was seen moments later going down another street in my neighborhood. Apparently, he was driving a raised chevy 1500 and rear-ended another vehicle in front of my house while doing 40+ down on my street (25 mph is barely safe on it). The vehice got bashed up pretty bad and leaking gasoline. So, me, being a cop, thought to myself that his truck had to be pretty banged up too and leaking fluids. So I drive my car up to where he was last seen and sure enough, there is plenty of radiator and transmission fluids on the ground leading a nice trail that goes right back to the guy's house (which happened to be just around the corner from where I live). Unfortunately, the guy bailed in another car before I got there, but his dad was still at home, totally unaware of what his son had done. The folks who got hit didn't want to call the police at first, but their neighbors convinced them to because this a school zone and this guy will keep doing these stunts untill he's arrested. So they finally called the cops, but I think it was a non-emergency call. I know I can place the call myself, but I have to be sensitive to the fact that I'm a minority in my neightborhood (being white in a predominantly hispanic neighborhood) and I don't want to start splitting hairs with the people that I want to be friends with. Anyways, I don't think he'll be racing around here again now that his truck is O-O-C and that we know where he lives. I know this ain't aviation related, but I couldn't keep a story like this to myself.... I wouldn't be able to go to sleep if I did.
  9. Happy Birthday............

    Aboslutely. Happy B-Day! I hope you have a banging good time!
  10. Aurora

    Don't you know that new scientific studies have found that flower petals can cause cancer now "There are no limits on the amount of pesticide residues on these plants," says Richard Wiles, vice president for research at the Environmental Working Group. "The result is a highly toxic workplace and a highly toxic rose."
  11. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever release bombs when stalling out doing an immerman.
  12. Don't worry about it bro. You're doing an awesome job. Hm.. I'm actually wondering if it's possible to create a larger invisible object around the bomb (one that would simulate the damage blast radius) so when the bomb drops and hits the ground, the larger invisible object will also impact against the surround objects of where the bomb hit. Only problem is, will this larger invisible object affect the aircraft that it's attached to?
  13. BBC News: Final Skynet satellite launched

    BTW, wasn't there some kind of Near Earth Asteroid that was discovered that is supposed to hit Earth sometime around 2012? Or was it a decaded or two later?
  14. Lt. Col. Chessani Cleared!

    Now, what needs to be done, is a movement to be made for those who had filed the charges to have charges filed against them. Lets not just stop with this outcome. This (refering to falsely charging soldiers of doing their job) will happen again unless something is done about it.
  15. Muwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Now I can cast total destruction upon my foes with total satisfaction. Some ideas to add to this (althought, none of them are probably possible), get the burning shrapnel debries to set fire to other objects on the base, get the shockwave to destroy/damage nearby structures, get a dust effect from the ground shockwave (seen from various videos of weapon caches going off in Iraq - I've seen 'em in person too... just as cool as these pics that you posted). Anyways, without these ideas (btw, don't worry about it if you can't do it), your mod is still uber cool and will likely get the most downloads of the month, if not the year.
  16. RAF defeats USAF ...

    I grew a mustache when I was in Iraq, then told to shave it off 'cause I looked like Stalin. I can't help it if the middle part doesn't grow any hair.
  17. Happy Birthday FastCargo

    Happy birthday FC. Today's my Dad's B-day too. He turned 61, and to celebrate it with style, he pulled his back out.
  18. F-22 RWR

    Really? I thought there was? Is it just that the Max Visible distance is set to such a low number that Enemy AI aircraft don't react until they're within that range?
  19. F-22 RWR

    Your getting shot down by IRMs. The RWR won't alert you on those. I posted a thread here about combat tactics in the F-22. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...hl=F-22+tactics To find that thread, I went to the search engine, typed in "F-22 tactics" and this is what I got on the first page.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?act=S...%2BF-22+tactics .... it will be titled as "A2A combat tips for the F-22 UPDATED"
  20. Rocketeer

    A while ago, someone posted pics of a guy with a rocket pack. Heres the video of it in operation. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1362064/jet_man/
  21. Well, if it's just a plane that stretches across, away from the exhaust nozzle, why not have it rotate along the Z axis so it can be seen from all angles, or better yet, have it twist around, like a screw, so if you do have it rotate, it creates a sort of "wave" effect as well.
  22. Regarding the RWR, what I was refering to was that the RWR wasn't going crazy because if the missile that was fired from the Fulcrum was an AHM/SAHM, it wasn't locked onto me. If it was an AHM/SAHM that was fired at me, I would be getting a steady tone from the RWR. The issue with the IRM came into play because I was facing towards the missile, which means my hot a** was facing away from the missile (which I thought at the time would significantly reduce the chances of me being locked on by an IRM to pretty much about nil). So in other words, I took all the lack of signals and my position towards the missile as an indication that I was still O.K.... which obviously I wasn't. Would definately be nice if the RWR acted as an IRWR though.
  23. I see a Mirrage in Isralie skin... oh, wait, that wasn't what you were talking about... right?
  24. O.K., so, i just found out something... weird. I was flying around, checking out the scenery, and noticed in my mirrors that my wingmen were approaching to form up with me... infact together! I thought to myself... hm, cool. So when they were at approximately the angle to where I can look back at them, I only noticed one. I figure the other went either hight or low (the sometime do that ya know). Well, as I continued on flying around, checking out the pretty trees, banking left and right, I noticed something odd with my right and left mirrors, when I bank to go right, my right mirror refelcts that I am banking right. However, my left mirror reflects that I'm banking left! Odd i say (btw, i talk to myself a lot... probably should see a shrink). I bank left, the right mirror is showing a normal image, but the left mirror is showing the opposite of what I should be seeing. I thought I might have messed with a .ini file. But nope, nothing I tweaked on today should have messed with that. So, I left to presume that it's the result of some sorcery or magic. So can some please enlighten me to this peculiar phenomenon? Never heard of it, never seen any mention of it here, and I'm sure that I can't be the only one to have noticed this.... unless my install is borked.

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