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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. that is so scarily true that it's not even funny :no2:
  2. choppers!

    Ah yeah, one time when i was at work at property that our company used to have an account with during the graveyard shift (that mids in the civilian world), I stepped out of our office to go on patrol when I heard the very familiar sound of a Blackhawk flying around... close. The sound then turned into that of a super weed wacker on the other end of the property. I told my dispatcher to pull up the cameras over there to confirm if there was some sort of a "landing". She confirmed it, so I rushed over to check it out. Apparently, it was an LAFD medivac that had tried to make an attempt to land at a nearby hospital, but the helipad there was under constuction. So they thought it would be a good idea to land at my property's parking lot. I guess they didn't take into accound of the trees that were randomly planted throughtout the lot and it clipped one of them when just about to set down. It remained deadlined for about half of the day until they got spare parts to replace the rotors.
  3. Project Torque

    A very modified 2002 Z-28... output of +/- 450hp, 0-60 @ under 5 seconds.
  4. Plane lands on top of another

    It's airplane porn!!!! Someone should tell those two to go get a hangar to do that sort of thing.
  5. Is that the .64.D version? EDIT: I accidentally replied to a post with pics.
  6. Since we're basically using a .dll file from another game to add a visual effect for WOE/WOI, I wonder if there is a .dll that we can use for other visual effects such as exhaust/heat blur, night vision, various clouds, etc...
  7. Project Torque

    It's spelled Camaro... and it should have been first on the list instead of Porsche Sorry, I'm a Camaro owner and proud of it. :yes:
  8. Modeling help

    1.) delete the face marked by the open blue dot. 2.) you have two options on what you can do from here. a.) move bottom open red to top open red and then weld. - attach bottom open green to a corresponding poly that would have been behind of bottom open red. - use cut tool to creat a new segment where bottom open red would have connected to top open green. b.) move bottom open green to top open green and then weld. - attach botom open red to a corresponding poly that would have been in front of bottome open green. - use cut tool to creat a new segment where bottom open green would have connected to top open red. For the other one that's two polys, is it two seperate objects? you should still be able to weld the polys together if it's part of the same object. One thing you can try doing is delete the face marked by the blue dot, the under the modifier tab, select "Cap Holes". This might also cap some areas that you might not want capped, but we'll deal with those after you're done with the part that's causing the trouble. Now after you selected Cap Holes, whatever you do, do not select on a new face... I'll explain why later on. Now there should be a new solid piece where you just deleted. There may or may not be a segement connecting the top two polys for that face. If there isn't, then select (use the drag select technique... as if you are selecting all the polys) both polys and then on the Edit Polys tab, click on attach. This should now connect the two polys (you still might have to use the Smooth Modifier for that area). Now, click back on to selectable faces. This should highlight any face that was created when you clicked on Cap Holes. Delete those faces (except for the one that you wanted to create). EDIT: darn JPEG compression. Made my image all blurry.
  9. Modeling help

    1.) Delete faces marked by blue dot. 2.) Attach and weld red dots to the green dots' positions. 3.) Correct the face accordingly using the cut tool and adjusting the new polys accordingly as well.
  10. Took some screenshots of how the bloom effect works with the adjusted textureset files that you recomended. Pretty much, things were able to be lit up by sunlight quite well. In some cases sometimes too much. But overall, the visuals are pretty much dazzeling. Metal seems to refelct quite well here on the Eagel... ...as well on the Fulcrum... ...really well on the Fulcrum. The metal skin on the Eagle stands out better from a distance... ...maybe too much.
  11. Civil Aviation

    I dunno. Maybe I don't have the same appreciation becaue I live in L.A., where I live next to two samll air parks (Whiteman and Van Nuys), have two large airports in the area (Burbank and LAX) and of course, live next to a hospital in which my house is directly underneath the path that the helos fly to land at (usually Firehawks - civilian version of a Blackhawk). Oh, and there is the regular appearance of the L.A.P.D. airship (a Eurocopter E-355N). Should I also mention the news copters that just hover around the area if something news worthy happenes... which is a lot. Whats really cool though is when we have fires in the summer and you see county and state water droppers fly in and dump their load, which consists of C-130s, Hueys, Firehawks, Orions, and that big yellow plane - last year I think they used a C-17 or a C-5 for one of the worst fires that we had).
  12. O.K., what I'm trying to do is to see if I can get the metal to reflect sunight so you can see the aircraft "sparkle" off in the distance.
  13. Cool fix geoff. So does BloomPowerDay determine how bright objects are during the day?
  14. Mega Poll: Greatest Rock Albums of All Time

    1.) Metallica - Blackest Album 2.) Alice In Chains - The Essentials 3.) AC/DC - Back to Black 4.) Kill Switch Engaged - As Daylight Dies 5.) U2 - How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb Extras.... Creed - Greatest Hits Orgy - Candyass Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory; Meteora; Minutes to Midnight Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
  15. O.K., in modern radar symbology, i can identify the target's closing rate, altitude, heading, and speed. However, there are these characters that are bascialy in the top center of the radar that I have no idea of what they are telling me. It consists of any variety of numerical digits accompanied by alphabetical digits, mainly either R, L, or H (don't know if there may be any otheres, those are the only three that I've seen). At first, I thought it was telling me the type and number of weapons that were on board... R = radar, L = laser, and H = heat seeking. But then I would see double digits next to them and said to myself, "they can't have 16 radar guided weapons!" So, what do these alpha numeric digits mean? I did do a search and looked in the K.B. (since I am a stickler for people to do that first) and couldn't find anything relating to what I am discussing. I've been wondering about this for many months, and honestly, I was a bit too emabarrassed to ask since I am in the Air Force, and a jet junky, and figured that out of all people, I should easily know what these symbols are. But I don't, and I really want to know. So, I guess I have to swallow my pride and ask out in the public forum on what these things are.
  16. The best simulation game

    Yeah, playing a sim, and then doing the real thing are two completely different things. I think the best example for those who don't fly in real life (like me) is when you drive/race your car in the real world, it is a lot different than driving and racing in a sim. The sims don't emulate the perception and feeling of being in an actual car.
  17. Modern Radar symbology

    Thanks lxsapper. Really appreciate the help. I hope I'm not the only moron who didn't know about this stuff.
  18. Modern Radar symbology

    I think I kind of understand that. so.... 1R means that you are 10 deg right off the 6 O'clock of the target. If this is the case, then I'm a bit confused by a reference pic at the Third Wire forums ( http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2343 ) posted by streakeagle on the STT mode for the F-15 radar, and it shows the targeted aircraft, which from the symbology indicates that it is heading towards the player, and the TA shows 1R. However, from you explanation, if I understood it correctly, if the target is facing you, the the TA should read digits past 9 L or R. In this case, the TA should read 17R, unless I'm missing something here.
  19. Modern Radar symbology

    O.K., after talking with FC a bit, I've finally been able to figure out what the information means. FC told me that R = right, L = Left, and H = head-on. He guessed that the numerical digits were in factors of 10 degrees or in 1s. I think it might be in 1s. If that is true, then this is what the informaiton means. The center line, running from the bottom of your screen to the top of your screen is represented as 0 degrees. The target aspect info on the radar screen tells you the relationship of the target in accordance to your aircraft. So, if your target says 1R, you need to maneuver one extra degree to the right to go head on with the target. If it says 5H, then you need to pitch up five degrees. I don't know if the taret aspect info says anything in the minus catagory (i.e -5H), but if so, then it probably means you need to pitch down 5 degrees to face the target. Now, I'm not totally certain if this is correct, I'll experiment in game to see if this is what it means.
  20. Modern Radar symbology

    Hey thanks. It's obviously the targe aspect info is what I'm talking about. Now, how do I read it, knowing what it's saying? I never ran across or found any tutorials that explained this. Did the manual for WOE talk about it, 'cause I don't remember, and it's now lost somewhere in the abyss in my room. Anyways, that's what I was talking about. I guess I'll do some more searches, now that I know what it is, and see what I can find.
  21. Attack Riding Mule

    Ya know what, this is what we should call Del's F-29... Mule! On a more serious note though, I don't think this is a case where the mule has tangled with mountain lions before. I think this is a situation where the mule and the dogs have live with each other at the hunter's property long enough to where it just become an issue of loyalty between them. The mule observed the lion going after the dogs, in which the mule is probably very loyal to, and because of that, the mule, without hesitation, charges in to protect them. You would kind of think that the situation would be turne around where the lion would go after the mule, and the two dogs would go after the lion to protect the mule.
  22. Attack Riding Mule

    Owners should take down the sign at their ranch that says "Beware of Dog" and replace it with "Beware of Bad @$5" So, does that saddle have score cards on how many moutain lions that've been claimed by the mule?
  23. Out of Idaho in 6 weeks!

    Mt. Shasta National Park, Lasen Volcanic National Park, Yosemite National Park, the Redwoods, http://home.nps.gov/applications/parksearch/state.cfm?st=ca
  24. Man keeps daughter captive in cellar for 24 years

    I just found out that if he is found guilty (and without a doubt he will be), he'll face a sentence of up to 15 years in prision. Isn't that kind of lenient considering what he did?
  25. Just no forks and knives on board. Apparently, they've been considered as an unauthorized item aboard AWACs.

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