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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. WTF Is Going on in Chcago?

    Perhaps I used the wrong choice of words. It was just a reaction to the stuff that I've seen in my community in the past 28 years. I would love to get further into this subject, but this is not the place for a political debate.
  2. well, ya know, if you got a mic, you can always record yourself, or friends, and use that to replace .wav speech files. I agree, I never really was fond of the speech files that came with this sim. I thought they weren't very true to the bearing and discipline that I know of in the military, and to the realness of the situtations.
  3. One More Shift

    Perhaps we should start a poll for a new name for Dave... kind of like how a pilot gets his/her callsign... from their fellow pilots. What a great way to begin the trasition from ADAF to AFRC
  4. Bat Bomb

    Can you say... "Holy blown nocturnals Batman!"
  5. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    $4.10 for 91 octane in Los Angeles.
  6. Honestly, I've given FF a fair chance, and my opinion is that it still needs further development. The only thing that FF does is vibrate your hand around, makes over exagerated jerks to missile launches, and make the stick stiff to simulate how hard it is to pull up due to G-forces. However, this system can get fatigues after time, and it will start acting up out of the blue. You could be flying straight and suddenly the stick starts bouncing insanely (and it's not because of turbulance). The best stick that I've gotten so far is the CH fighterstick. It's not FF, but it's a lot more functionable.
  7. I don't know. Maybe Griffen or Arc Angel or Seraphim or Pheonix (yeah, I know it's a name of a missile).
  8. Something out of GI Joe

    He better not fly around Georgia, or he might run into that Mig-29 over there
  9. Lest we forget

  10. Sour !

    I can't handle sours all that well. Don't get me wrong, the taste is deffinately something that leaves an impression on you, but it kind of gets to my stomache though.
  11. WTF Is Going on in Chcago?

    Right now, they're pushing for a gang exclusion zone in my neighborhood. Bascially, anybody who is caught out in the public who is a member of a gang, participating in a gang activity, is known to be associtated with people in a gang, or has the appearance of being a gang member is subject to be searched by the police. I think it's a good idea. Their are folks that are pressing the issue that it's a civil right's violation. I really don't see it as a violation. Since their behavior and presence presents a significantly clear and present danger to the local community, the issue of civil rights becomes mute.
  12. Your first combat flight sim...

    My video game days started way back in the 80's. For fictional stuff, it would have been After Burner on the Sega Master System and the arcade version. For the PC (on an ancient 8386), it would have been Microprose's Gunship.
  13. What did you do? 3dmax is known to have some bugs that do these kinds of things. It is frustrating, but not as frustrating when you don't have a recently saved piece of work.
  14. Porn at youtube

    So old, but so funny.
  15. did you have a previous save of it? also, you can expand how many times you can undo something in max.
  16. Wait a minute... how the heck do they have sound? I can never hear the missiles flying by. The only time I hear a missile is when I launch one... and it's only the launch that I hear.
  17. Game engine

    All are the same except for maybe WOI.
  18. Video from UAV as it gets blasted by Mig-29!

    I already told Dave that Russia's best excuse is that the pilot in the Fulcrum was on a training mission, somehow got off course, and thought he locked up onto a targeting drone and fired at it. Denying the whole incident only proves more that they did it, knew that it was wrong, and don't want to fess up to it.
  19. Terrain add-on

    All except Kosovo. Actually, even though that terrain is fubared, I still occasionally fly over it. I think the ones that you'll find most enjoyment out of is the Israel and Israel 2 terrains, and the Malvinas terrains.
  20. Was wondering how many here have actually gotten into a flat spin (ala Top Gun when Goose dies) and been able to recover from it. For me, it's when I'm knife fighting in the Sufa. First time it happened, I was going against a Flanker. We were in a turning fight, me chasing him, and speeds were getting below 300 knots. He was able to pull in sharper, and when I tried to follow with him, the aircraft's nose just flared up for a brief second and then started flat spinning in the direction in which I was turning, dropping altitude fast with my speed pretty much at 0 knots. It caught me by surprise and I was trying to figure out what to do and at the same time wondering if that Flanker was going to engage me. I rembered watching some aviation special on T.V. a while back about flat spins and that the trick to getting out of it is applying full rudder and aileron/elevon in the opposite direction of the spin, pushing the stick forward to point the nose down combined with full throttle. It worked and I was able to re-engage the Flanker. After knowing how easy it is to recover from a flat spin, I sometimes do it deliberately to gain a tactical advantage in a dog fight. I ran into this once in the Hornet, and it is nasty to get out of (tends to go inverted, then goes into an almost unrecoveralbe roll - thank goodness I was at +/-30,000 ft). I've never experienced it in the Tomcat or any other aircraft. Also note, the Clint Eastwood technique in dropping the gears doesn't really do much to help. Infact, it's probably more of a con than a pro technique because it's creating more drag, which will slow down the aircraft.
  21. Booleans should be used as a last resort. They tend to add more vertices out of the blue. Quite frustrating to clean-up after. Most of the time, I try to cut out the object from a pre-existing one, and either extrude or delete. If delete, then I go and use the cap holes modifier.
  22. Flat Spinners

    I take it your nose was pointing up while basically falling straight down when that happened?
  23. Flat Spinners

    Funnily huh?
  24. "with a fly past by almost 200 aircraft." Well, at least we now know what their total air strength is
  25. X-29

    My idea for a name... Raven

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