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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Well that's simple... +3-3=0
  2. What do I do next?

    Not unless you make the missiles an AI aircraft.
  3. Hey Dave, maybe I was right. It could be some kind of an over-ride. Possibly in the SingleMission.dll file in the Flight folder. If so, then it's untouchable and only TK will be able to fix it.
  4. Is it me or am I imagining this....

    I hope you took more than that, because what really needs to be seen is that it's in a handicap spot and that it doesn't have a placard. The headlights from the car that you took a picture of washed out any of that detial. Also, you just can't mail in a photo of the car being in the spot. The ticket has to be issued while the car is still there. Just as an FYI, most peopel who do have placards sometimes forget to put them up on display and leave them tucked between the ceiling of their car and the sun visor, inside the center console, tucked down inside the door pocket, or it could be laying on the floor of their car when they thought they had securely placed it up on their rear view mirrors. They can still get a ticket for not displaying it, but it can be waived in court if they are able to prove that they just forgot to display the placard and that the placard was issued to them at the time when they were given the ticket. There are also slightly different variances with the state laws in regards to this. Since I live in Cali, I don't know what the variances of the laws are in NH.
  5. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    Couldn't resist posting a few of my own. This was in tech school at the 343rd TRS. Never knew painting your face can be so much fun. Trying on the berret before graduation. Graduated. Certified skycop These three were at Edwards AFB for heavy weapons qualifications... man that was fun! Anyways, served a tour in Iraq. Got to see a lot of stuff getting blown up by EOD and insurgents (mainly on their own people). Also was on the receiving end of some rocket attacks and one mortar attack. A lot of close calls. Oh, and apparently, powdered laundry detergent can easily be confused for signs of chemical munitions.
  6. Liquids Ammo Casualties Equipment
  7. Well, Dave and I have been dealing with this on ICQ. He mentioned not to merge and to manually input the weapon. I did that and still no joy. But for some odd reason, the F22A_B20 accepts the As. I did a copy of the A in the weaponseditor, changed it to a C (and changed the performance values to match a C), and it still won't accept it. Then I thought it might have been the lod, since I had changed it to a C, and there was no C lod in the weapons folder, so I changed it back to an A and still no progress. The regular F22A won't accept anything at all (in the bay that is). The oddest thing with all of this is that it's only the bays that are the problem with this, not the external loadouts. I can easily put a 120C on the external pylons.
  8. O.K., I have the latest WP for WOI and I have the WOI patch. However, for some odd reason, the F-22 (both versions) doesn't want to accept the AIM-120C in the weapons bay. I checked out the data.ini file for the F-22 and I haven't been able to find anything that would keep it from accepting the missile. I checked out the stats on the 120C in the weapons editor and it' basically the same as the 120A and B (only differences are in it's performance). It accepts the AIM-120A for the weapon bay, and it accepts the 120C for the external loadouts. But for some odd reason, it doesn't want that missile in the bay. Has anybody else had this issue? EDIT.... Well, I guess I earn a dumb@$$ point. Just found out after posting this that someone else has reported a similar problem. Guess you can lock this up then.
  9. ABout the WOI patch...

    This worked like a charm! Woot! to Wrench for finding things that don't want to be found.
  10. ABout the WOI patch...

    Are there some restricitions for menu mods, 'cause after installing the patch (on a clean install) i transfered over a menu mod that was working with WOI before the patch, and now it's giving me some difficulties. Specifically when I click on Single Player, I get a black screen. Then it CTDs when I hit escape.
  11. public appology

    Craig, I've read that message over and over again, and I still can't believe that someone actually went out of their way to write that to you. I so would have gone SF on that guy's @$$ and jacked him up! People are very lucky that the most interactivity that can be done on the internet is digital contact only. If I could teleport myself through the internet... it would give a whole new meaning to a world of hurt. Craig, don't apoplogize, 'cause I'm sure I would probably have done a lot more, and I wouldn't apologize for it. Infact, I would have dragged this guy's name out to the admins and make a request to have him banned, 'cause people like that are what make modders more resistant to releasing their fine works to the public... for free. Your EF 2000 is definately a piece of fine work, so you have every right to take a stand and defend it. There is a big difference between constructive criticism and trash talk. What you got from this person was trash talk, and there is no way in hell that is justified for any reason here.
  12. F-35A

    Yes, all three variants will be made. Once I'm finished with my work for DS, I'll return to the Lightning II.
  13. Which Sci-Fi film would you like to see made ?

    Hm.... how about a remake of Dune or Mad Max. F.E.A.R., Quake, and Half Life would make good sci-fi thrillers. Love the FS (Freddy Prince Jr killed WC, and that was a great game when it came out) and Battletech idea... maybe Mech Warrior. However, I think FS would be more suited for televised production instead of film. So... anyone know if Peter Jackson is going to get this Halo movie underway?
  14. Just as an F.Y.I., [sWEEP] is also [AirToAirLongRange]
  15. f-15 mid air breakup

    Someting about this makes it seem like it's more of a CGI than a real life incident. EDIT....................... Never mind, I went to youtube and saw that it is a CGI, but representing what had happened over in Missouri
  16. When you add the new weapon in the weapondata.ini, you should then go to your weapon editor, open up the weapondata.ini, and then it should list your recent weapon at the bottom of the page. If not, then maybe you numbered your recent weapon in the weapondata.ini incorrectly.
  17. One way that can be done is to make multiple folders of the same aircraft, just with diffent names for it for the .ini files, and have their loadout.ini different from each other in a manner that would demonstrate the appearance of a limited weapon supply and what the enemy is left with as the campaing progresses. I have at least 7 different folders of a SU-27 each with it's own skin (so that you don't always have the same enemy AI poping up with the same skin all the time) and have copies of those aircraft with different weapon loadouts so that they don't always have the same weapons to fire at you. It keeps my single missions very dynamic!
  18. WIP

    From what I've heard, it's a scaling animation. I don't know much about animation, but I think there are some tutorials that talk about it.
  19. FRAPS will not only kill frame rate, but it will hog a lot of space on your HD. So once you get it up on Youtube, delete it from your computer.
  20. name that...eh...whatever

    O.K., who took a picture of me getting out of bed!?
  21. Ah... Afterburner! That was a great game when it first came out... in the 80's!
  22. A Track IR 4 headset system will work wonders as well
  23. Air Refueling in WOV

    Was always wondering if there is a way to write up an ini that can use some kind of a "reverse" technique with the the fuel tank jetison and have it setup to attach to a refueler and then allowed to detach after all tanks read green.
  24. They're just enjoying the view.
  25. Could be that the lower the number the wingmen have, the better, but that wouldn't make since since the lowest ranking officers have the lowest score, and some of the highest ranking officers have the higher scores. Or maybe fresh new recruites are anxious and trigger happey to get their first kill. Who knows. SNOOPY marks targets with illumintion flares. It looks like as if it's one of the battle tanks on fire, but if you notice, it burns for a longer time than the tanks.

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