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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Is there a way to just have a link to the site in the download section so that way you don't have to worry about getting permission... just go to where the maker of the program had origianlly uploaded it? So say if someone here wanted to download the file, there is no download button, but a link to re-direct them to the site where it is originally uploaded?
  2. Terrain Buildings

    Hey Wrench, I have a question on this subject too... Is it possible to build the geographical features of a terrain in max and then import them into the terrain as objects? Thought of doing this to make accurate mountains and hills for terrains. The only thing that would be the actual terrain would be the base level of those mountains and hills. My other reason for asking of this technique is because I noticed that the current geographical features in the terrains do not cast any kind of shadow. Sure, the have shade, but no shadow.
  3. Well, after almost 2 years of not playing this game, I finally got back into it with SF2E. I have to say, the sim seems to be a lot better. Now, of course, I've downloaded and installed some of the terrains from Gen1 and I'm having a problem in which I always seem to crash at mission start (and that's starting on the airfield). I got everything setup correctly for the cat pointer. What I notice is that my entire flight spawns on exactly the spot where I'm at. Odd to say the least. So my question is, is there a way to curb this?
  4. I can use 1stGen 08 versions in SF2E? Didn't know that. Wow, I really feel dumb now... guess I shouldn't have taken a 2 year vacation from this game.
  5. Solved it! I was a moron and didn't clearly read what Dave posted in the KB for SF1. You have to go into the <terrain>_targets.ini file and change the airfield.ini that are being called by the AirfieldDataFile line... and I think that's what you meant Wrench. I was just too much of a moron and was looking for an actual .ini file in the terrain folder. So, for anybody else who is having this problem... 1.) open your <terrain>_targets.ini file in your <terrain> folder 2.) search for AirfieldDataFile (there will be more than just one, and you will have to do the following steps for all of them) 3.) you will notice that the AirfieldDataFile is calling for a <name>airfield/airbase.ini (the GermanCE.cat file use the title airbase instead of airfield) 4.) change the name of this .ini file to the approriate name by finding what runway it's callig for (which would be located a couple lines under the AirfieldDatatFile line). 5.) use the following table (provided by Dave) to correctly change the name of the .ini file Runway1: for the cat file from SF2V, VIETNAMSEA_AIRFIELD1.INI; for the cat file from SF2E, GERMAN_AIRBASE1.INI Runway2: for the cat file from SF2V, VIETNAMSEA_AIRFIELD2.INI; for the cat file from SF2E, not available * Runway3: for the cat file from SF2V, VIETNAMSEA_AIRFIELD3.INI; for the cat file from SF2E, GERMAN_AIRBASE5.INI Runway4: for the cat file from SF2V, VIETNAMSEA_AIRFIELD4.INI; for the cat file from SF2E, SOVIET_AIRBASE3.INI Runway5: for the cat file from SF2V, VIETNAMSEA_AIRFIELD5.INI; for the cat file from SF2E, SOVIET_AIRBASE1.INI Runway6: for the cat file from SF2V, VIETNAMSEA_AIRFIELD6.INI; for the cat file from SF2E, GERMAN_AIRBASE6.INI *You'll notice that there does not exist an "AirfieldDataFile" for Runway2 in the GermanyCE.CAT. If you're using the GermanyCE.CAT file, you'll need to pick one of the other 5 runway names, and the correct "AirfieldDataFile" for all instances of Runway2, if you're using the GermanyCE.CAT file. - Dave That means on the line that's calling out the runway number for Runway2, you'll have to change it to Runway1,3,4,5 or 6... if you're using the GermanyCE.cat file
  6. Yeah, I went through the KB and saw what you're talking about. Actually, that's what helped me in getting them to work in the first place... and it's the first place I went to get instructions on how to get this to work (one thing that I kind of missed though - which was mentioned by Dave in the SF1 KB - is that you need to creat a Terrains folder under [users/<name>Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2<version>]). It's not a texture issue... cause textures don't make you go boom! So I did check the terrains' folders and there are no airfield.inis or LODs. Guess that's the problem. Might want to include that in the KB as well.
  7. No error messages. And when I mean by crash, I mean that I blow up on the runway... not a CTD. Ya know, I was going through all the .ini's, but I wasn't looking for that. I'll go back in and take another look. If I can get this to work, I'll see about uploading some of these old Gen1 terrains for SF2.
  8. LOL... ok, um, hi, welcome to combatace! I think your translation program is slightly inaccurate. There are some words that it got wrong. Where are you from if you don't mind me asking? Most of the modders on this site are busy with other projects, not to mention that they are also much busier with their personal lives. The request for the F-20 has been made on several occasions, and I think someone may already be working on it.
  9. Hm... I was just thinking of having ground vehicles classified as aircraft, except that they can't fly, and that way the turret can track them. Although, this means you can't use any EO guided weapons on them... Unless there's away of attaching a ground target to them? Bright side of this is that you can get a radar lock on tanks and whatever other vehicle you have classifide as an aircraft now.
  10. Dels, just to give you a poly count idea... this was 28675 triangles... and this is after I had removed some features. It was originally up at 33447 triangles.
  11. Yes, that cannon is definitely a difficult piece to model. Took me a couple days to build, if not a week.
  12. AIM-120 AMRAAM

    Some of you here may have already heard from me that my dad, back in the 1980's did work on the AIM-120 AMRAAM. What I didn't know until tonight is how influential he was with the project. Apparently, during development, Hughes Aircraft and Missiles (HAM) contracted a company down in San Diego to design and produce the AGC Amp for the missile. They were going to build it out of gallium-arcinide, which would have cost the part $330,000, and the part was going to be used 3 times in the missile. My dad saw this and told his bosses that he thinks he can design a part to do the same job, but made out of silicon, in which the part would only cost $50! HAM did a design concession and approved for my dad to design and build the part. The design ended up being a big success. It was more efficient and reliable than the part from the other company and just about took $1,000,000 off the price tag of a missile! He received a peformance achievement award and several other commendatoions for the job. I just thought that was kind of cool and wanted to share it with you folks.
  13. I think it would be able to fire at ground targets. The only reason why AI bombers with turrets don't fire at ground targets is because of distance. They're too high up and the turrets can't aim at the right angle to be able to engage them properly. If I recall correctly, Monty built a model either last year or the year before, very simpilar to the C-130 specter gunship, that could fire at ground targets with the cannons and guns. In regards to the engines. To make sure that the aircraft has a reasonable level of stability at or near stall speeds during flight, it might be best to setup up four engines (each one at 1/4 of total thrust power), at where the blade tips would be at the front, rear, left and right of the aircraft. That way you won't be having to deal with a balancing act. Although, it might not make much difference either way. Also, to simulate gyro yaw from the tail rotor, you might want to place an engine back there to simulate that kind of movement. In regards to the optics turret. I would use the same method as the gun turret so that way they can track on to the target. Same with the pilot's heads (which would mean that you would have to build pilots into the model). One idea I had to get an MFD visual of the target was to have the bullets fired from the cannon to be actually laser or tv guided (which ever one gives you and MFD visual) missiles with no guidance factors. Not sure if that would work though. Sorry if I'm getting a bit carried away with this. I had big plans on how to simulate things with my apache.
  14. I think I remember the technique for the turret now. The turret is setup as an ai turret. However the canon is only attached via a loadout. This way, the turret can automatically select targets, but you can only give the command to fire. Another idea I had with having the model perform as a helicopter in which the ai can operate as one is to setup two different types of engines. One engine only thrusts the aircraft forward at ground level. The second engine thrust the aircraft upwards. Once the aircraft takes off (and it should be rather quickly when you throttle up to full power) the forward thrusting engine loses all power and the aircraft is now only being powered by the upwards thrusting engine. This should allow the ai to taxi to the runway and be able to take off, fly, and land as a helicopter.
  15. Hey FC, how did you get that mach effect?... was it through that method that you and I had talked about a while ago? It looks cool!
  16. Is that bump mapping I see?... If so, that is freaken dope bro!
  17. Actually, FC and I were talking a while ago about the apache I was building, and we thought of a few ideas for the turret. I can't remember off the top of my head on what the idea was, but I think it would've worked. Get in touch with him, he could probably explain it way better than I could. Also, if you want, I could send you my max file of the apache so you can use it as sort of a reference. However, I'm pretty sure yours will be far superior to what I was going with. I will definitly be keeping my eye on this project. You have a big thumbs up from me
  18. shock and awe

    Man, I keep hearing stories of new troops coming back talking about all the priveledges that they got in basic. I don't remember any priveledges at all when I was in basic, and that was only 5 1/2 years ago! Not once did we ever go to Burger King, not once did we have 15 minutes to watch TV, not once were we ever allowed to carry a cell phone with us. I'm hearing these stories from the new troops. I mean WTF?!?!?! Seriously, why change things, why make things easier when in the methods in the past have proved to be succesfull. Aren't all the victories in the wars past a testament to that? Who's F-ed up brilliant idea was it to wimpify the military? How the heck are our troops supposed to have that combat, ready to give it all, no fear mentality? Hell, I don't think even basic was tough enough when I went through. I didn't crap my pants at least once. Don't get me wrong, it was the most hell I've ever went through and I would never want to do it again. But I feel like I've been done a dis-service to be able to be mentally ready if I get deployed in a hot combat zone (which apparently I've been told that the AF will never allow their troops to be in... whatever ).
  19. Hey Erik...

    If I subscribe to a paid membership here, how long does it take in to effect? I just subscribed for Choice membership about 10 minutes prior to this post and this site hasn't recognized my subscription. Been downloading stuff all day and I hit my limit being a non-paid member .
  20. AIM-120 AMRAAM

    All right, so I did a quick study up on how much the AIM-120A cost when first distributed, and it came up to $300,000. So I told my dad this and he was kind of surprised. Then he told that he might have gotten the figures wrong and instead of almost 1 million bucks, it might have been in the 1 thousand dollar range lol! Anyways, wanted to make sure I gave you guys an accurate story.
  21. New Russian Secret Weapons deployed

    In Russia, weapon blows up for you.
  22. Living in Europe...

    Heaven is where beer is made by the Irish, chocolate by the Dutch, and waffles by the Belgians... Hell is where Beer is made by the Dutch, chocolate by the Belgians, and waffles by the Irish.
  23. Another Hero passes away

  24. Christopher Titus

    Whew... you scared me there FC. I was on the home page when I saw the subject title (didn't show the sub-title) and was thinking the worse. Yeah, the guy is funny. Used to occasionally watch his show.

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