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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. I got WOV as well.... almost all thirdwire games except for first eagles.... don't like WWI planes.
  2. I'm down to play for tonight. Don't know about the weekend though, 'cause my work schedule won't get posted for that day until Wednesday. Do you have modded version that you would want to play? I'm finally able to get WOE to play through Hyperlobby.
  3. tu-160

    Dude, that's just down right rude. These people spend their own time to make this game better for the community and they don't get paid to do it. I noticed that this is your first post so I'll go off with a little bit of grace here and excuse your arrogance for simple innocent ignorance. But next time, don't be demanding for a model to be made and to be kept on an update on when it will be ready (well, that's how it sounds like from your post). The correct way to ask that question would be... "I was searching for a Tu-160 and couldn't find one. Is there any information available about one that possibly in the works?" However, don't ever as for when it will be done, 'cause that just pisses modders off. They got a real life to live, and modeling isn't the main part of it. Please think about what you want to say before you say it. Thank you.
  4. Sorry DaSpungie, I was away at my base for the weekend for a UTA/chemwarfare exercise. I will check out if the new .exe name works with WOE. Also, I do have a firewall and a router. The problem is that I'm running through my dad's network and he will not disable the firewall. However, I have disabled the firewall on my computer. I just thought that would keep me from hosting games. I can play online with other games.
  5. Red Flag exercise

    Someone on posted this on Youtube as Top Gun II, but I think it's a Red Flag exercise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Rz6-pDf2k&NR=1
  6. Well, Hyperlobby isn't working for me. Don't know why. I keep getting an error message when I was trying to join your game DaSpungie
  7. How do you fool hyperlobby to use WOE?
  8. I got MSN. it will take a while to download everybody's version and assort them into one big file so that everyone can play. Do you have ICQ? It's much better with bigger downloads.
  9. sub hunting

    Actually, her big feet would give off the radar signature
  10. Hm... well, perhaps say one night we fly vietnam era, next night cold war, and next night modern airpower. If we constantly keep it at just one aircraft, people will start to lose interest. However, I do agree in uniformity with what we fly (everybody flies the same airframe). Although, we could have a mix-up night where we get to choose or own wings. I know I'm not particularly fond of vietnam aircraft(not enough technology in them to make me feel comfortable in a combat situation - hence why I'm making the JSF), but I would still fly them, as long as we would also give the cold war and modern jets a go every now and then. I guess it all depends on what your main focus is. Do you just want a small group of friends that like to fly what you fly, or do you want to start an actuall online gamming community where there are a bunch of people who would want to play and have the opportunity to pilot their favorite aircraft against somebody else's and see if skill or technology would be the better tool for air combat.
  11. Where did Chicago Meigs go?

    That's the most stupidest reason I've ever heard. The planes that were used in 9/11 were commercial airliners. Even a 737 couldn't take-off from Meigs. It was designed for small aircraft only. And it was a bit hairy for learjets to land at as well. So then, someone should ask him about O'Hare and that other major airport south of downtown chicago. Those two have the large airliners taking off from them and pose more of a concern than Meigs. Infact, Meigs could have been used as an immeidate crisis casualty collection center or a mobilization base for the national guard if crap really did go down at Sears Tower. I guess this is the result of someone waking up to reality and not knowing what to do since they spend most of their time in lala land.
  12. F-35A

    Well, there goes that idea. Sorry Shin, thought I could help you out there. Perhaps you could contact the original author for that jet and see if he could convert it from the original 3ds, max, or whatever file that he/she has it saved on whatever program he built it with (more than likely 3DS MAX - but possibly Miya, Blender, or Lightwave) to one for SFP1, WOV, or WOE. I should stop offering suggestions 'cause it seems to be getting you in to trouble.
  13. I'm definately down. Like to spar against Fulcrums and Flankers in a Hornet, Tomcat, or Viper and really see what's the top **** in airpower against a real competitor. Just need to organize a time of when to play - I got to work ya know.
  14. F-35A

    You'll probably have to do reverse conversion (FS/CFS model file to .3ds or .max) then convert them to the format used for the thirdwire games. I'm just not big on knowing how to do that.
  15. Where did Chicago Meigs go?

    So why did they do this? I bet this mayor is facing major heat to do thatl. Wow, just doing something like that out of the blue is wrong on all levels. So, what about the people that worked there? They didn't get a notice either? I know that city politicians are corrupt straight from the core, but to do something so high profile is just astounding. Perhaps that's just the way Chicago rolls.
  16. Track IR 4

    I seem to have done everything that I was instructed to do to get this to work in FSX, but the game doesn't seem to recognize it, or that the Track IR program doesn't recognize the game. Like to know what I should do to get this to work. Thanks!
  17. Track IR 4

    It's working now. Didn't do anything. Perhaps it just needed a system restart.
  18. Track IR 4

    the .exe is not renamed (i don't think the program would work at all if you did that). As far as I'm aware, as long as I have FSX listed under combat flight, it should work with the combat flight profile. I have tried other profiles as well. One thing that I am aware of and been trying to figure out how to get it to work in FSX is that in the SFP1 games, I have the view controller assigned to my mouse. I've been trying to get that to work with FSX, but it's either being stubborn, or I don't know how to correctly assign the viewing to my mouse. I think once I've figured that one out, I'll be able to use my TIR.
  19. F-22

    Ha!, then I guess it was pointless for NG to even get involved with the competition in the first place. That kind of sucks for them, 'cause that means they'll be losing investors since the government doesn't have faith in the quality of the products that they make.
  20. Track IR 4

    Everything has been updated. I have version 4.1.030 - which is the latest version on the Naturalpoint website. I listed FSX under a profile that I use for SFP1, WOV, and WOE; and yes, the blue light doesn't come on. The main menue doesn't recognize FSX when it is playing, even though it is listed under my profile selections. According to everything that I've done, it should work. The green light and the 4 red lights on the Track IR are on when FSX plays, just not the blue one.
  21. This looks promising for my F-35
  22. There is a good reason why the Blue Angels did not fly the F-14. It was well known to have way too many maintenance issues and some in flight failures, mainly in the swing wing operation. I've heard a lot of those planes have crashed and were a headache for the Navy.
  23. F-35A

    Never mind on the Firefox. Just found out that there is one available for Macrohard Flight Simulator located at this site: http://thinkinrussian.org/flightsim.cfm I'm sure it can be easily converted for SFP1, WOV, and WOE.
  24. Talk about air superiority! Does it really carry that many AMRAAMS?

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