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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. For 3D modeling, you need to understand that one model is made up of many different parts, especially cockpits which can be vert exhausting and time consuming to build correctly. However, the end result is very rewarding... that is if you finish the project... which I'm notorious for not doing. Which brings me to another point on 3D model making... it requires a lot of free time and motivation, and the later can burn out quickly, especially if your free time is very limited. I started 3D model making by just fooling around with the free ware stuff. It's not really that difficult to do, and with greater understanding of the program that you're using, it can be quite easy to use. I know some guys who can build an entire model in 3 days! Just goes to show that it's not a very complicated hobby to get into; but if you really want to get into it, prepare to make a significant financial investment in it because the best software to use will cost you an arm and a leg, and maybe even your kidney.
  2. How would you handle this?

    Today on shift, I'm posted on a perimeter patrol, where we do periodic exterior and interior perimeter checks. Addition to this, me and my partner are responsible for lowering the flag at end of day, respond to any calls that may occure during shift, and assisting with other assigned posts and patrols where needed. So we can become kind of busy if things pick up quite a bit. So today we first had to respond to a fire alarm that was trigered by the heat wave that we are experincing in SoCal. After that was completed, we conducted an exterior perimeter. Once that was done, we had to go to the gate to temporarily relieve the lead member to take care of some supply issues. Then we had to respond to the desk to prepare to lower the flag for end of day. Once completed (and we had to re-fold the flag because it was kind of done sloppily), we conducted an interior perimeter check. Now after we had completed that, my partner had to drop off some distro for one of our members up at the main gate who was off for the day. While there, the lead member at the post pulls me aside in private, inside the gate shack and chews me out for not checking up on him in a frequent manner (now mind you, he is partnered up, he is a TSgt, there are two other patrols posted 100 meters in front of him at the vehicle inspection facility - who are doing nothing but watching DVDs since it's a slow day). I ask him why does he not advise over the radio that he needs a quick relief or a check up? He responds back saying that he shouldn't have to and that me being as an NCO, I should automatically frequently check up on him - disregarding the fact that we had already been up to his post about 90 minutes prior, and we also dropped off a soda bottle for his partner - who was also a TSgt. He continues on, stating that I'm not putting in a good effort as a NCO by failing to check up on him (btw, I should state that the FC has mentioned during our guardmounts that if we need a relief, we shouldn't hesitate to CALL it in over the radio - which this guy does not do). I advise him that his accusations are rediculous, uncalled for, that he is mis-using his authority and rank in this matter, and that this conversation is done and over with. I go and open up the sliding door to the shack to walk out and he immediately slams it shut, pushes me aside, grabs my arm, and cusses me out. Now, this guy also practices martial arts and suffers from ADHD and takes the meds for it. So I was kind of on the verge of crapping myself when he did this. At that point I immediate notify the desk via landline, advising of the situation, that I'm under duress and need assistance. The desk sergeant then asks to speak with this TSgt and after that I am able to leave the post (not without the TSgt trying to back pedal and re-explain to me what he was trying to say - and at this point I'm just humoring him to get the F out of there). Once I leave, I notify my supervisor of what happened (oh, and the best part about this, the TSgt. is my supervior's supervisor). So my sup doesn't want me to immediately file a statement on this, that he will talk to this TSgt and hopefully "squash" the matter from here on out. Although, everybody else wants me to file a statement. This sup is new to our element and I don't want to just push him aside, in an act that pretty much would say that I have no faith in him. However, this isn't the first time that this TSgt has done something like this, and he is taking medication for ADHD (and from what I understand, he isn't supposed to be working on flight while taking those meds because they are known to cause folks to snap - just like this). So what should I do? Let my sup handle this, or write up a statement? I've pretty much stated that I do not want to work with this individual anymore, and would rather change flights or elements to avoid further contact with him. This is a first for me in this unit (infact the Air Force itself in the past 5 years of serving) in which I've been in a physical altercation with someone. I know on the active duty side, this would warrant an Article 15. However, this isn't an AD base, and it kind of operates a bit differently because of that. So saying that, I have no desire to see someone's carreer get tossed down the drain. However, I have zero tolerance for someone using unjustified physical force on me to gain submission to their will. So, your advices please.
  3. Finally ordered Track IR

    Track IR has never failed me. It is one of the best things I have ever bought for PC simming!
  4. Phoenix Raven

    So, I just put my request in to join Phoenix Raven at our unit. It's something that the AGR folks were restricted from doing. However our unit is accepting applications to join and have extended the offer to those of us in the AGR program. Phoenix Raven is something I've always wanted to do in the security forces carreerfield. They see a lot of deployments to exotic locations and hostile places. However, from what I've heard they do the same work that I'm doing now but just on an over-glorified level... which I don't mind one bit. :D So here's hoping that I can get in.
  5. Can't keep off this website

    I think I know where they're coming from.
  6. How does one join a "Group" and...

    What I like to know is how to achieve t those cool little titles underneath the avatar. I thought at first it was restricted to only the staff, but I've seen site members having them too as well.
  7. The UN...

    What else is there to expect from a dimwit like this moron? Ask me if I'm shocked or dismayed. It's nothing new. He's the international town fool.
  8. Never again...

    ...will I ever go to a military dentist to get work done. Had to go into LA Air Force Base today because I've been having sharp pains behind my bottom left wisdom tooth. The dentist took a look at it and said that the wisdom tooth had to come out because it was causing an infection. I asked if it's possible to get a referral so I can see my civilian dentist. He said it would be possible, but claimed that he has been doing this for 6 years in Osan. So I said ok to get the work done right there... BIG MISTAKE!!! When they start the process of getting everything numbed up, this fool jams the needle all the way in, unlike my civilian dentist who does it gently and gradually so that you don't feel any pain at all. I almost punched this guy. Right there I should've canceled it, but I figured I was all ready in the motions of getting this done. The best part about this is that he messed up on the first attempt, so he had to do it again! I swear I will never see this place again... EVER!!! Anyways, I'm still not feeling enough numbing so he has to stick me a third time!!! About 10 minutes later they start working on extracting the tooth, which ended up being a 45 minute job of yanking my jaw around, cutting, prying, cutting some more, and a lot more prying. They ended up having to cut my tooth into four (4) seperate pieces to get it out. What a freaken nightmare this was. Once everything was done, the moron had the nerve to ask how I thought it went. I told him that he sucked and that my civi dentist could take him to school. After that, I had to wait 45 minutes to get my prescription of meds from the pharmacy... I have to say, Tylenol 3 rocks! I popped that in once I got home and havne't felt any pain for the past 7 hours. It did knock my @$$ out though for the first 3. Anyways, if any of you here are in the military and have to see a dentist... DON'T GO TO THE MILITARY DENTIST!!! Ask for a referal to see your civilian dentist. After all, you do pay for what you get, and since military is free, well you're going to get what comes with free.
  9. Never again...

    Well I guess I'm one unlucky SoB then. I will still prefer my civilian dentist over anybody else though.
  10. Cool (and a little Disturbing)

    Now that is cool
  11. Best 3d fightning game ever

    I know exactly what's going on... it's ballet kung-fu. Kick and stretch, kick and stretch, extend and punch, 1,2,3.. again!
  12. This day in 2001.

    I was 21 when this happened and still living with my folks. I got up early to get ready for work and found my mom watching the news and told me that a plane flew in to one of the WTC towers. I saw the damage that the plane did and knew it wasn't some small prop plane, that it had to be an airliner. Until the second plane hit, I was trying to figure out what would have cause an airliner to crash into a building. I was asking myself a lot of questions as to how on earth this could be possible. I figured it was some catastrophic failure that the plane had and lost control while flying over NYC. Then the 2nd plane hit and I realized we were at war. Infact, I was thinking very likely this was the begining of WWIII. My mom was in disbelief. I said to her, "Oh, somebody, somewhere, is going to get ****ed up big time!" I was expecting a nuclear response from us, and was disappointed that we didn't send that. I knew the results of that kind of response could provoke someone else to respond with nukes, but we would have been justified in such a response, and I felt that the lives lost would not have gone in vain if we had retaliated with such strength. It would have sent a clear global message on what happens when you really try to **** with us, especially on our own soil.
  13. Rate the signature above your post

    6... image of the tomcat is kind of blurry I would like to bring up something about rule number 2... once you change your sig, all of your previous comments will have the new sig... so unless we are all paying special attention to everybody's sig, nobody is going to know if your new sig is new and think that you are double posting. This could draw up some "competitive and dramatic posting" by some members who might get a little too involved about this. So how about this then... if you're going to change your sig, post your previous sig as a picture on your next posting so we all know what it was before. Helps to make things less confusing.
  14. Tiger Shark Eats Man in the Bahamas - 09/08/2010

    Well, Tigersharks are more dangerous than Great Whites... hell, I've seen youtube videos of folks swimming with Great Whites and the sharks had no malicious interest with them at all... just a slight curiousity, but that's it. However, what's more dangerous than a Tigershark is a Bull Shark because they can also swim in fresh water areas as well and are also very aggressive.
  15. Excuse me Marines. I have a question about this vid

    Ok, that happened to me a bunch of times in basic when I was dorm guard because the first time they did it (and every time after that), I busted up laughing. It was just plain @$$ randome out of the blue in your face yelling and my only response was cracking up. I couldn't help myself. It was the funniest thing that I had ever come across at the time. Of course, I had to push Texas for laughing... that wasn't funny... untill the TI started yelling something really dumb and funny at me when I couldn't push anymore. Yeah... I got a good upper body work out duirng my time in basic.
  16. Oopsy Microsoft....

    Now, if there was a narrow, navigable channel of water that connects two larger navigable bodies of water at Fort Gay, would it be called the Gay Straight? Not that I have a problem with it.
  17. Forget the pilots all together... just let the passengers take turns flying the plane.
  18. RIP Xbox 360

    Well, my Xbox 360 just kicked the bucket a few minutes ago. That thing has been with me through Iraq. For the abuse it went through, it held up quite well. The warranty has already expired, so I don't know if I should send it in for repairs, or go out and get a new Xbox. Anyways, I'll be missing some MW2 time untill I can find a solution to this problem... which probably won't take too long.
  19. RIP Xbox 360

  20. RIP Xbox 360

    Eh, I've never really been fond of PC FPS games. The mouse just doesn't feel right to me as oppose to using a game pad. Oh, I know that a mediocre mouse user will hand my rear to me if I used a game pad... but for me, a game pad is a lot more comfortable and manageable to use. The next thing I need to get is a PS3 though. Free online gaming... way better than Xbox Live's $50.00 annual fee.
  21. RIP Xbox 360

    Well, just got the newer xbox... the one thats slimmer. Paid the extra $100.00 for the 250 Gb drive. For those who have an xbox and want to add me on to their friends list, my gamers tag is Dfndr 452.
  22. Kazakhstan AF pictures

    Must've been an order mix up for somebody else
  23. Should the new MOH be banned?

    I think the summer heat is getting to the media a bit. Wait till mid fall. Once the temperatures cool down, they'll be focusing more on how the gas prices have gotten higher, global warming (odd that they don't focus on that when things get hot, only when things get cool), and Mel Gibson.
  24. Should the new MOH be banned?

    Looks like a good game... I know what I want for Christmas!
  25. F-16D Block 40_USAF



    An F-16D Block 40 Bratkeet in USAF skin for SFP1. Equiped with ECM, chaffs, and flares. FM done by Team Viper.

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