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Everything posted by serverandenforcer

  1. I hate push-up!

    Booty Pop?... that's just dumb. Natural women ftw!
  2. Darth Vader robs bank!

    Look, I am your robber. or... The Empire Strikes Bank
  3. Darth Vader robs bank!

    Or a lightsaber for that matter... now if the perp used some kind of a propane torch that lit up like a lightsaber, then I would be really impressed.
  4. I must've irritated someone

    I have no idea what this fool is talking about... but I have a feeling it's Dave's stalker. Oh well. I'm waiting for another one since I posted this one here.
  5. I must've irritated someone

    He reminds me of my cat. The only attention he likes is bad attention. When you act nice to him, he gets confused.
  6. I must've irritated someone

    What? Dang it... I thought he and I had a special connection there. I guess he wants a more open relationship.
  7. WTF Marine!

    Too F'n funny!!!
  8. I must've irritated someone

    Well, I'm eagerly waiting for his next message. So far, my strategy has worked. I am deliberately drawing his attention for a specific purpouse and he doesn't even know it. It's like placing cheese on a mouse trap and seeing the mouse continually falling for the same trap. It just sort of tickles me in a kind of sinister way.
  9. I must've irritated someone

    Oh, no worries bud. Like I said, I find these things quite funny.
  10. I must've irritated someone

    Honestly, I find them quite funny. I mean, the guy literally spent the time to write that message to me, hoping I would probably get upset, when I'm not. Infact, I responded to him with this message... "Thanks for the message. Really appreciated it. Hope we can cross paths again in the near future. Cheers!" I like to kill 'em with kindness.
  11. Anti Aircraft Laser unveiled at Farnborough

    What will be a real challenge to these lasers are the eels.
  12. WTF Marine!

    Did you get to see all of them? There's 4 videos... my favorite is the machine gunner.
  13. This... is lame

    So, yesterday, I go into take my 7 level test. However, I'm going in on my off time, so I call up wing training to find out if I still need to be in uniform. They say no, of course not, I can come in wearing civies. So I say cool! I show up an hour early at my unit to take few practice tests to get the material real fresh in my head. Our training manager sees me and asks why I'm not in uniform for the test. I explain to him what wing training told me. He tells me differently and to get in uniform. I do so without issue and arrive early for the test in uniform. I pass it and give the paper work to my unit training manager. The first thing he says to me is that he notified my supervisor, flight chief, and the operations manager of our unit that I had showed up for the test out of uniform. I don't argue with him on it but say ok and leave. Well apparently, he made it such an issue, despite the fact that I had indeed changed into uniform and still arrived early for the test, that the operations manager is ordering my flight chief who now has to direct my element leader to issue me my first LOC, and I don't have a single UIF in my file. On top of that, they're changing out my supervisor, who I happened to be really good friends with. Apparently it is squadron policy to always show up to appointments in uniform, even off duty... which nobody had ever told me of, nor was I reminded about it for this appointment. So I'm really bummed out on this crap and feel like nobody really stepped up for me on this. My supervisor is pissed with how they're handling it. I only find out form the flight chief that they will try to make the LOC disappear so it doesn't even go into my file, but this whole is being done because of that training manager. I even asked my flight chief if there have been any past issues with me that would warant the need for me to have an LOC issued. He said no, but his hands are kind of tied on this, but wanted me to not worry about it and that he will try to get this swept clear. However, he stated the supervisor change was needed because me and my sup are too good of friends for him to be my supervisor. I guess I should've bitched about him more.
  14. Russian sub could help BP spill?

    Exactly... the only reason why the Russians are doing it is for good PR. They probably won't do much except just sit there and watch, but the fact that they responded will supposedly make them look good. It's just politics.
  15. This... is lame

    Well, apparently there won't be any LOC. I guess they're trying to make the whole thing disappear because its a bunch of bull. Don't know if the decision for this os because some additional information that benefited me came to light or because I threatened to go to the commander on this. Either way, I'm not signing any paper work... so far.
  16. This... is lame

    Yep, and I when I tried to contest the issue with my element leader, his response to me was to stop crying about it like a little girl and just take it. First thing I'm going to do with whatever new supervisor I get is make a request to transfer out of the unit. Like you said FC, this is BS!
  17. This... is lame

    Yeah, I sure learned that lesson today. Funny thing is, I brought my uniform with me just incase lol.
  18. OK, I am a Red Neck!

    Looks like a protestor attacking a riot control cop at the G20 summit and getting a can of whoop-@$$ from a bean-bag gun.
  19. To the dumbass with the green laser...

    The problem is that the laser can easily hit the cockpit window (accidentally/intentionally... it doesn't matter), which will act like a prism for the laser, sending the beam everywhere inside the cockpit in which it lights it up brighter than the sun.
  20. To the dumbass with the green laser...

    Hey FC, you ok? When did this happen?
  21. IFE over March ARB

    Wanted to wait to get the thumbs up to post this one. Viper-17, one of our F-16s, suffered an engine failure yesterday afternoon after doing a high speed pass prior to landing. He was fully loaded with fuel when this happened. Was forced to land the aircraft at speeds much faster than what is normal. How much faster... well, right when he landed... which was noticeably hard, he plowed down on the brakes, pretty much locking them up. All three gears caught on fire as the plane came to a screeching stop to only having 150 ft of runway left. There was so much smoke that the tower though his wing was on fire and told the pilot to jump out. The pilot did, spranged his ankle in the process, but was able to run clear of the aircraft. Fire and rescue was able to put out the fire on the landing gears. It is currenlty unknown what caused the failure. This was a first for me to experience. Sadly... no pics.
  22. IFE over March ARB

    Nope, catastrophic failure in the engine. It's currently parked in the hangar waiting for replacement parts or to be replaced by F-15s in two years... which ever one comes first.
  23. IFE over March ARB

    Yep... the 144th Griffins.
  24. IFE over March ARB

    I think it was after he took off. I'm not exactly sure what the details were regarding that. I wasn't out on the flightline right when it happened. It was around the time when they do take off... I only heard from someone that he was doing a highspeed pass... they might've got the info wrong on that.
  25. Seriously?


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