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Everything posted by stuntman

  1. F-86 Sabre 10:1 Kill ratio over Korea

    this is interesting, because in the SF2 sabre, i don't need 8.5 seconds to shoot a mig15. Is it overpowered?
  2. Do you plan to make a decal set fot TK's F-14?
  3. Slick cowboy, if you find a way to reuse LODs in desert map, would you explain it in a post? i would like to use them in the sweden map
  4. Does it work with stary's israel tileset?
  5. Is there a real foch class somewhere? I've only found frankenships adapted from scb-125 until now
  6. you've done an amazing job on these objects and textures. I'm looking forward to your china mod.
  7. Rends, i was thinking, would you adapt your work to the sweden map? This would work with minor adjustments, right?
  8. piece of art, faint panel lines are a good choice
  9. Most of canopy controls i have are mapped as MAJ+number_X, not as ctrl+O. Check in your data.ini, it should look like this: [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL
  10. Works fine ATM, nothing to complain. It's going to be perfect when merged with NATO fighters 5 mod
  11. Hey beachav8r, is it a single mission, or a campaign mission?
  12. Screen of Tk's F-105 with the YAP's chute. This comes from YAP missions i've ported on a june 2010 sf2v install
  13. Nice. I hope you'll find who built it, and release it :-)
  14. It's surely adaptable to fishbeds, one would just need a dragchute lod file. We cannot use Yap's one due to copyright matters
  15. In YAP, dragchutes works as weapons, they have a special effectclassname called DragChuteEffects. But i don"t know if they're just for the show or if they actually slow the plane down. They appear when selecting the dragchute as a weapons, and then pressing the "open bomb bay" command (so ctrl+o) to make them open. press the triggerr to release the chute.
  16. Having fun with latest mods: SF2V End Game and Rends' Reworked Germany Map :)
  17. I would also recommend you this one ---> http://combatace.com/files/file/12125-waterworld-terrain/ SIncerely S.
  18. Hi guys I was just wondering if there is any trick to have parked aircraft on default aircraft carriers using a june 2010 install (so before sf2-na release). Sincerely S.
  19. OK, i was hoping for some static aircraft, data.ini trick or something. Yhanks for answering
  20. I was wondering, Does anybody know a good replacement for default cargoships? They start to look really dated now. PS: good job anyway rends!
  21. Testing migbuster's hi res runways

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