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Everything posted by ShrikeHawk

  1. I'm working on a fictional theater using the beautiful Madagascar terrain. It features the T-45 as a fictional mercenary naval fighter (F/A-19E), with a brand new skin and ini edits, operating from long-deck Essex carriers off the coast. It imagines a budget war using low-cost trainers instead of front-line aircraft. So it includes AT-6B, Super Tucano, Hawk 52/60, L-39, MB-339, Alphajet and many others. They've all been set for CAP and SWEEP missions, so it's a battle of the small and swift. Much fun.
  2. Temporal testing with time machines in F-15s has met with several issues...
  3. Is there a way to change the ranges for engagements in singlemission? I'm encountering scenarios where fighters appear 2 miles away. I'd like to push that out farther if possible. Can do?
  4. Most cool. It at least gives me a place to go looking. Much appreciated!
  5. Yes - exactly that. But I'm hoping to avoid editing each singlemission. I've noted that in some terrains there is a <terrainname>_dogfight.ini file. Does this establish spawning ranges?
  6. I love building out installs for unusual or rarely covered air battles. This time, I'm working on a fictional one including Menrva's Madagascar terrain. A fictional conflict over oil rights in Madagascar. Western oil companies purchase oil rights from corrupt politicians. The common folk get nothing, not even jobs. A violent insurgency arises. Western nations side with petroleum companies. African and South American nations side with the insurgents. Through unspoken agreement, no nation sends frontline equipment, wary of appearing like the bully. The US claims it's only sending trainer and recon aircraft. "It's not a real 'shooting war' after all." ---US Secretary of State Here's a video: The Coin War
  7. Good lord! I'm nowhere near that, but still good to know. Thanks!
  8. I am trying to increase the density of AAA positions in a terrain. To do this, I changed a few entries in the _targets.ini file to "AAA". This should plugin randomly selected Mobile_AAA and Static_AAA objects, right? But I am not seeing an increase of targets. What am I missing? I have changed other entries (e.g., "Target[010].Type=Pit1" to "Target[010].Type=Gepard") and these appear and function, but cannot be targeted (red box). Why is that? How does TargetType=MISC play into the missions? For instance TRANSPORT can be found in Armed Recon or TANK can be found in CAS missions. What about MISC? During Flak suppression missions ground objects are often appearing on the map one at a time. Is there a way to change that? Thanks in advance for any help with these questions.
  9. @Menrva Absolutely! I wouldn't release it, edited, without your agreement first. All I'm doing is modestly changing the target list and types list. Visually, the terrain is stunning. I wouldn't change a thing about that.
  10. There aren't any for FRIENDLY targets. I have been replacing things like Tent1 and USTruck callouts with AAA. Seems, in Singlemission, I have to set enemy AAA to High to see the difference.
  11. Not an upgrade, per se, just a change. I'm working with Menrva's Madagascar terrain. I've imagined a war where only low-cost Light Attack are operating, a COIN War. In such a scenario you wouldn't operate planes like AT-6B and Super Tucano in a hotly contested airspace. So, I have removed all SAMs. But...that means air defense suppression missions are not very threatening (read: not challenging). So, I have added boatloads of AAA ground objects and I want a lot of them around the targets. Flying low directly over an airfield should be terrifying. Thus, I need more AAA positions.
  12. So, to be clear, I have to add AAA sites via a terrain editor and then add them to _targets.ini? It can't be done with just .ini edits? If so, does adding objects require a ph.d in quadratic equations, and can you recommend the easiest to use terrain editor?
  13. I have a pylon in my weapons folder. I want to add it to a new weapons station on the aircraft. I want the pylon to appear and hang an IRM on it. I've looked all over for instructions. How do I do this? data from the pylon [WeaponData001] TypeName=1pilones FullName=External Pylons ModelName=1pilones Mass=20.520000 Diameter=0.480000 Length=2.500000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.003000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.007000 AttachmentType=BRAZIL SpecificStationCode=1pilones NationName=BRAZIL StartYear=1965 EndYear=2020 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=12 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1965 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=2 NumChaff=0 NumFlare=0 EjectPosition=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 EjectVelocity=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 What I have in the aircaft file so far. Missile appears, but not the pylon [LeftPylonMount] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-5.0920,0.3084,-0.3827 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=100.0 AllowedWeaponClass=MER,TER,CGR,ATR,TLR,2IR,2AH,2BR AttachmentType=Nato,Argentina,ISRAEL,FRANCE,BRAZIL NoJettisionTank=TRUE ModelNodeName= PylonMass= PylonDragArea= FuelTankName=1pilones [RightPylonMount] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=5.0920,0.3084,-0.3827 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=100.0 AllowedWeaponClass=MER,TER,CGR,ATR,TLR,2IR,2AH,2BR AttachmentType=Nato,Argentina,ISRAEL,FRANCE NoJettisionTank=TRUE ModelNodeName= PylonMass= PylonDragArea= FuelTankName=1pilones [LeftOuterPylon] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=6 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL //AttachmentPosition=-5.0920,0.3084,-0.8827 AttachmentPosition=-5.0920,0.3084,-0.5227 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,FT,GP,TER,IRM AttachmentType=Nato,Argentina,ISRAEL,FRANCE ModelNodeName= FuelTankName= PylonMass=17.0 PylonDragArea=0.03 [RightOuterPylon] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=7 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL //AttachmentPosition=5.0920,0.3084,-0.8827 AttachmentPosition=5.0920,0.3084,-0.5227 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,FT,GP,TER,IRM AttachmentType=Nato,Argentina,ISRAEL,FRANCE ModelNodeName= FuelTankName= PylonMass=17.0 PylonDragArea=0.03
  14. I've never actually used that, wrench. Would that method allow a pylon to appear? If so, are there directions for this in the knowledge base?
  15. Got it! It's working now. Thanks much. Found a more appropriate pylon but it's a bit big. Still, I'm on the way to having a IA-58 Pucara D-model with Matra550 missiles.
  16. The COIN War

    Most cool. Yeah, clouds are very much a matter of taste. Everybody has their favorite look. Here's some screenies of battle between Atlas Impalas and Aero L-39ZOs. Seriously chaotic. I was a busy pilot. New clouds and your Madagascar terrain are highlighted.
  17. The COIN War

    It's really beautiful. I like the varied terrains. Throwing in carriers was a major plus for me. I've also added in your RealSky environment. Though I plugged in my latest cloud graphic, one I haven't released before.
  18. I'm trying to understand why the outer wing doesn't fall away when the inner wing is destroyed. Makes for an odd look. Any ideas how to fix this?
  19. Yeah, I thank that's got it. Thanks kindly for the assist!
  20. Version 1.0


    Admin: This is complete install without any Campaigns. I didn't know where else to put it. The Continuation War was fought between 25 June 1941 and 19 September 1944 between Finland and the USSR. This was a true David and Goliath battle. Finland cobbled together a small airforce from the obsolete aircraft of other countries and faced a colossal Soviet Sir Force. Finland should have been overrun within weeks, but that's not how it worked out... This is a tribute to the tenacity of the Finnish armed forces. This is a complete install of the Continuation War. It is built for the benefit of those "without access" to the more diverse ww2 resources of the Development A-Team (DAT), though anyone is welcome to use this Continuation War install. In no way is this intended as a competing product for the A-Team's Winter War. Rather, it is an alternative for those unable to access DAT. This is an informal install. It is not offered as a final product, merely as something to get you flying in the region until further resources are available at CA. If some brave soul will make a Karelian Isthmus terrain, I'd be eternally grateful. In this install you get: - New skins - Skins "adapted" for use over the battlefield. - New Flight Models (FMs) with Aggressive AI. - Sounds from AvHistory and others. - New Menu screens and sounds. Finnish Aircraft Include: - Hawker Hurricane Mk I - Curtiss Hawk 75A-8 - Morane Saulnier Ms.406 - VL Myrsky II - Messerschmidt Bf-109G-2 - Messerschmidt Bf-109G-6 - Junkers Ju-88A-4 - Dornier Do-17Z Soviet Aircraft Include: - Hawker Hurricane Mk IIa - Polikarpov I-16 Type 10 - Polikarpov I-16 Type 24 - Bell P-39N Airacobra - Curtiss Kittyhawk Mk III - Tupolev Tu-2 - North American B-25C - Yakolev Yak-1B - Yakolev Yak-9T - Yakolev Yak-9D - Yakolev Yak-9U CREDITS* Awesome Terrain: gillg (JonathanRL's TSF team) Models: Veltro2K, Raven, Pasko, MontyCZ, Cocas, Wolf257, and Others Cockpits: Stary, Kesselbrut, and Others Sounds: AvHistory, and Others FlightModels: Baffmeister, Charles, ShrikeHawk, and Others Skins: Charles, Raven, ShrikeHawk, Spinners and Many Others EnvironmentSystem.ini: Stary 3-D Clouds & EnvironmentSystem mods: ShrikeHawk Guns & Weapons compiled by: Wrench Thanks to Wrench in general. He had a hand in a lot of this stuff. He keeps the props flames burning, and answers a LOT of questions. Much appreciated Wrench. * This compiles so many different projects over so many years and so many missing readme's, that there are many more people deserving credit than are listed. If you've been missed, I apologize profusely. Please let me know and I'll put your name in. A few comprises were made to get this going. The Swedish terrain (produced by JonathanRL's TSF team) is modern Sweden. However it has an old world feel to it that plays well in a ww2 install. Pasko's Yak-9P stands in for the Yak-1B, Yak-9T, Yak-9D, and Yak-9U. There are minor differences between the versions so visually, the Yak-9P is an excellent stand-in. There is one "What If" included. The Fiat G.55 did not fly for Finland. In reality, Germany was very impressed with the G.55 and collected up to 42 examples for study. What happened to them after that? Well, they might easily have been donated to Finland like so many other aircraft. INSTALLATION: - Download all three parts - Create a new Theater-Specific install. Best choice is SF2:Europe. Create it with this name exactly: StrikeFighters2 ContinuationWar Good instructions on this are available here: http://combatace.com/topic/74835-creating-the-eratheatre-specific-ww2-install/ - Go to your new Mods Folder main directory. - From download Copy & paste the folders: Flight, Menu, Sounds, Terrains. - Go to mod folder's Objects Folder. Empty the Aircraft Folder, and the GroundObjects Folder. - From your download, copy & paste the aircraft in the Aircraft folder into your mod folder's Aircraft folder. Do the same with GroundObjects. - From your download, copy & paste the folders: Decals, Guns, Pilots, Weapons into your mod folder's Object folder. ____________________ This install should not include any A-Team files or assets per agreement. If it does, this is a mistake. Let me know and I will remove those files.
  21. Okay, so far it looks like it's working. For now, my 4-year old is being demanding. ;) I'll keep you updated.
  22. Here you go, from the data file: [RightOuterWing] ParentComponentName=RightWing ModelNodeName=RightOuterWing DestroyedNodeName= ShowFromCockpit=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DESTROYED MassFraction=0.089 HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE LiftSurface=TRUE
  23. I'm playing the all-inclusive Pacific SF2 install from the A-Team. While in a campaign mission I'm seeing targeted aircraft blink out of existence, usually after being shot up very badly. Shortly after that, the game freezes. I've turned all the settings down. I've halved the size of damage textures and converted them to .dds. And this still happens. I have a 4.2GHz quad processor and 8G of RAM (550Ti). Is there anything I can do to avoid turning all the settings down to Low? Mirrors are turned off. Distance Normal. Shadows on Low. Any other suggestions out there?

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