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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. DSCN0176

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  2. DSCN0175

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  3. DSCN0174

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  4. DSCN0173

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  5. DSCN0171

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  6. DSCN0170

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  7. DSCN0169

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  8. DSCN0168

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  9. DSCN0167

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  10. DSCN0166

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  11. DSCN0165

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  12. DSCN0164

    From the album Combat Air Museum

  13. Let's see your cars!

    Don't be shy! Post your daily driver or your toy. What ever car/bike/truck you drive. Here's mine, she's a 1995 Jeep Cherokee Sport.
  14. Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy

    Any idea when exactly the book is supposed to take place? Late 1990s?
  15. Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy

    It's funny to read of Super Hornets and Intruders sharing a flight deck. I've decided on roughly 2002-2004.
  16. That 318th FIS in the SEA livery looks great! Love that tail art.
  17. Was wondering if Lion 213 was going to get featured. Apparently she's still sitting at AMARG. Still, thanks for all these skins, really useful towards a Southern Watch/Desert Fox campaign I want to make some day.
  18. DCS: F/A-18C

    I'll believe it when I can buy it.
  19. For a campaign. If you're interested let me know here and I'll PM you.
  20. Cool! Didn't know the Navy fielded anything other than the F-4G in experimental camo during the war.
  21. The community and the possibilities you have for scenarios.
  22. yes..lets just do it!

    Just the one in the picture, XH558, who unfortunately is in her final airshow season now.
  23. Nice! Don't suppose the Block 1 could get this sort of love too?
  24. Such a shame. Sorry to see this happen, Eric. Thank you for keeping your stuff uploaded here and for exposing the truth about the darker, shady side of the DSC community.

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