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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Fallout 4

    That's right folks! Bethesda's other big game, Fallout is back! And it's taking place in Boston!
  2. Interesting read. Wonder what else is out their about the Red flown/tested F-5s.
  3. Christopher Lee is dead

  4. Near the end for US F-4s

    When Holloman is down to their last F-4, it should be flown to the USAF Museum and displayed as is.
  5. Fallout 4

    I've got it on Steam. Honestly didn't have to do anything. As soon as the install was done I pressed play and it worked.
  6. Fallout 4

    I've got Fallout 3 running on my Windows 7 system with no issues.
  7. Anyone tried that out? US Army AH-64Ds that were in Afghanistan didn't carry their Longbow radar and I'd like to replicate that.
  8. Fallout 4

    Fallout's one of my favorite series. Actually went and reinstalled New Vegas last night. Also preordered Fallout 4 too.
  9. Well, They're Doing It Again

    Usually it's the conventional Army flight companies who get tasked out with hauling operators around in country regardless of mission.
  10. Would you say it's the best jet to fly around just for the sake of pure flying?
  11. I read somewhere that Egypt sent some Mirage 5SDEs to Iraq in 1985 or 1986. Perhaps one made its way to Iran?
  12. How do they work? Say, for instance, I wanted to make Kuwait neutral on the Desert Storm terrain. Can I set it neutral in the terrain's data files without going through every individual target in Kuwait? Also, do said targets show up still and not engage targets or do they disappear? Or does all of that really only work in campaigns? Trying to make a 1992-2003 terrain for OSW and Desert Fox like missions.
  13. Kuwait is in 2. Guess I have to do it the hard way. Suppose that's alright though; good experience and I can remove all the ODS targets.
  14. Ah yes, lets revisit some old friends

    Yup, all these years later it's still funny.
  15. Eric, I have another question. In the event of a scenario like this, would Turkey and Greece have gotten involved? I've never really understood their role in NATO's defensive structure.
  16. Awesome. I'll be sure to download that too.
  17. Eric, quick question; nothing in this will clash with the North Cape expansion will it?
  18. Are they still worth it? I know Wrench recently did a good restoration of them to SF2 standards, so that swings the question towards the flavor of yes. They're the only Banshees out there right? No one has the type as a WIP? I'd just like to hear some people's thoughts on the aircraft before I spend the $15.00 on them.
  19. Mirage IIIB

    A long desired aircraft in the series. Thanks!
  20. Membership Drive 2015

    Did my part. You guys have provided more entertainment than real life does at times. Every little bit helps, right?

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